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I'm a bit confused about the language in the stimulus. If the college was using Hall Dining Services "until this past year," wouldn't that mean their current food vender was Hall Dining Services?
Admin Note:
It means they had Hall until this past year began, then had a new one for the past year, which students want replaced. But the only alternative is to go back to Hall.
Doesn't this past year mean all the time from exactly a year ago until present? For example, if today is Dec 23rd, 2020 then this past year would be referring to all the time from Dec 23rd, 2019 to today, wouldn't it? Wouldn't that mean HDS IS their current food vendor?
"...the only alternative to the current vendor is Hall Dining Services, which served as the university's food vendor up until this past year."
🌮Hall's tacos - -|- - 🌮Hall's tacos - -|- - 🍔JY's Burgers - -|- - - ??new year??
3 years ago - - -- -|- - -2 years ago - - - -|- - this past year - - ⬆now - students demand change
So hall was the vendor until this past year. Or once we got to this past year hall was no longer the vendor. This past year = the year that has just passed.
Oh, I misunderstood that. Hm, is it because of "up until" this past year? If it said "this past year," then would it match what I was saying in my earlier comments? For the past year until the present, the students' food vendor was Hall Dining Services?
Assuming what I said above was correct, the flaw is: the students do want a different food vendor but it doesn't mean they would necessarily want to go back to what they had up until the past year: HDS even if it were the only alternative available
Yes. 👍
I know in your example, you set "up until this past year" as 3 years ago up until the past year, but is there a time limit to that? like can we go even further back? this nuance is a bit confusing
I mean outside the argument sure. We don't know how far they go back... I suppose you could say it meant since we opened, H has been the vendor up until the past year.