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⚖ Official January 2021 LSAT-Flex Discussion Thread ⚖

Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
edited February 2021 in January 2021 LSAT 5740 karma

Hey 7Sagers,

Here's the official January 2021 LSAT-Flex Discussion Thread.

Please keep all discussions of the January 2021 LSAT-Flex here!


You can't discuss specific questions. 🙅‍♂️
You CANNOT say things such as the following:

  • Hey, the 3rd LG was sequencing and the last one was In/Out, right? (Don't mention the game type)
  • The last question in the LR section was a lawgic heavy MBT! Was the answer (B)? (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)
  • What was the answer for the last question of RC? I think it was an inference question? Was the answer (C)? (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)


  • LawCoachLawCoach Core Member
    10 karma

    What type of comments would be acceptable?

  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    i swear to god if i see any comments implying there are misc games on this test....

  • sharinsasharinsa Alum Member
    45 karma

    For the FLEX do we have the option to choose "dark mode" and does the exam look the way it does on 7sage - specifically the font and the option to choose modes? Best of luck everyone, my exam is tomorrow.

  • acquadiiceacquadiice Core Member
    121 karma

    @sharinsa said:
    For the FLEX do we have the option to choose "dark mode" and does the exam look the way it does on 7sage - specifically the font and the option to choose modes? Best of luck everyone, my exam is tomorrow.

    no dark mode, lawhub format only

  • acquadiiceacquadiice Core Member
    121 karma

    does anyone know if you can wear a headband?

  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    @acquadiice said:
    does anyone know if you can wear a headband?

    you probably can

  • UndoEricaUndoErica Core Member
    206 karma

    Hi everyone! I just completed my exam my order was LR (26), LG (23) and RC (27)

    LR topics that I can remember were about some sort of dinosaur claw and climbing prey, and a study about fat and walnuts in a diet study---I'm blanking on any other topics. Nothing to crazy to note, very much a LR section. Depending on what question types appear, and the degree of difficulty of that question type is what causes the most fluctuation for me here.

    LG-- had one about paintings and sculpture and another about buildings being built on campus. The games were what you expect. If any points were lost here is was because of my nerves, but overall was a solid section for me! Nothing that made me want to pull my hair out!

    RC-- normal RC experience, nothing to out of left field, but I myself usually do best on the hardest RC sections. I had something about ocublits? ocbliets? idk I can't spell, and it was about chemistry and physics. There was also one about tech in the courtroom, and weaving looms.

    Overall for me I'd say this test was standard, (considering I took the oh so lovely pt 88 last September though anything would be better than THAT experience) (also for a laugh, my cat died 2 days before that LSAT, and one of the games topics was on puppies, and you guessed it kittens, the LSAT gods know no bounds)

    Good luck to everyone else taking the exam in the coming hours/days! :)

  • 118 karma

    @UndoErica said:
    Hi everyone! I just completed my exam my order was LR (26), LG (23) and RC (27)

    LR topics that I can remember were about some sort of dinosaur claw and climbing prey, and a study about fat and walnuts in a diet study---I'm blanking on any other topics. Nothing to crazy to note, very much a LR section. Depending on what question types appear, and the degree of difficulty of that question type is what causes the most fluctuation for me here.

    LG-- had one about paintings and sculpture and another about buildings being built on campus. The games were what you expect. If any points were lost here is was because of my nerves, but overall was a solid section for me! Nothing that made me want to pull my hair out!

    RC-- normal RC experience, nothing to out of left field, but I myself usually do best on the hardest RC sections. I had something about ocublits? ocbliets? idk I can't spell, and it was about chemistry and physics. There was also one about tech in the courtroom, and weaving looms.

    Overall for me I'd say this test was standard, (considering I took the oh so lovely pt 88 last September though anything would be better than THAT experience) (also for a laugh, my cat died 2 days before that LSAT, and one of the games topics was on puppies, and you guessed it kittens, the LSAT gods know no bounds)

    Good luck to everyone else taking the exam in the coming hours/days! :)

    I hope you did well!
    Would you say the LR was like the 80s?

  • masimasi Alum Member
    170 karma

    Took the test.

    Everything went smooth and normal.

    No surprises. Hopefully I got the mark I was aiming for. Though I guess 3 questions in the last RC passage.

    Games were a little bit more difficult than your average sections. But if you know your games well you would do good.

    LR: was a typical section. Couple of time sinks thrown at you in the beginning. But if you had a solid skipping strategy you would fair well.

  • UndoEricaUndoErica Core Member
    206 karma

    @thepowerfulreader I would say so. For sure felt more like 70s/80s LR sections. And thank you!!

  • woyboy2021woyboy2021 Member
    46 karma

    Just took the test and echoing what others said. It felt pretty fair I thought, so do not stress it too much!

    I had to take this one as my Oct 2020 Flex did not go as planned and I would say that this was definitely a nicer test to have for a retake (in terms of difficulty).

  • aszane21aszane21 Member
    350 karma

    @UndoErica @masi what're y'all aiming for score-wise/what have you been PTing? Would help people gauge how likely your experience may be similar to theirs. Also, I'm sure y'all killed it

  • denzel.sidhudenzel.sidhu Member
    38 karma

    wow my experience using a Mac was terrible, had so many security issues/downloading issues, could not get the chat box to appear, etc.... took about an hour of communication with tech assistance to final figure it out. completely threw me out of rhythm. FML

  • UndoEricaUndoErica Core Member
    edited January 2021 206 karma

    @aszane21 Thank you! I've been PTing between 157 and 163, my last PT before the exam was number 87, with a 161. My point fluctuations mostly stem from LG and RC performance. I was aiming for anywhere between those numbers, but of course wanted to break into the 160s.

  • WhatslsatWhatslsat Member
    edited January 2021 476 karma

    Few months ago I read a comment that said, "I undersestimated how nervous I was going to be", and I thought, "I think I'm going to be okay".

    I couldn't even think for the first couple minutes in. I skipped first 3 questions in LR. I was able to come back later to finish though.

    I thought LR was hard.
    RC was easier than some of the PTs in the 80s, it was fair.
    LG, I ran out of time during the last game and took educated guess in 2 of them. And the last two it was straight a guess. We shall see...

  • denzel.sidhudenzel.sidhu Member
    38 karma

    oh yeah and my proctor interrupted me on the 3rd question to ask me if I had my phone on me (which I didn't) something I feel like she should have asked me prior to starting. By the time I replied to her, and reread the stimulus, cost me about a minute, potentially the reason for guessing on the last two questions .... again, FML

  • cpccall608cpccall608 Free Trial Member
    140 karma

    Just finished the LSAT Flex. Tried to ease my nerves in the beginning but was definitely overwhelmed once I began. I feel like I blacked out on the first 5 questions but hopefully pulled through. It was a fair section.

    Feeling really confident about first two LG but had to make guesses on a few questions in each third and fourth games due to timing.

    RC seemed fair, nothing out of the ordinary.

    I don’t know how to feel right now — I either did well and met my goal or it was my worse performance yet! These next three weeks waiting for scores will be tough! Anyone else feeling like they aren’t sure how they did?

  • cpccall608cpccall608 Free Trial Member
    140 karma

    @alexhpcs said:
    Few months ago I read a comment that said, "I undersestimated how nervous I was going to be", and I thought, "I think I'm going to be okay".

    I couldn't even think for the first couple minutes in. I skipped first 3 questions in LR. I was able to come back later to finish though.

    I thought LR was hard.
    RC was easier than some of the PTs in the 80s, it was fair.
    LG, I ran out of time during the last game and took educated guess in 2 of them. And the last two it was straight a guess. We shall see...

    This was my experience exactly! I blacked out during the first few LR, kept rereading and just couldn’t focus.

    Same with LG, had to make guesses on a few.

    Can I ask what your goal was/what you normally PT?

  • WhatslsatWhatslsat Member
    476 karma

    I was totally overwhelmed the first 5 minutes as well. Mine was LR RC and LG.
    I did well on the first three games but last question in the first game and last question from 3rd game I took a guess. I guessed on 2 questions for the last game.

    RC seemed straightforward except the fact that the last two passages had a lot more questions than I was thinking. I was little caught off guard.

    I have absolutely NO CLUE on how I did. I think it's 150+/100%, 155+/80% 160+/50%...
    I know for sure I didnt get 168+ lol.

    Hopefully they'll show some mercy on the curve....

  • emmorensemmorens Core Member
    edited January 2021 1470 karma

    Congrats to everyone who sat today!

    Whether you chose the first day of testing or not, it was a a smart decision because look whose all done! Now you get to watch the rest of us nervous wrecks frantically post in the forum lol!

    Go enjoy a drink and congratulate yourself for completing a very difficult exam that is accompanied by many precise intellectual AND psychological obstacles. JY would be very proud of all of you!

    I'm putting good energy into the universe for your scores and am sure you all nailed it! Hoping to do the same thing for my sitting on Tuesday!

    31 karma

    Just finished!! Smooth experience with my proctor but I completely underestimated how nervous I was going to be which did throw me off...

    I had LR-RC-LG

    LR seemed pretty normal, nothing that seemed out of ordinary, but it did take me longer than it usually does and I had less than 2 mins to review my answers (probably due to nerves)

    I felt meh on RC...the first passage was really difficult for me to get through for some reason but the other passages seemed to go well.

    LG has always been my weak point because I have a lot of issues with timing. The first couple games were pretty simple but for some reason when I ended the test,I felt like I messed up somehow on those games. I skipped the third game after a couple mins because I was struggling to make inferences and quickly sped through the last game which seemed pretty easy. I ended up guessing on most of the questions for G3 and didn't get to guess on the last two questions for that game which was kind of a bummer.

    I've been scoring in the range of 155-163 on my PT's and I'm really feeling confident that I got at least a 157, but really really hoping that I broke 160. Best wishes to everyone who has taken and good luck to those who still need to take it!!!!!

  • julienimmockjulienimmock Core Member
    68 karma

    I got RC-LR-LG Which is my ideal order because it goes from my least favourite to favourite section haha. I thought it was a pretty balanced test. Better than the Nov-Flex. RC was super manageable, no surprises. LR was pretty good, nothing that stuck out as really difficult. I don't think I did as well at LG as I usually do (normally I go -1or -2) but that's probably because of nerves and I still think I did ok. I got a 157 on the November LSAT and I've been PTing 158-165 since then. I'm hoping for a score in the 160s!

    Good luck to everyone still to write! Congrats to everyone who's written!

  • Ozzy SheikhOzzy Sheikh Member
    115 karma

    LR (26) RC LG
    LR seemed standard, not overly difficult.
    RC was tough, lots of questions in the last two passages and they were difficult. I got interrupted in the middle of a passage by the proctor because she couldn't see my head on webcam since I was close reading. That completely disrupted my flow so I started the paragraph again and ended up spending 5:30 just reading the first passage!
    LG first game was simple, second game I had trouble making some inferences so I ended up guessing on one question and I lost some time. 3rd game I was able to do even though it was harder than the second one. I didn't have time to finish the 4th game and ended up guessing on 3 questions.
    Banking on my LR section and my guesses being correct.

  • sam123012sam123012 Member
    edited January 2021 22 karma

    Did anyone else have technical problems? I tried doing it on firefox, and even had confirmed that it would work in the prior days, but after a 30 min conv with them, while I was supposed ot be taking the test, I got the idea to switch everything to chrome and it suddenly worked.

  • laura_lololaura_lolo Live Member
    161 karma

    Congrads to everyone who finished today! You must be somewhat relieved! I can't wait to be finished with this exam....I've never written the flex and just hoping someone knows whether size matters for the 5 pieces of paper allowed. I write really big and am worried 5 pages is not enough. Also can i use pens or do i have to use pencils? Also when i show the protactor using my phone my surroundings do you just shut it off then and can you slide it away? I don't think i own a small mirror so wondering how it works with the cell phone.

    Thank you!!

  • Sam_____Sam_____ Member
    13 karma

    Just finished! I had RC-LR-LG. The first reading comp passage (about weaving) felt super rough but the questions attached to it weren't impossible and because it was first everything that followed seemed easier by comparison.

  • _iamnw96_iamnw96 Alum Member
    437 karma

    Are all the exams this week the same, or are they variations?

  • hastymonkeyhastymonkey Core Member
    edited January 2021 18 karma

    @Sam_____ said:
    Just finished! I had RC-LR-LG. The first reading comp passage (about weaving) felt super rough but the questions attached to it weren't impossible and because it was first everything that followed seemed easier by comparison.

    Did you find it hard overall? How was LG for you?

  • JenniferKauJenniferKau Member
    edited January 2021 34 karma

    Okay I wrote today as well.
    I think overall it was fine, I hardly even remember what weird how that happens. The last logic game surprised me! I wish I had had more time on it.
    Other than that, I think the exam was generally similar to the last few PTs I took (all 80s).
    Congrats to anyone who wrote, and good luck to everyone writing soon <3

  • Bronco78Bronco78 Member
    11 karma

    @laura_lolo said:
    Congrads to everyone who finished today! You must be somewhat relieved! I can't wait to be finished with this exam....I've never written the flex and just hoping someone knows whether size matters for the 5 pieces of paper allowed. I write really big and am worried 5 pages is not enough. Also can i use pens or do i have to use pencils? Also when i show the protactor using my phone my surroundings do you just shut it off then and can you slide it away? I don't think i own a small mirror so wondering how it works with the cell phone.

    Thank you!!

    As 7sage tells you all the time... write neat, write small, write fast... your proctor will tell you what to do for your particular situation

  • Bronco78Bronco78 Member
    11 karma

    @nw_39796 said:
    Are all the exams this week the same, or are they variations?

    They vary a bit, LSAC comes up with a few different possibilities and mixes and matches for each person

  • Aespin77Aespin77 Core Member
    9 karma

    I got RC-LR-LG. I was so nervous, my mind went blank on the 1st passage. Pretty sure that was my worst section.

  • ShaheerHShaheerH Member
    38 karma

    @"jake.woyak" said:
    Just took the test and echoing what others said. It felt pretty fair I thought, so do not stress it too much!

    I had to take this one as my Oct 2020 Flex did not go as planned and I would say that this was definitely a nicer test to have for a retake (in terms of difficulty).

    I took the October 2020 Flex too, so if it seems like it's a nicer test at least as far as a retake goes, then that makes me feel a lot better about my performance for tomorrow. Hope you did well!

  • jpoznan0587jpoznan0587 Core Member
    220 karma

    @UndoErica I'm so sorry about your cat !!

    My diagnostic was 154 / 158 w/BR and my worst section was RC. Any suggestions on how to improve??

  • lalalalalalalala Member
    111 karma

    Do you need to have your passwords on hand or can you have it automatically saved on your computer ?

  • WhatslsatWhatslsat Member
    476 karma

    Those of you who took the exam, What are your plans for the next couple weeks??

  • dutchiebrowndutchiebrown Member
    170 karma

    @alexhpcs said:
    Those of you who took the exam, What are your plans for the next couple weeks??

    Finish my final semester in graduate school, not think about this test or practicing lol. I know my parents are happy about me not saying LSAT this or that 😂

  • 30 karma

    @jpoznan0587 said:
    @UndoErica I'm so sorry about your cat !!

    My diagnostic was 154 / 158 w/BR and my worst section was RC. Any suggestions on how to improve??

    I found that for RC the best thing that I did was to start highlighting and try to just sink myself as deep in to the passage as possible. While I'm reading I don't focus on questions that COULD happen only on the words and the story that they are trying to tell me. This way when I get to the questions, I just understand what they are referring to and can answer them swiftly and without much backtracking to the passage itself. Hope this helps!

  • ongliwen28ongliwen28 Free Trial Member
    25 karma

    Hello! To all those who took the Jan 2021 congrats on finishing the exam.
    Just wondering, how does this Jan paper compare to the May 2021 LSAT-Flex paper?

  • jpoznan0587jpoznan0587 Core Member
    220 karma

    @aarongarrett456 thanks ! Did you find any specific resource that helped more than another?

  • Ozzy SheikhOzzy Sheikh Member
    115 karma

    @ongliwen28 I thought the may 2020 was harder

  • Ozzy SheikhOzzy Sheikh Member
    115 karma

    @jpoznan0587 To get better, you have to do the grunt work. Read lots of passages, blind review them all one at a time and figure out what was right and why and what was wrong and why. Watch JY's videos. You have to take your time and you will slowly improve on RC. Everytime you read, try to take away MP, author attitude, structure, purpose.

  • Today was supposed to be my test date and it was a train wreck. :neutral:
    I logged into Proctor U 45min before my exam time (6:00pm Eastern). Waited for the count down... Low and behold I did not prompt me to "begin session" . I panicked. By the time I got a hold of tech support they told me " I did not show up for the test and therefore it was cancelled."
    *****Please someone share what prompts you see on ProctorU in order to begin your test.
    I didn't see anyt prompts to begin the test. . Now I have to take the test at 5:00am on the 19th.

  • @sam123012 Yes. OMG it was a nightmare.

  • taylorthehopefultaylorthehopeful Core Member
    69 karma

    @"denzel.sidhu" said:
    wow my experience using a Mac was terrible, had so many security issues/downloading issues, could not get the chat box to appear, etc.... took about an hour of communication with tech assistance to final figure it out. completely threw me out of rhythm. FML

    Same thing happened to me. Hope it didn't affect my score too much.

  • taylorthehopefultaylorthehopeful Core Member
    69 karma

    @ongliwen28 said:
    Hello! To all those who took the Jan 2021 congrats on finishing the exam.
    Just wondering, how does this Jan paper compare to the May 2021 LSAT-Flex paper?

    I thought the RC was more difficult compared to May. LR was easier. LG was about the same.

  • emmersonmirusemmersonmirus Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    @"MOORE.CAIT26" said:
    Just finished!! Smooth experience with my proctor but I completely underestimated how nervous I was going to be which did throw me off...

    I had LR-RC-LG

    LR seemed pretty normal, nothing that seemed out of ordinary, but it did take me longer than it usually does and I had less than 2 mins to review my answers (probably due to nerves)

    I felt meh on RC...the first passage was really difficult for me to get through for some reason but the other passages seemed to go well.

    LG has always been my weak point because I have a lot of issues with timing. The first couple games were pretty simple but for some reason when I ended the test,I felt like I messed up somehow on those games. I skipped the third game after a couple mins because I was struggling to make inferences and quickly sped through the last game which seemed pretty easy. I ended up guessing on most of the questions for G3 and didn't get to guess on the last two questions for that game which was kind of a bummer.

    I've been scoring in the range of 155-163 on my PT's and I'm really feeling confident that I got at least a 157, but really really hoping that I broke 160. Best wishes to everyone who has taken and good luck to those who still need to take it!!!!!

    @Aespin77 said:
    I got RC-LR-LG. I was so nervous, my mind went blank on the 1st passage. Pretty sure that was my worst section.

    I had the same order . . . RC seemed UNBELIEVABLY hard on this one for some reason. Maybe I was just nervous, but I ran out of time, couldn't seem to get it together . . . LR & LG went better, but I'm still really disappointed.

  • ChloeDanaeChloeDanae Member
    17 karma

    I feel a little crazy because I thought this was one of the easiest RC sections I've encountered. Maybe I have an advantage on the physics/chemistry question because I have physics experience so it was familiar concepts? The others were topics that felt like reading a fun article, so I was able to get into them with 5 minutes to check errors.

    LR felt a bit more difficult than normal, but nothing too awful. LG I know I made some errors/guessed on a few due to time (campus buildings and archeologists).

    Order was LR-RC-LG.

  • GHIGGINS154GHIGGINS154 Core Member
    74 karma

    Are the tests different everyday? And then they curve each section that's the same? Or are they all the same test, just different orders?

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    @GHIGGINS154 said:
    Are the tests different everyday? And then they curve each section that's the same? Or are they all the same test, just different orders?

    They've typically been adding in new sections to the mix each day, so you could pull what's been given already or something new.

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