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Question on Foolproofing

d_114400d_114400 Member
in Logic Games 41 karma

I've noticed the importance that is placed on foolproofing on 7sage but one thing that i keep getting stuck on is the amount of games that the core curriculum gives and how long it would take to properly foolproof them.

What is the best way to efficiently foolproof without having to forfeit the time necessary for the other two sections? Should I just foolproof the games from my practice tests? Pick them out randomly from cc?

any advice would be appreciated!


  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    1687 karma

    Hello @d_114400 ,
    I don't think this question has a definitive right answer. It depends on where you are at in comparison to your goal score and in relation to how well you are doing in LG. If you are scoring 0/-1 then you probably do not need to go back to the CC and fool proof, however, if you are scoring -8+ then I might suggest going back and reviewing and fool proofing some more games.
    I am not sure of the 'best' way to fool proof games, but many people on there find it very help full to do about 2-4 games per day. But to also keep track of the games and questions you miss in a spread sheet, so you can know which games are giving you the most trouble and are able to work on those more than the other games that do not. I made a spread sheet here and posted it for 7sages to use. It has every (I think) LG game from the CC already broken into categories.----->https://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/27505/link-to-google-slides-that-many-have-been-asking-for-i-explain-my-process-to-0-lg
    You are welcome to use it, it also has the process I used to get to -0/-1 consistently, and also I found the spread sheet to be very helpful and that is why I share it with other 7sagers so hopefully they can find it as useful as I did.

  • d_114400d_114400 Member
    41 karma

    @kkole444 thank you so much!!

  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    1687 karma

    You're welcome!
    Best of luck in your studies, you got this!

  • d_114400d_114400 Member
    41 karma

    @kkole444 said:
    You're welcome!
    Best of luck in your studies, you got this!

    Can I actually ask you just one more quick question, I'm currently PTing because I plan on taking the exam in the summer and I was wondering if it would be good to foolproof maybe four from each LG type you have listed everyday? Or should I just dedicate a full week to foolproofing all of the CC?

  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    edited March 2021 1687 karma

    It really depends. I'm not going to say less fool proofing is bad. If you are where you want to be in LG then I would say just do some LG everyday, or every other day to keep fresh. But if you are really struggling then I would focus my time on LG because that will give you the most linear returns on time put in and score increase. I would not just fool proof any games either, I would make sure that the games I have down, do not become games that need work, but I would focus my time on the type of games that give you the most trouble.

  • Slow is FastSlow is Fast Alum Member
    445 karma

    @d_114400 If you search the forums, you'll find a post by 7Sager named Pacifico. He has a great method for foolproofing as well. I don't like to drill LG by type only because it's not an accurate representation of a full LG section. For example, if you chose four in-out games, there's no guarantee the difficulty matches a regular "LSAT-designed" section. You want to get better at doing the games, but you also need to practice switching between game types and learning how to pace in order to bank time for harder games within a section.

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