PT83.S1.Q7 - Disagreement between Rita and Hiro

sam123012sam123012 Member
edited January 2021 in Logical Reasoning 22 karma

In this passage, I picked D because I interpreted Rito using the phrase "serious underestimates" as the severity of the underestimate of the raw numbers, while Hiro uses “surely underestimate” as an acceptance that there is an underestimate but not necessarily accepting of the severity of it.

When I reviewed JY's reasoning, he said that they both thought it was serious, which I can't really seem to understand how it can be interpreted as such.

Can someone help me find out where in my thought process I went wrong? My second choice was the correct answer, and I should have focused on the conclusions in this one, but I need help seeing how both thought it was a serious underestimate. Thanks!

Admin Note:


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    I'd say considered in isolation, Hiro doesn't give enough info. "Surely underestimates" doesn't indicate seriousness. When taken in context (as a response to Rita), I agree with the video. Either way, it's the wrong answer.

  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    1687 karma

    R--your survey results are misleading

    H-- I know surveys are misleading, but I'm trying to examine the relative rates of the numbers so the numbers are probably fine.

    A--Correct-- R would say yes and H would say no.

    B--Incorrect--no they both agree with this.

    C--Incorrect--we do not know whether this is true.

    D--incorrect--R would say yes, but we do not know what H would say, it hard to Pull the severity out of 'surely'

    E--incorrect-- we do not know, I would assume H would say yes, but I am not sure, we are given no information about what 'adequate' means.

    To answer your question-- R says; the numbers you collected are serious under estimates. So this means that what ever was expected H's numbers are significantly below that.
    H says; While the raw numbers surely under estimate what I'm trying to measure(this is a throw away statement and R is indicating that she agrees, the numbers are an underestimate), the relative rates of the numbers should be close(explaining she is measuring something other than the raw numbers). The last sentence reads; While you are correct in point X, I am measuring Y.

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