Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused).
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Hello all!
I am getting back into prep after taking the Jan test and not doing as well as I had hoped/wanted. For all my LSAT-ers who are aiming for that 99th percentile moment in June, and want to hold each other accountable, and review together, let me know! (I'm in CA but I attend classes on NY time, so I'm ~flexible~)
HI, random q when is the June lsat date? and where can I find these dates. I checked LSAC but there is nothing after april
hey im interested!
I'm interested!
im interested!
i'm interested!
Me too! Thank you for your post.
Also interested!!
hi everyone!! i created a discord server if anyone is interested in joining - if you're not a fan of discord please pm me and we can figure it out
Just joined!
let's goooo
Hello I am interested!
I'm interested!
i'm interested
hello! here's an updated discord link for those of you interested (the other one expires tomorrow) - there are a lot of people on the server, so feel free to pm me if you don't prefer that!
Hey I’m interested!
joined! let's do this!
The link isn't working
im in!
I'm in!
updated link!
Any chance of a new link?
Also looking for a new link!
Hi! Also looking for a new link if possible! Thanks
Hi! Interested too but was not able to join!
hello! I am interested!
I'm interested!
I'm interested!
also interested!
Count me in!
New link :-)
hey i'm interested!
Hi, I am interested!
Looking for an updated link! Also interested
I'm interested in joining the group!
interested too!!
I am so interested! Sign me up.
I am also interested!
I am interested!
I am also interested, have studied before and am taking the June 2021 LSAT. Looking forward to it!
I am interested!