PTC.S3.Q9 - Recent poll of Chief Executive Officers

MvishnuTMvishnuT Member
edited December 2020 in Logical Reasoning 6 karma

I was able to narrow it down to B and D, but I am struggling to figure out why B is wrong?


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    In a poll of 125 CEOs the majority claimed employee training and welfare is of the same high priority as customer satisfaction.

    So the belief that top management of large corps behave indifferently to the needs of employees is unfounded.


    Most CEOs say employees have are of equal priority as customers.

    So management does not behave indifferently to employee needs.

    Assumption: If CEO says, employees are of "same high priority" they actually are treated that way.

    Which points us to D.

    Now for B...

    Presumes without giving justification that one is not indifferent to something that one considers a top priority.

    I got rid of this because: 1. I don't think you can be indifferent to something that is your top priority, and 2. the conclusion talks about the behavior of top management, not the CEO. Say you assume the CEO is like, "employee welfare is a top priority, but I also don't care about it". That still doesn't mean that attitude (or any attitude for that matter) is reflected by managers.

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