Letters of Recommendations - when to ask

180energyonly180energyonly Member
edited March 2021 in Law School Admissions 122 karma

Hi there - I am applying this year’s cycle for entry in 2022, and just trying to get ahead of all materials needed for when the applications open. Does anyone have any suggestions or guidance on when is best to start asking your connections for letters of rec? I was thinking May/June if I want to apply early in the cycle (ie close to when apps open).Any thoughts?


  • Law and YodaLaw and Yoda Alum Member
    edited March 2021 4312 karma

    I'm no expert in this but when I had the conversation with my recommenders last year about the idea of applying and having them write one, they asked that I give them 3-4 months to write one when the time comes . With that said, I asked them last week and asked that I have them back by August. This gives them way more time than that 3-4 months that they asked for but I'd rather give them a ridiculous amount of time than no time.

    I would keep in mind what their schedules could look like. May typically involves finals/graduation so it may be a busy time for them. Doesn't mean you shouldn't ask but just keep that in mind if there is a delay in reply.

  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    Speaking as a former admissions officer, speaking with recommenders by May/June sounds reasonable if you intend to apply early in the cycle and your recommenders are responsive. Make sure you give them a deadline with a buffer (like July 31) so you can follow up with them if necessary. Sometimes people require additional reminders during the summer. Good luck!

  • 180energyonly180energyonly Member
    122 karma

    Thank you @"Law and Yoda" and @"selene.steelman"! Question to you both (or Selene), when I give my recommenders these deadlines, and it’s before I officially submitted my apps, where do they send the letters? Is there a portal where their letters get “stored” for the time being?

    (This has been confusing for me and tried to do some research)

  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    You might find this information to be useful: https://7sage.com/admissions/lesson/lor-logistics/.
    LSAC stores LORs for you for 5 years. You can have as many LORs in there as you'd like.

  • 180energyonly180energyonly Member
    122 karma

    Thanks @"selene.steelman" that’s very helpful, so essentially I can start collecting letters at any time now.

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