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One week left before jan flex need advice

I can never get below -3 on both LR and RC :( for the past 5 tests my scores in lr and rc have been more or less -3 each and -0 lg usually saves my ass. Can someone give me some advice on how to not miss easy questions :( my main problem is with missing easy questions that i should not be missing


  • aszane21aszane21 Member
    edited January 2021 350 karma

    @asdf12345 said:
    I can never get below -3 on both LR and RC :( for the past 5 tests my scores in lr and rc have been more or less -3 each and -0 lg usually saves my ass. Can someone give me some advice on how to not miss easy questions :( my main problem is with missing easy questions that i should not be missing

    Do you mean "easy" as in they have 3 or less stars on 7sage? If so, put that out of your mind. Those stars do not and cannot indicate how hard those problems are TO YOU. Believing that you can "never" get below -3 and that you "shouldn't be missing" questions is a counterproductive mindset. Trust me, I've been there and once you abandon these notions you'll find that you actually can get below -3!

    I'd go into your PTs and see if you picked the right answer at some point then switched to the wrong answer. Once I started to trust my OG choices and made myself prove that that answer was wrong and that the other answer that caught my eye on second glance was right, I got into -0 territory pretty consistently for LR. Also, if you're getting Qs wrong in the first half of the section, it might be worth slowing down or liberally flagging and going back after your first pass. You'll want to get through the questions you know ASAP (so don't doubt those answers either) and then basically do a BR while the test is still going.

  • asdf12345asdf12345 Member
    edited January 2021 271 karma

    @aszane21 wow you're so lucky to be getting -0
    not sure how much I can improve within a week but thank you for the advice
    for me I get some qs wrong in the first half wrong bc I assume that the questions in the first half are easier so I think I pay less attention to the stimulus

    I wished I had more time after I finish the lr bc I only have like a minute left to go back and review acs. how can I get faster within a week :(

  • aszane21aszane21 Member
    350 karma

    @asdf12345 said:
    @aszane21 wow you're so lucky to be getting -0
    not sure how much I can improve within a week but thank you for the advice
    for me I get some qs wrong in the first half wrong bc I assume that the questions in the first half are easier so I think I pay less attention to the stimulus

    I wished I had more time after I finish the lr bc I only have like a minute left to go back and review acs. how can I get faster within a week :(

    How's your reading speed? 10 Days to Faster Reading (I think its called) costs $10 on Amazon kindle and might be able to speed you up in time

  • asdf12345asdf12345 Member
    271 karma

    @aszane21 RC is pretty tight too like maybe ill have 1min max to review

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