@jpoznan0587 hi there, sorry to bother you, but do you still have the link to the quizlet. Additionally, you said that the book helped you to understand when a flaw in the stimulus is the necessary/sufficient assumption -- how did you figure it out? I look at some questions and I think they are NA/SA flaw, but they aren't, and I often get confused after. Thank you mucho.
Hello, any chance I could get a link for the quizlet as well? You're analysis of loophole is presented so well, the more that can help the better! Thank you very much!
Hi jpoznan0587, I'd love to be included with the link as well please! I've also read The Loophole and have found it very helpful; waiting to see that jump in my LR scoring though. (And similar to you, pulling away from a set in stone test date to focus on hitting my ideal score is where I'm at as well-- fingers crossed for April's Flex).
Hello, heard great things about it, however i just recently ordered it, so cant wait!. would it be possible to receive the link to your quiz-let please? truly grateful.
Just picked up a copy, haven't started yet. To be fair I'm only 3 weeks into 7sage after having spent the first two months of study with the LSAT Trainer so fingers crossed (Btw Mike Kim is awesome, but his book does not focus as much on RC as LR & LG. Still worth the read). Is it possible you could also send me your Quizlet link?
@jpoznan0587 said:
Also : this is how I balanced everything with the abundance of resources out there.
It may not work for everyone but it helped me so I figured I would pass it along. Also, Message me if you would like my quizlet link With this crazy 2020 - 2021 , I'm hoping this can bring a little ease to such a stressful time. Also - I am by no means an LSAT expert, but I found balancing the below resources this way helped the most:
I wasn't learning much from 7Sage LR - it was going too fast for me personally. I'm not a fast learner because I've never taken a logic course in my life ... so I needed to make the decision to slow down and not be so focused on a test date like it's a timeline. That was literally keeping me up at night which did nothing to help me study with no sleep. I had to put my ego aside and realize, for me personally, learning LR is like learning a new language. I know this is not the same for everyone - some people (like my Father whose doesn't even have a Bachelor's, can answer LSAT questions correctly from me just reading them to him! )
SO once I completed CC on LR in 7Sage, then I completely stopped looking at the 7Sage CC and dedicated 100% of my time the The Loophole
Prior to 7Sage, I started with LG and found the PSB (Powerscore Bibles helped me the most re: LG ) - that was over the summer. Then I had to sort of take a step back when I realized JY's methods weren't working for me in particular for LR and realized I needed to focus solely on The Loophole. I did everything separately if that makes sense.
There are alot of LSAT questions in The Loophole with accompanying explanations online which helps a lot. Their written out - not videos. I find JY , as helpful as he is, assumes that I know more than I do and he zooms through the explanations so quick ! I also made universal and existential quantifiers from 7Sage on my Quizlet and coupled it with Loophole. The Loophole simplifies it whereas I felt that whole chart thing JY had made my head dizzy. That's the only time they overlapped on my Quizlet. (7Sage and Loophole)
The main thing that helped was being able to understand I need to take my time and not set a test date in stone, this was key , but instead slowly work towards a target score not a target test date. When I did that, my anxiety went away a lot. The anxiety and no sleep was stopping me from focusing correctly. Ironically, slowing down my studying helped me to speed up my understanding, and in turn, speed up my time in answering LR.
I also have Mike Kim's LSAT Trainer book which I was told is best for RC. I haven't started RC yet b/c I think from reading so much stimuli in The Loophole - I can get through RC passages much faster. (My diagnostic on 7 Sage was 154 / 158 w/BR and my worst section was RC)
Im shooting to April FLEX - but am in no rush - especially considering the state of the world. My goal is to apply for early admissions/scholarship for 2022 at Rutgers where I am an alumni and I look at it as the extra study time will pay off if I can do the accelerated program and get schooling done quicker anyway.
Basically: I got LG down first over the summer using Powerscore, did the LR CC on 7Sage, totally stopped 7Sage to read The Loophole and if you have the time- do about 8 hrs a day ( I was laid off and live with my parents so I fortunately have the opportunity to dedicate full time to LSAT study) and I'm almost done with reading The Loophole in 3 weeks. It's worth it if LR isn't making sense to you via 7Sage.
Then I will start Reading Comp with Mike Kim's Trainer.
I like the digital format of 7sage which is why I like to do questions on here but I am saving as much as I can for PTing until I really understand LR so that I'm not using the limited resource of questions before I'm fully prepared.
Would love to have the link to the quizlet if possible, I read her book and didn't see as much improvement from it as I would have liked to. Thanks again
instead slowly work towards a target score not a target test date
@jpoznan0587 Great advice! And that's the approach I'm going to take from here on out, instead of setting a date and freaking out that my scores are not where I want them to be! If you're fortunate enough to not be on a deadline, then this is the way to go!
I'm doing Loophole right now, just started the Powerful Questions section. So far, not finding it that helpful, but we'll see.
Also I think a more helpful poll would be to ask of the people who have used both 7Sage and Loophole, did they think Loophole was helpful or not. Of course there's the sample bias as the poll would be on 7Sage's website. Can't help but think in LR flaw terms!
Could I please get the Quizlet link?
Great post! I have the book and will be reading through it soon.
Hey! Can I also get the Quizlet link? Ellen Cassidy is brilliant. I’m on chapter 9 of her book and it’s been so helpful.
@jpoznan0587 hi there, sorry to bother you, but do you still have the link to the quizlet. Additionally, you said that the book helped you to understand when a flaw in the stimulus is the necessary/sufficient assumption -- how did you figure it out? I look at some questions and I think they are NA/SA flaw, but they aren't, and I often get confused after. Thank you mucho.
Hello, any chance I could get a link for the quizlet as well? You're analysis of loophole is presented so well, the more that can help the better! Thank you very much!
Hello, I would like the link as well, thank you!
Could I have the link as well please?
I would like to have your quizlet link as well, thx
Could I also get the quizlet link? Thank you!
I would love to get the quizlet link as well, please! My biggest struggles with the LR section are the assumption questions, especially NA.
Hi there! Thank you for all the helpful information
Could I get a copy of the quizlet too?
Hi jpoznan0587, I'd love to be included with the link as well please! I've also read The Loophole and have found it very helpful; waiting to see that jump in my LR scoring though. (And similar to you, pulling away from a set in stone test date to focus on hitting my ideal score is where I'm at as well-- fingers crossed for April's Flex).
Quizlet link request! Pls and Ty!
Hello! Could I also get a link to the quizlet?
Here is my quizlet link if you need a starting point but it may be a bit confusing to you b/c I put the flashcards in notes that I can understand.
that's my quizlet page - I'm on chapter 10 now so it's not completed fully.
Again, it may be confusing b.c it's in terms I understand but I hope it helps !
If you're still sending out quizlet links, I'd love one!
I would love to learn as well, may I have the link to your quizlet?
Would love the link!
Hello. I would really appreciate if you could share the link. Than you
Could I as well get the quizlet link
Thanks so much for your advice! I have just ordered the loophole. Can I please get a copy of your quizlet? Appreciate it!
Would love the link too! Thanks.
This is a great thread! Could you send me the link as well? Thank you
Hello, heard great things about it, however i just recently ordered it, so cant wait!. would it be possible to receive the link to your quiz-let please? truly grateful.
Just picked up a copy, haven't started yet. To be fair I'm only 3 weeks into 7sage after having spent the first two months of study with the LSAT Trainer so fingers crossed (Btw Mike Kim is awesome, but his book does not focus as much on RC as LR & LG. Still worth the read). Is it possible you could also send me your Quizlet link?
If you look up "the loophole" on quizlet you can find hers and many other study sets of the book
Can you send the link? I am buying the book!
Thank you for the insights, I think it helps a lot! Could I have the link to your quizlet too please?
@jennyjenjen-1 Thanks SO much. Also - I posted the link to my quizlet to this forum... twice...
Here is my quizlet link if you need a starting point but it may be a bit confusing to you b/c I put the flashcards in notes that I can understand.
that's my quizlet page - I'm on chapter 11 now so it's not completed fully.
Again, it may be confusing b.c it's in terms I understand but I hope it helps !
Hi! If you don't mind, could you send me the link to your quizlet? Thank you so much!!!
This is brilliant. Could I possibly get the quizlet link as well? Cheers.
Can you send me the quizlet link too!! Thanks!!
Would love to have the link to the quizlet if possible, I read her book and didn't see as much improvement from it as I would have liked to. Thanks again
Hi, would you mind sharing the quizlet link with me as well please? Thanks!
Could I get the link as well?
[Edit]. Did not see the quizlet link posted above. Thanks for posting the link!
Here is my quizlet link if you need a starting point but it may be a bit confusing to you b/c I put the flashcards in notes that I can understand.
that's my quizlet page - I'm on chapter 11 now so it's not completed fully.
Again, it may be confusing b.c it's in terms I understand but I hope it helps !
TY! Please ignore my message asking for the link. Thank you!
@jpoznan0587 Great advice! And that's the approach I'm going to take from here on out, instead of setting a date and freaking out that my scores are not where I want them to be! If you're fortunate enough to not be on a deadline, then this is the way to go!
I'm doing Loophole right now, just started the Powerful Questions section. So far, not finding it that helpful, but we'll see.
Also I think a more helpful poll would be to ask of the people who have used both 7Sage and Loophole, did they think Loophole was helpful or not. Of course there's the sample bias as the poll would be on 7Sage's website. Can't help but think in LR flaw terms!
hi, could you also send me the quizlet link? thank you!