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Suggestions on Increasing Mental Stamina?

naveedhalavinaveedhalavi Alum Member
in General 124 karma
Hey guys, i'm wondering if any of you have any suggestions or tips for keeping yourself engaged and continue with a stable level of momentum throughout the PT. I've noticed recently that i tend to get these mini-burn outs around the end of the section where i start to lag in situations where i should be going a quicker.


  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    Does this happen within certain section types or across the board? If you're dealing with a situation where the questions are getting trickier toward the end of a section, it is possible that what feels like a "mini burn-out" or being unfocused is actually just a response to the change in the material. I'm not sure what the answer is but that's something to think about. I'd even argue that it's not always possible (or advisable) to speed up near the end of a section but that, of course, depends on the situation. Whenever possible, you want to save time on the frontend so that you're not rushed through the harder material.

    Aside from that, endurance improves with practice. More PTs under strict conditions that mimic test day and you may even want to consider taking 6-section tests every once in a while to push yourself.
  • mpits001mpits001 Alum Member
    938 karma
    I agree with @brna0714. If this is something that happens at the end of a section, it may be the shifting of the questions. Earlier questions may seem clear (depending on your understanding of the exam) but even high scorers will find the questions at the end a bit tricky. It could be both, stamina and the fact that questions tend to get harder. One way to build stamina is to take PTs with the same time constraint as the official exam. Also, to add on to what @brna0714 said. There was an individual on this forum who use to do 2 PTs a day when it was getting closer to test time. I'm not sure for all the specifics, but when I'm back home later tonight I might be able to find the post for you.
  • nordeendnordeend Alum Member
    349 karma
    PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE...until you see improvement. Seriously though I was getting super burnt out but I just kept going and going and going--->on my first two PTs I scored a 162 then a 167. At some point things simply click.

    Also, read the Economist and extremely difficult law articles from HYS. If you can build stamina reading AND comprehending hard text like those then the LSAT will be a lot easier.
  • hj060815hj060815 Alum Member
    51 karma
    what is HYS?
  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited May 2015 1489 karma
    @hj060815 Harvard, Yale, Stanford.
  • PetrichorPetrichor Alum Member
    359 karma

  • Quick SilverQuick Silver Alum Inactive Sage
    1049 karma
    Meditating helps. I think @"J.Y. Ping" has a link to meditation in the stimulus. Make sure you take care of yourself when you're not PTing. Clean eating, exercise and adequate sleep.

    BTW - I used to get crazy headaches and eye fatigue. Went to the Dr and checked my eye - my Rx actually changed so I got new glasses - I still get some fatigue but not like before. Just make sure you take care of your overall health.
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