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Changes in reading comp over time?

I read recently that RC has gotten more difficult over the years. What are your thoughts? For those of you who have completed both old (PT 20-40) and new (PT 80+) RC sections, do you see a noticeable difference in RC passage/question difficulty? Are your old scores consistent with your new scores, or do you see a dip as they get more recent?

I get worried when people say I shouldn't use old tests as a gauge for how I'd do on new tests, but I'm not yet ready to burn through recent resources to find out myself, haha! (Also, if someone already asked this I would love to know where to find the thread!!)


  • lsat2016lsat2016 Free Trial Member
    488 karma

    @aly______ said:
    I read recently that RC has gotten more difficult over the years. What are your thoughts? For those of you who have completed both old (PT 20-40) and new (PT 80+) RC sections, do you see a noticeable difference in RC passage/question difficulty? Are your old scores consistent with your new scores, or do you see a dip as they get more recent?

    I get worried when people say I shouldn't use old tests as a gauge for how I'd do on new tests, but I'm not yet ready to burn through recent resources to find out myself, haha! (Also, if someone already asked this I would love to know where to find the thread!!)

    RC gets tougher after mid-50s. I'd routinely go -0/-2 in older RC, and then post-50s it drops to -5/-8.

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    Agreed, they go from relative consistency in difficulty in the older (pre 60s) tests, then ramp up in newer tests such that there will be an easy passage or two and the others are much more challenging. Also, all the more current tests have a comparative passage I believe, not something you see with older tests. You'll definitely want to look at some, it introduces different questions as well. Don't waste them but make sure you get your eyes on them and feel comfortable with those comparative and tougher passages!

  • 120_or_bust120_or_bust Core Member
    124 karma

    So should we concentrate on the 60s and higher PTs first rather than starting in the 30s as per the study schedule?

  • aly______aly______ Member
    78 karma

    @wetcoastcanuck said:
    So should we concentrate on the 60s and higher PTs first rather than starting in the 30s as per the study schedule?

    I decided to take some PTs in the 50s and 70s to see how different they got after completing the core curriculum (PT 20-35). The passages did change a bit over time as the users above said (thanks for the answers btw!!).

    I don't think they changed so much that the core curriculum is irrelevant. The foundation you build using the old tests translates over to the new ones imo. The general structure, nature of the questions, trap answers, etc. seem to be similar, other than the addition of the comparative reading passages. And I'm glad I practiced timing using the older tests before touching the new ones.

    I think I'd follow the advice above and look at some of the newer tests, but I would say if you have time, def complete the CC and start in the 30s.

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