Hey 7Sagers,
Here's the official February 2021 LSAT-Flex Discussion Thread.
Please keep all discussions of the February 2021 LSAT-Flex here!
❌ You can't discuss specific questions. 🙅♂️
You CANNOT say things such as the following:
- “Hey, the 3rd LG was sequencing and the last one was In/Out, right?” (Don't mention the game type)
- “The last question in the LR section was a lawgic heavy MBT! Was the answer (B)?” (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)
- “What was the answer for the last question of RC? I think it was an inference question? Was the answer (C)?” (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)
Just finished. LG was easy to medium(junior senior), LR was pretty easy as well. RC ruined me: French Revolution feminist theories, Belize Indigenous rights, Sports, and Chaotic systems in physics.
Does anyone know if the RC passages described in this feed are the same for ALL February LSAT-FLEXs? #help
hey @setty55163 would you say any of the preptests on 7sage would be similar to the LR or LG section ? Or similar in type to the whole exam to the February LSAT?
Heads up Feb takers, I'm hearing there's edit for less specificity to be safe: a challenging game in one of the LG sections. Just like always, stay calm, push rules together and find inferences... skip if you need to and kill it on a second round. Weird games are just games with one element of difficulty (unfamiliarity) buffed... that usually means if you keep cool and nail your setup and rule interactions, the rest of the game is usually going to be reasonable.
Also good luck everyone. You've worked hard for this and are going to kill it. Remember that no matter what happens on this particular test, if you decide you will succeed, nothing is going to stop you.
@setty55163 I had that same RC. It wasn't my favorite, but it definitely wasn't the worst I've ever had. I feel pretty good about it.
Per the Powerscore podcast, having one section in common doesn't necessarily mean we had the same test overall, but I thought my LG was very unusual and I thought the LR was a little rough too- probably of average difficulty, but still seemed like a few questions were tough/unusual. I don't know, I've taken something like 25 PT and I've never had LG first, so that alone threw me off. Maybe I just thought the games were tough because they were unexpected, but it seemed more difficult than LG has been in a while. There was one game that was very, very atypical. It actually wasn't especially difficult once I figured it out, but it was an outlier for sure. I fully expect to see a lot of complaints about it. On the whole, I think it was a pretty typical test, but I would be surprised if people don't say something about LG. I rate my confidence as a 7/10 on this one. Probably not my best ever, but (crossing fingers) probably pretty a decent performance on my part. I'll take it.![:smiley: :smiley:](/forums/resources/emoji/smiley.png)
would you see this LG section was like pt 88,89 and PT May 2020 or better
LG for me was fairly smooth besides one particular game that I really had not seen or practiced much. LR seemed unusually difficult. I average -6 for LR and I felt confused on at least 6 questions. RC seemed more difficult than other PTs that I have taken. Overall, I did not feel good leaving the test. I average around 160, last PTs that I took were 158,161, 156, 160 and 166. RC is my worst section, I normally miss -9,-11. LG I get 0-4 wrong. Anyone have experience feeling like they did bad but end up doing really good? lol
I had LG first too and it messed me up too. I was not expecting that in the last 5 PTs I've taken none of them had LG first.
For me the order was LR, RC, LG. I wish LG was first because by the time I got to it, I was mentally tired. RC sucked. I think it was dense and god forsaken topics. LR felt confusing at times. The first three LG were decent but the last one, I couldn’t figure it out.
Hey, everyone. Just finished my test. RC, LG, LR. Overall, I felt this test went better than January's. Reading comprehension felt pretty good, except for the one comparative passage about art. It wasn't brutal, but I felt like there was some nuance I might have overlooked.
Logic games was certainly doable; yes, the fourth game was odd but it wasn't so bad. Unfortunately, however, I didn't have much time do get through it. If I had maybe 3 more minutes, I probably would have got through it with flying colors. On a side note, is it just me, or do games 1 and 2 on these recent tests feel...more difficult than prior preptests? Maybe it's just me, but I had the same thought last January.
Finally, logical reasoning felt like the most difficult section here, which is surprising. None of it really "clicked" for me, even the earlier questions. Ironically, I found the January's LR section to be more straightforward than this. The arguments in this one all seemed rather complicated. Curious to know how others feel.
They are apparently not. The ones that some people here mentioned are not ones that I encountered.
I wish I had more time for the fourth game in LG. I was definitely rushing through it, and since it was odd, I have no clue how I did on it. LR was average. I struggled with RC, but it was my first section and is typically my worst one, so maybe that was just me.
I felt the same way for LR, too. My confidence took a hit but I kept going through it trying to make sense of it.
Anyone every finish RC with 6 mins left? I blew through it for some reason. LR I felt was average, but thought LG was fucked..
do you think it was harder than the last 3 Prep test?
I finished RC with about 3 minutes left. LR was fine but last game of LG got me.
I felt like I was in a boxing match with Iron Mike Tyson during one of the LG sections. It was my last section on the test. Time was running down & I had to use the bathroom. I feel confident about RC. No clue on LR. It’s in Gods hands now.
Hahaha that’s a great way to describe it.
Just finished: LG, LR, RC
LG was pretty average and is like PTs from the 80s (not too hard, not too easy).
LR was also average. There were definitely a few challenging questions, though.
RC is going to make or break me. The two hardest passages were 8 questions each, so we'll see how it works out.
Congrats to everyone who took the exam!
Just finished. Usually, RC is my weakest section but I felt really good about it this time. LR was medium, and LG was easy-medium. Congrats to everyone who took it, and good luck to those who are about to take it!
Same here, LG really threw me off
i took the test yesterday and no surprises - it was what i expected after studying here. that said, i am anxiously awaiting how i did. this was my first test and i just can't gauge it. took me an hour to sort out some tech problems (even after i pre-checked requirements) and proctor made me rearrange HOTEL furniture so that she could see the door lol. i managed to stay calm thanks to others that had forewarned some of these pitfalls. sending positive vibes into the atmosphere for us all![:) :)](/forums/resources/emoji/smile.png)
On results day, will we be able to review the correct answers? I can’t gauge my performance either. I was 0.1 sec late on guessing for the last question in LG and the timer went out. 😔
I took it yesterday; my order was LG - LR - RC. I had junior-senior for LG and the same RC passages as @setty55163. I personally found LR to be the most difficult - there were a couple questions that really stumped me and I was definitely unsure about my answers. Good luck to anyone who still has to take it and congrats to those who have already finished!
unfortunately not - I believe all we get is a score out of 180, and this LSAT is unreleased so we don’t get the questions back.
I took it this morning. RC/LR/LG...I was pleasantly surprised by relative ease of LR and LG. I struggled with one of the RC passages, which is unusual for me. Overall I feel pretty good. The RC passages are definitely not the same for each test taker.
I took it this afternoon. LG/RC/LR...I was surprised by the following. The LG sections was pretty good hardly had any problems. RC passages were interesting I just used my strategy and Crtl F to make it out of that alive. LR wasn't as rough as I expected it to be. Overall I felt good had a Beer (non-alcoholic) and preceded to act like Ric Flair and beat up one my books.
I struggled with a section of LG, it was the second game so it threw me off that I was struggling with the second game! I’m pretty good with LG but after 2 minutes precious time I skipped over it & unfortunately had to guess the answers. RC all seemed more dense and difficult than Jan RC but I did my best. That being said, does anyone know when the grades are being released?
The scores are being released on March 10th.
Reading everyone's experiences makes me feel so crappy about this test. I though January went pretty smooth. This time, I had technical issues toward the end of my LG test. My screen kept going white saying lost connection every 30 seconds. I already struggle with LG and this one felt pretty difficult to me. LG was my first section. My proctor did nothing about it until I begged for help in the chat box after this happened for over 5 mins. At one point without notice they logged me out. Never came on the mic to reassure me what was happening. Pretty sure I lost some time during the process and the panic set in. So I lost out on working out an entire game. Threw off the rest of my test. LR wasn't that bad in my opinion, but I was very irritated by the tech issues that bled into the first part of LR. RC was okay, but that one's always a hit or miss for me. UGH.
I had a major issue before the test that definitely affected my performance...
There was some confusion regarding secure browsers, and a representative of PSI assured me (falsely) that the entire exam is on THEIR secure browser, not just the LSAT Writing. PSI was undergoing maintenance while I was scheduled to take the exam, so I was at a complete loss. Months of studying and making sure my computer and hardware would work, only to be false information by one of the proctor companies. PSI told me the only thing I could do was contact the LSAT administrators. I was finally able to start the exam (with seconds to spare), but there's no way I performed as well as I should have with the events that happened immediately prior. I reported everything to LSAC to see what I can do, but my score for this test obviously can't get better. Do you think 2021 Fall law school admissions would accept an April score if I wrote down what happened as an addendum? This really screwed me.
you can use control f in RC???
@Flavious - that rule is incredibly confusing! The Priest can only sit immediately before one person, so I suppose the best interpretation of the rule would be what you wrote. However, this is such a weirdly worded rule that I am not 100% sure
@ishaalife16 My apologies, I didn't see your comment earlier. I'm very cautious about disclosing any information as to test specifics, but I believe it is safe to say that the current LSATs have begun to incorporate some LG that require skills from much earlier exams. They do tend to shift skills over time and I would say that it's definitely important to go back and review as many of the early games as you can while still reviewing the newer games.
Just a head's up- it is against LSAC policy to disclose specific game types regardless of whether the exam has ended or not (they may still be administering accommodated tests too). I'd hate for anyone to lose out on all of their hard work and effort for accidentally over-disclosing.
I had major tech issues too, even after pre-checking! Congrats on keeping your cool and sorry about the hotel furniture, that is ridiculous haha.
@dbleserman I completely understand where you are coming from when you say that the events leading up to your exam may have derailed you from getting your best possible score. I had some technical difficulties prior to my exam that did not make me feel great about my performance as well. I know that some schools are accepting the April LSAT-FLEX as the last test in their Fall 2021 cycle for admissions. I signed up for the April LSAT-FLEX, just incase I was not pleased with how my February LSAT-FLEX score turned out. The deadline to sign up for the April test is tomorrow, FYI.
Try to take a deep breath and relax. Worst comes to worst, the score you receive wasn't what you wanted. At least you know that you are capable of doing better and can take it in April (or later if schools will not accept April LSAT-FLEX). It's difficult to say whether writing a separate addenda regarding this situation would work, but many schools are aware of the set-backs that COVID is causing for law school applicants. I suggest doing some research to see if the schools you are applying to will accept the April LSAT-FLEX.
I understand how difficult it is to keep yourself in a good headspace for the exam when there are factors going on that are out of your control. Give yourself a pat on the back for completing the test, even if the administering of the test did not go exactly as you planned. Stay strong, I hope everything works out in your favor.
Good luck in your journey!
Can I ask a favor? I also had the tough last section of the LG- junior/senior, and have never seen anything like that before....I ran out of time. I had a number of proctor issues and decided to cancel my Feb Flex test score since LG is my best section, 0 to -3. Would someone message me where I could find something similar to this section in PT's or JY's teaching so that my next test, I am not completely stumped? Private message to my inbox would be fine too. Would really appreciate it. Thank you, in advance!
Big hugs to you all!!! We will get there....
Anyone else score lower than they felt about it?
Yes. Much lower.
Not happy with mine either.
Yeah I’m Definitely Looking For An In Person Tutor. Or A Really Good One On One Tutor. I Live In Southern California, An Hour Away From Los Angeles.
Yessss! I can’t believe how low mine went and I felt that I answered most right or at least to the point that it would be better than my highest score.