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Retake LSAT?

ExNewYorkerExNewYorker Alum Member
edited April 2021 in General 117 karma

Do you think that this is the most competitive cycle because of COVID?

Will the competition eventually die down the next two cycles?

I made my tuition deposit at SMU ... thinking about either just going ahead or retaking the lsat again ...& apply next year or the year after

I scored a 151 ... didn’t get much scholly... not a good test taker

Should I retake lsat or go this year ?
  1. Retake lsat12 votes
    1. Retake lsat
    2. Go to SMU


  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma
    1. Yes, the competition during this cycle is closely connected to COVID. Surges in graduate education always happen during economic downturn and when you factor in all the time spent at home thinking about what changes to make that is only exacerbated.

    2. Will it settle down. Eventually, but no one can tell you what next cycle will look like or how much of the increased competitiveness will remain.

    3. Retake or enter. That really depends on your financial situation and goals. I would retake until I get a good scholarship. If you have good savings and no debt maybe you'd make a different decision. SMU is a good school. Their employment numbers are very strong. Getting in with a 151 in this cycle is impressive. Can you improve enough to make it worth it next year? Did you have a bad test? What are you PTing?

  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    1687 karma

    Hello, you can defiantly improve on the lsat, but will SMU get you to your goals? If so then is it worth pushing off school and retaking the LSAT for more $? It also depends on what your finances look like. for example I have friends that need to scholly if not their is no way they would be able to attend and I have other friend or two that have like 400K from their parents to spend on school(not exaggerating) so it does not matter if they get the scholly or not. If the school will get you to your goals and there is not a need for the scholly, then it depends on how much you value getting out of law school later with less debt or earlier with more.
    But you can defiantly improve on the lsat too, so it is tough and I do not think there is going to be a definite right answer, it depends on what your goals are and if you think the school and the debt load will allow you to reach those goals.

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