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⚖ Official January 2021 LSAT-Flex Discussion Thread ⚖



  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    RC topics anyone?

  • ericchoi12ericchoi12 Member
    31 karma

    @GHIGGINS154 said:
    Are the tests different everyday? And then they curve each section that's the same? Or are they all the same test, just different orders?

    Yep they have a bunch of different forms. But you can get a form that has like 2 sections that are the same as someone who took it on another day. Overall though I was hearing from powerscore that they have about 40+ versions of the test for every flex administration.

  • ddeng888ddeng888 Core Member
    85 karma

    @canihazJD You took the Jan FLEX? I remember seeing a lot of your posts about NOV FLEX. and weaving, chemistry/physics, CGS in court

  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    @"Madam TA" said:
    Do you need to have your passwords on hand or can you have it automatically saved on your computer ?

    when i wrote my last flex i just had my passwords automatically saved (autofill).. lord knows i have no idea what they are on my own

  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    @laura_lolo said:
    Congrads to everyone who finished today! You must be somewhat relieved! I can't wait to be finished with this exam....I've never written the flex and just hoping someone knows whether size matters for the 5 pieces of paper allowed. I write really big and am worried 5 pages is not enough. Also can i use pens or do i have to use pencils? Also when i show the protactor using my phone my surroundings do you just shut it off then and can you slide it away? I don't think i own a small mirror so wondering how it works with the cell phone.

    Thank you!!

    i think its 5 pieces of regular printer paper. and to my knowledge you can use pens or pencils, i didn't an issue when i used both. and regarding the phone, i showed them mine, then shut it off and threw it under a pillow on my bed. they ask to see where you keep it.

  • avital101avital101 Alum Member
    10 karma

    @"Ozzy Sheikh" said:
    LR (26) RC LG
    LR seemed standard, not overly difficult.
    RC was tough, lots of questions in the last two passages and they were difficult. I got interrupted in the middle of a passage by the proctor because she couldn't see my head on webcam since I was close reading. That completely disrupted my flow so I started the paragraph again and ended up spending 5:30 just reading the first passage!
    LG first game was simple, second game I had trouble making some inferences so I ended up guessing on one question and I lost some time. 3rd game I was able to do even though it was harder than the second one. I didn't have time to finish the 4th game and ended up guessing on 3 questions.
    Banking on my LR section and my guesses being correct

    How was these LG games compared to the May 2020 Flex PT?

  • Quasar180Quasar180 Member
    edited January 2021 64 karma

    Medical misinformation.

    I spent at least 100 years staring at that question, and I am absolutely convinced there are several correct answers.

    What in the World was That.

    LG, RC, LR. LG was good, RC (chemistry section) is probably the hardest RC I've ever seen (outside of judicial candor), and LR was a TRIP. I honestly have no idea what the LSAC is doing, but this LR felt very, very different. Who knows. Oh well.

  • Angela KimAngela Kim Core Member
    98 karma

    @jpwolf did the LR feel different from the 70s and 80s? :open_mouth:

  • Quasar180Quasar180 Member
    edited January 2021 64 karma

    @"Angela Kim" Considering how many PTs I've taken, and how rarely I am absolutely bewildered by LR questions, I would say yes- it feels different. Does that mean it is different? I don’t know.

    I haven't had so many 50/50s or just absolute loss in an LR section in a long time. I could probably go into why this feels different (I think I've figured out why after reviewing the 70-80 LSATs), but I believe that might not be allowed according to the forum rules.

    Granted, that's just me. And it was my last section. I'm sure there are others who say its well within the wheelhouse. I am certainly in some form of post LSAT fog.

  • Angela KimAngela Kim Core Member
    98 karma

    @jpwolf Thanks for your reply! I'm sure you did well and hope that you get some rest. I'm taking my flex tomorrow and hoping it goes okay. Congrats on finishing the Jan.Flex !

  • edited January 2021 39 karma

    Day 2. It seems like a completely different test with day 1.

    I had RC-LR-LG. The RC is dense as Fxxk. Each passage has average about 5 paragraphs. The content is just weird; there is hardly any logic in it. The passage is hard; the content is hard and the questions therefore are hard. I think overall is harder than all of PT80s+.

    LR seems pretty reasonable except couple of tricky questions.

    LG is really average. I’d say is no harder than PT80+. Only one game has somehow tricky setup, so just be careful.

  • winnieqwinnieq Core Member
    17 karma

    Jus took the test today. There are few LR questions that have extremely similar question content from past LRs but with only question types slightly twisted. When I was doing the question, it almost felt like I could preempt the following content. Was I the only one...

  • cmoren21cmoren21 Member
    217 karma

    Just took the exam.

    I found that RC was pretty dense and due to interruptions (not from ProctorU) I ran out of a little time of RC and almost didn't finish. Stories were pretty long and there was a very very difficult one in my opinion.

    I legitimately blanked out on LR and could not for the heck of me concentrate as well as I usually can. I'm honestly not sure how I did so I can't really tell anyone much about it.

    LG was an average of 2 easy games, 1 medium game, and 1 tricky difficult one. I was able to complete the first 3 and the tricky one was a guess.

    Overall, I KNEW that my first time I had failed (for my standards). However, this time I truly do not know how I did.

  • LSATbekeeLSATbekee Alum Member
    137 karma

    @cmoren21 would you say the LR has a 70/80 LR feel?

  • futurejaboterfuturejaboter Member
    42 karma

    I felt like the Flex in August 2020 was much harder than January 2021.

  • futurejaboterfuturejaboter Member
    42 karma

    @alexhpcs said:
    Those of you who took the exam, What are your plans for the next couple weeks??

    Getting these school apps out for this cycle! Looking forward to the score release on Feb. 3! Good luck to everyone else sitting this weekend and early next week!!!

  • boapeachboapeach Member
    22 karma

    Did anyone find the LR questions to be really hard? I was really shook at some of the questions

  • 66 karma

    @"denzel.sidhu" said:
    wow my experience using a Mac was terrible, had so many security issues/downloading issues, could not get the chat box to appear, etc.... took about an hour of communication with tech assistance to final figure it out. completely threw me out of rhythm. FML

    I had an annoying Mac experience too. I was on Do Not Disturb mode, had all applications closed. But sure enough, I get a Java pop up in the middle of my LR section asking me if I want to update. I instantly closed it down but it threw me off so bad. I had 10 min left and 6 questions to go, and wasted probably the next 2 minutes freaking out about if this was going to cause me problems. I eventually was able to snap out of it and my proctor confirmed after the exam that it isn't an issue, but the time lost due to mental worrying was frustrating in its own right.

    What is the point of Do Not Disturb mode if it still allows certain applications to barge through and disturb? So frustrating.

  • 118 karma

    @boapeach said:
    Did anyone find the LR questions to be really hard? I was really shook at some of the questions

    Insanely hard. I feel like I bombed the whole section 🥲

  • D2446829D2446829 Member
    109 karma

    Just wrote mine with RC-LR-LG.

    RC - found it a bit tricky, maybe because I got nervous. Topics: big bang, some scholar, some sort of law (I think), and diplomats.

    LR - the first half was smooth but the second half was tricky...

    LG - had one weird game but was able to finish all questions with maybe 2 guesses.

  • 66 karma

    I thought the first RC passage was incredibly difficult (African cloths) and in hindsight I should have skipped it right off the bat. I tried to power through it and didn't have a firm grasp of what I was reading at all during it. Really hope I was able to get 50% of those questions right at least. I snapped out of it and thought the rest of my RC section was fair. My LR was also manageable, only had to guess on the last one. Same with LG. Wasted too much time on game 4 and had to guess the last question, but felt fine otherwise.

    Overall I think I probably went -15. Hoping that puts me right around a 165, which is right in the range of my PTs (163-168). I was hoping to have an incredible test day experience and break into the 170s, but I really don't think that happened, unless my autopilot for passage 1 in RC was perfect.

  • 66 karma

    @alexhpcs said:
    Those of you who took the exam, What are your plans for the next couple weeks??

    Finish the rest of my applications up. Read Wizard and Glass (Stephen King). Play video games.

  • strugglestruggle Member
    34 karma

    @"Madam TA" said:
    Do you need to have your passwords on hand or can you have it automatically saved on your computer ?

    When I took it in October I was able to use autofill!!

  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    im kind of getting the sense that there is a misc game... i know you guys cant confirm or deny though.

  • donnyutahdonnyutah Core Member
    9 karma

    So from the responses here it sounds like RC was harder than usual and the first passage was a time sink, LR was pretty typical with a few time sinks in the beginning, and LG was relatively simple with game #3 being the most difficult? Does that sound right? Any general advice for this exam? I'm taking it on Tuesday.

  • aszane21aszane21 Member
    350 karma

    Just finished. Had some issues with proctor U and my RAM but basically redid the check until I passed.

    No issues with my proctor, they were very nice.

    LG was my first section and I found it pretty hard, especially Game 4. I guessed on 3 Qs. Def my worst section.

    RC was pretty easy, I got done with lots of extra time to double check my answers.

    LR was typical, I'd say. Similar experience with RC, had ample time to go back and noodle on answers that I flagged.

    Compared to M 2020, which I just retook last night I'd say RC and LR were on-par and LG was harder.

  • JWnetwork79JWnetwork79 Member
    9 karma

    Just finished my first LSAT - ever - and have to say that it felt pretty challenging, but not overtly so. I felt that the LG section was very difficult but that LR and RC were about on par with the most recent practice tests that I had taken (mainly 80s). I was PTing in the lows 160 and am hopeful that I scored in the high 150s.

  • _iamnw96_iamnw96 Alum Member
    437 karma

    I took it today (Sunday January 17).

    LR hit different (as someone who scores -2/3 average on LR) in a bad way :(, but RC and LG were moderate enough to balance out LR. Overall very fair exam IMO.

    Proctor was an absolute angel so shout out to him. The very best of wishes to everyone!

  • vicsemp195vicsemp195 Core Member
    edited January 2021 17 karma

    Took it today. Went LR-LG-RC, with LR having Walnuts and Daydreaming, LG having the newspaper game, and RC having one about Kente Cloth and Chem/Phys comparative.

    Personally thought LG and RC were of average difficulty, once you got past the weirdness of the newspaper game. I just thought of JY's soothing voice and everything went well after that :smile:

    LR was a tad more dicey, thought it was a bit of a time crunch/little weird, but again, nothing too crazy.

  • Herk DriverHerk Driver Member
    26 karma

    Herk Driver: I took the test today. I either scored very well or I bombed. But not both. ;-0

    My order was RC/LR/LG. RC took a bit longer than expected, but I answered all the questions. I think I messed up a few of the LR questions. LG I ended up guessing ~4 responses. Tougher than I'd practiced. I'll be happy if I can crack 160.

    Proctor was awesome. Zero test taking issues.

    Good luck!

  • robyn.wadeyrobyn.wadey Core Member
    9 karma

    @UndoErica said:
    Hi everyone! I just completed my exam my order was LR (26), LG (23) and RC (27)

    LR topics that I can remember were about some sort of dinosaur claw and climbing prey, and a study about fat and walnuts in a diet study---I'm blanking on any other topics. Nothing to crazy to note, very much a LR section. Depending on what question types appear, and the degree of difficulty of that question type is what causes the most fluctuation for me here.

    LG-- had one about paintings and sculpture and another about buildings being built on campus. The games were what you expect. If any points were lost here is was because of my nerves, but overall was a solid section for me! Nothing that made me want to pull my hair out!

    RC-- normal RC experience, nothing to out of left field, but I myself usually do best on the hardest RC sections. I had something about ocublits? ocbliets? idk I can't spell, and it was about chemistry and physics. There was also one about tech in the courtroom, and weaving looms.

    Overall for me I'd say this test was standard, (considering I took the oh so lovely pt 88 last September though anything would be better than THAT experience) (also for a laugh, my cat died 2 days before that LSAT, and one of the games topics was on puppies, and you guessed it kittens, the LSAT gods know no bounds)

    Good luck to everyone else taking the exam in the coming hours/days! :)

    Interesting! My order was LG, RC, then LR. I don't remember anything about walnuts, I did have the climbing prey one. I had a confusing summer baseball one that seemed like straight forward logic but even when I made an alternative version so it wasn't recognizable and shared it with my friend who TAs logic she couldn't figure it out between two answers. Hopefully some of these are test questions and get redacted! I had the same logic games, nerves certainly make your brain read slower! The RC wasn't as interesting as the October LSAT but still fun to read about the looms.

  • dremps44dremps44 Member
    25 karma

    I took the test today. Proctor experience was great. I had zero issues with setup, and no interruptions while taking the test.

    Order was LG, RC, LR. It felt strange taking an LR section last because in most Flex-PTs the LR section will be first or second (at least in my experience).

    LG: Overall felt like a pretty standard LG section to me. Last game was difficult, but doable.

    RC: I found the RC section considerably more difficult than many of the 80s PTs. First passage was quite challenging and ended up being a time-sink for me. This left me with little time for the last passage which caused me to have to guess.

    LR: I've seen some other posts saying that the LR felt weird. I would have to agree with that. I think that it was slightly more challenging than many LR sections I've encountered, but definitely not the most difficult. I don't really know how to explain what I mean by "it felt weird" but it just did. Yes the questions were standard question types we've all seen before, but something just felt off about it.

    Leading up to the test I was PTing 156-162. While I don't think I cracked 160, I don't think I would've done worse than 156. I'm just hoping my guesses somewhat workout and for a generous curve. Good luck to anyone who still has to write, you've got this!

  • juleswbrownjuleswbrown Core Member
    6 karma

    @emmersonmirus said:

    @"MOORE.CAIT26" said:
    Just finished!! Smooth experience with my proctor but I completely underestimated how nervous I was going to be which did throw me off...

    I had LR-RC-LG

    LR seemed pretty normal, nothing that seemed out of ordinary, but it did take me longer than it usually does and I had less than 2 mins to review my answers (probably due to nerves)

    I felt meh on RC...the first passage was really difficult for me to get through for some reason but the other passages seemed to go well.

    LG has always been my weak point because I have a lot of issues with timing. The first couple games were pretty simple but for some reason when I ended the test,I felt like I messed up somehow on those games. I skipped the third game after a couple mins because I was struggling to make inferences and quickly sped through the last game which seemed pretty easy. I ended up guessing on most of the questions for G3 and didn't get to guess on the last two questions for that game which was kind of a bummer.

    I've been scoring in the range of 155-163 on my PT's and I'm really feeling confident that I got at least a 157, but really really hoping that I broke 160. Best wishes to everyone who has taken and good luck to those who still need to take it!!!!!

    @Aespin77 said:
    I got RC-LR-LG. I was so nervous, my mind went blank on the 1st passage. Pretty sure that was my worst section.

    I had the same order . . . RC seemed UNBELIEVABLY hard on this one for some reason. Maybe I was just nervous, but I ran out of time, couldn't seem to get it together . . . LR & LG went better, but I'm still really disappointed.

    I also felt like the RC was difficult. I blanked on the first passage too and the science passage at the end was a nightmare.

  • Ozzy SheikhOzzy Sheikh Member
    115 karma

    @avital101 not very hard at all. Standard type of games we see in the prep tests. Nothing new. I did mess up on the 2nd game which cost me time, ended up having to guess one and then I didn't have time to finish the 4th game because of that. However, I remembered the game after I finished the test and I knew that it was an easy solve, it was just based on a key inference that wasn't overly difficult to spot but unfortunately I ran out of time.

  • sarahsarahsarahsarah Member
    32 karma

    If anyone took November's exam and this one I would be interested to hear how you thought they compared in terms of difficulty.

  • wafaaateyah97wafaaateyah97 Core Member
    12 karma

    Did anyone take the November test? If so, how does it compare?

  • Ozzy SheikhOzzy Sheikh Member
    115 karma

    I see a lot of people saying that LR felt really weird. While I agree that they have been changing how they approach wording the questions, the content and logic is still largely the same. You have to focus on premise/conclusion distinction and don't get thrown off by their referential phrasing. Take your time and do it slowly if you have to and skip like 2-3 questions if necessary. Sometimes nerves can get to you under test pressure. For this same reason, I did one whole LR section from the 80s the day of the test before the actual test to be in good practice and in my practice I got 19/26. I felt that prepared me for the LR section and I was able to approach it much more surgically rather than getting thrown off/confused by the test writers antics.

  • hopefullinghopefulling Member
    edited January 2021 905 karma

    My ProctorU experience was AMAZING! I was so worried and it went perfectly. LR - LG - RC for the arrangement, which was just perfect, not having RC or LG first, but also getting the LR out of the way and not having it last. So grateful for some of the LR question types that were not included!! And the ease for others that were.

    Hoping this is the only test I need to take, so fingers crossed. :)

    I am so shocked/excited that I wasn't nervous or anxious at all yesterday or today. I've been pushing myself at an intense rate (two tests every Tuesday & Thursday, one of the 80s tests on Sunday ... review in between - so 5 total a week (aided by not having to review a lot of question, thank goodness)), with a mindset that today was 'just another 80s test day.' I thought for sure I was going to get all shaky and mind-blank when I connected/started, but wow! I think my Mom was more nervous than I was. It helped to know that I'd studied as much as I could as of Saturday afternoon, so everything else was out of my control. ... And now to wait for the results. ... And to put the double-check on everything else (in the hope that I can send out applications and don't have to delay until the Fall).

    Good luck everyone!

  • peppa colapeppa cola Member
    22 karma

    @"denzel.sidhu" said:
    oh yeah and my proctor interrupted me on the 3rd question to ask me if I had my phone on me (which I didn't) something I feel like she should have asked me prior to starting. By the time I replied to her, and reread the stimulus, cost me about a minute, potentially the reason for guessing on the last two questions .... again, FML

    o man i know that stress. during the november flex, my proctor interrupted me when i was at the last passage of RC to tell me that the foam earplugs she had previously approved of weren't allowed. lost a whole minute near the end.................................T.T

  • hopefullinghopefulling Member
    905 karma

    @winnieq Yes!! I thought the same about the LR.

  • whatsmynamewhatsmyname Member
    edited January 2021 606 karma

    Wow, reading these comments is making me nervous...

    Does anyone know how many different #s of exams are out there? Do they change them day to day? Or they rotate a fixed number throughout the entire texting period?

    edit: nvm someone answered this already

  • Hannah.wieland-1Hannah.wieland-1 Core Member
    4 karma

    This test really kicked my ass. I have been testing in the 158 - 163s on PT but I got so nervous I nearly ran out of time on every sections when I usually have a bit of time to review my work at the end. RC was exceptionally difficult for me, but I thought LR and LG were pretty standard. February 3rd cannot come soon enough!!!

  • blaiquebrownblaiquebrown Member
    28 karma

    I tested today at 9:50am and thought the entire process went very smoothly. I had RC(27), LR (26), and LG (23) which was a dream for me because if I feel like I bomb LG it throws me out of whack. The RC was interesting but I definitely think I've seen harder questions. The LR I agree with everyone else, the fist few questions I thought "wtf is happening" but then I was able to come back to them. First two LG games were pretty straight forward, I think I did alright on the third and basically prayed to god on the last one lol. I just couldn't figure out how to set it up, but luckily i had enough time leftover from the first two games. Last practice test was 158 but I did some more reviewing so I'm hoping I got the 160 I need.

    Side note: I never did this while I was studying, but before the test I have enough time to do a quick meditation and I think it made a world of difference. I didn't feel nearly as stressed and felt ready to go after it, so I HIGHLY recommend it even if it's not something you usually do.

  • blue_spiritblue_spirit Member
    98 karma

    @acquadiice said:
    does anyone know if you can wear a headband?

    wore a headband during my test today! you can

  • laura_lololaura_lolo Live Member
    161 karma

    Well done to those who completed the LSAT today!

  • LSATbekeeLSATbekee Alum Member
    137 karma

    did anyone have issues with their Macbook while trying to take the exam? the logmein file was'nt working for me

  • evanescenceevanescence Core Member
    edited January 2021 194 karma

    @jpwolf said:
    Medical misinformation.

    I spent at least 100 years staring at that question, and I am absolutely convinced there are several correct answers.

    What in the WORLD was THAT.

    LG, RC, LR. LG was good, RC (chemistry section) is probably the hardest RC I've ever seen (outside of judicial candor), and LR was a TRIP. I honestly have no idea what the LSAC is doing, but this LR felt very, very different. Who knows. Oh well.

    “LR was a Trip” is an Understatement!!! I took mine this morning and I have Never experienced an LR section that difficult/out of the ordinary. I couldn’t even tell you what the question types were; the way the question stems were phrased were simply confusing! I am so disappointed! LG was very standard, I’d say the easiest section. RC was a medium/hard difficulty for me. I spent too long on that medieval passage and didn’t get to check my answers that I had flagged. That passage was mind boggling. I’d recommend to skip it if you struggle especially with time and understand and answer the other passages’ questions instead. On the plus side, my proctor was amazing, I had anxiety going into the test having read some other candidates’ experiences with proctors. I used Google Chrome and had no technical issues (MacBook user). Good luck to those of you still writing! I really hope they curve that LR section in everyone’s favour.

  • 117 karma

    Got LR-LG-RC. My LR was the dinosaur claw/walnut cholesterol/lottery section mentioned a number of times. Found a couple of early questions to be unexpectedly bewildering. Had a minor panic attack but managed to pull it together and finish out the section with 3-4 minutes for review. Think I may have been able to fix a few early questions with that time. At least I hope so.

    Found the first 3 LG to be straightforward and had a healthy amount of time left going into game 4. Definitely needed it.

    RC was difficult but nothing out of the ordinary if you've been doing PTs in the 80s. Just hoping my LG/RC performance offset my nerves during the LR section.

  • evanescenceevanescence Core Member
    194 karma

    @cmoren21 said:
    Just took the exam.

    I found that RC was pretty dense and due to interruptions (not from ProctorU) I ran out of a little time of RC and almost didn't finish. Stories were pretty long and there was a very very difficult one in my opinion.

    I legitimately blanked out on LR and could not for the heck of me concentrate as well as I usually can. I'm honestly not sure how I did so I can't really tell anyone much about it.

    LG was an average of 2 easy games, 1 medium game, and 1 tricky difficult one. I was able to complete the first 3 and the tricky one was a guess.

    Overall, I KNEW that my first time I had failed (for my standards). However, this time I truly do not know how I did.

    I had LR, LG, RC. I thought RC was dense as well! LG was easy, but I feel like I bombed LR!!! I blanked for the first 5 questions. I was so confused with how the questions were worded and I couldn’t focus. It was my first section and I was scared. It felt like the countdown kept going and I couldn’t move through any of the questions fast enough. I’m hoping that they curve a few questions. I know this test is designed to make you feel stupid after taking it, so there’s still the possibility that even though you feel you did horribly, you actually did quite good. I’m hoping that’s the case. I’m praying for us all!!! Lol

  • 12 karma

    I had LR, LG, and RC. Compared to the November Flex, I felt like the LR was definitely more difficult. I’m positive I encountered at least one question stem I’ve never even seen before. I also had many answers flagged because I was stuck between two, and LR is usually my best section by far. Seems like some people felt this LR was different from others as well?

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