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Senior Underload

ritz2346ritz2346 Core Member
edited January 2021 in Law School Admissions 18 karma

I'm currently a second semester senior at my undergraduate university. My university offers a program to "senior underload" where you can take fewer than the required number of credit hours your last semester if you don't need the additional credits to graduate. I am planning on applying to law school in one or two years and was wondering if anyone knew if underloading would look bad on my transcript for top law schools? I don't know why it would because it just saves money (pay reduced tuition) and time but someone (unqualified) once told me that it would seem like you were slacking on courses so I'm really not sure what to think! I would appreciate any insight or advice!


  • edited January 2021 1952 karma

    i would just make sure to finish school with the highest gpa as possible.
    schools do look at your transcript and the rigor of courses you took, your major, etc.
    but this is trivial compared to how much more they look at your gpa and lsat score.

    if you really feel like law schools would see you as slacking on courses, i'd just attach an addendum and explain that you did it for financial reasons.

    good luck!

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    edited January 2021 8491 karma

    In your case, it wouldn't be slacking. You literally don't need the courses.

    It could look worse IMO if you just added some easy filler stuff which might be interpreted as an attempt at GPA inflation. Just try to take a app reader's perspective. Would you rather someone look at your app and go "why did this applicant only have 2 classes last spring? Oh, thats all they needed." or "why did this applicant take these two extra courses? Were they trying to boost GPA? Were they just worried about looking busy?"

    Not to say taking the extra courses is inherently bad (though thats not the way you're leaning anyway), but if you do so, I think it should be for your own self improvement or something you enjoy. If there is going to be any apparent change in academic rigor, I'd try to incorporate some kind of connection in my app materials.

    Now OTOH if you can continue to do courses within your major, and have room to improve your GPA, maybe extra classes are worth the money.

    The possibility that they might not even notice is worth mentioning as well.

    All that to say I wouldn't worry about it. If you want to take classes, take them. If not no big deal... and like @"LOWERCASE EVERYTHING" said, regardless, GPA is king (except for LSAT).

  • ritz2346ritz2346 Core Member
    18 karma

    @canihazJD @"LOWERCASE EVERYTHING" Thank you both so much!

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