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Ah! Curse the virtual PT!

I do so awesome when I take the paper tests. I finish in time with 24/25 right. Enter the LawHub virtual tests and cue the 16/18 outta 27!!! Ugh !! My score overall is still decent because I’ve improved on the LG from fool proofing but good grief, I could have a 163-165 if my lame RC could transfer from paper to virtual. Thanks for listening to me rant... any tips to close this gap by April 10th?!?


  • Lime Green DotLime Green Dot Member
    1384 karma

    What is it that you do differently b/w taking the RC section on paper vs. on LawHub? Do you feel you need to use a notation system on paper, for example? How long have you been taking digital exams? Do you feel you need to engage w/ the digital tools (HL/underline)?

    If it's been for just a couple exams, there's a period of adjustment to digital. I'm also a paper-oriented TT but grudgingly adapted to by just sticking to digital for both practice/exams on 7Sage and LH. Also, my printer is shoddy and ink is expensive, so that helped me stick with digital lol. Just keep exposing yourself to the digital format and try to not use paper at all.

  • Burt ReynoldsBurt Reynolds Alum Member Sage
    edited March 2021 957 karma

    I was the same way with RC -- I think you just have to do like a billion online sections and/or passages until you're comfortable.

  • tonyahardzinskitonyahardzinski Core Member
    307 karma

    @"Lime Green Dot" said:
    What is it that you do differently b/w taking the RC section on paper vs. on LawHub? Do you feel you need to use a notation system on paper, for example? How long have you been taking digital exams? Do you feel you need to engage w/ the digital tools (HL/underline)?

    If it's been for just a couple exams, there's a period of adjustment to digital. I'm also a paper-oriented TT but grudgingly adapted to by just sticking to digital for both practice/exams on 7Sage and LH. Also, my printer is shoddy and ink is expensive, so that helped me stick with digital lol. Just keep exposing yourself to the digital format and try to not use paper at all.

    I like the way I can notate on PAPER way better than the virtual format on LawHub. I feel like I just do not comprehend passages the same way. I've been practicing with the virtual for a while, it's just NOT as good for me.

  • SufficientConditionSufficientCondition Alum Member
    311 karma

    I feel your pain @tonyahardzinski !!! I have commented on this subject extensively in the past. 7Sage might let you click on my handle and see those posts? I'm with you, sister! I guess the silver lining is that digital reading is more representative of the work lawyers do nowadays : /

  • Lime Green DotLime Green Dot Member
    1384 karma

    @tonyahardzinski agree - it's such a frustrating switch adjusting methods over to digital. I know you've been practicing for a while on it, but like other commenters are saying, I think you've just got to keep at it.

    Not to belittle what you're going through, but on a psychological level, it can help to try to re-frame your mind to think, "If I can get it on paper, I can get it on digital." While the difficulty is real, mentality can have a huge impact on how we approach/perform. You can try reading a few articles you enjoy in a format that mimics how LH presents RC passages before taking an actual RC section.

    I'm not sure if timing is an issue resulting from the paper-digital switch as well, but if it is, maybe consider also how you can either adapt or reduce notation and use that extra time to focus on understanding the passage and attacking questions.

  • tonyahardzinskitonyahardzinski Core Member
    307 karma

    @"Lime Green Dot" said:
    @tonyahardzinski agree - it's such a frustrating switch adjusting methods over to digital. I know you've been practicing for a while on it, but like other commenters are saying, I think you've just got to keep at it.

    Not to belittle what you're going through, but on a psychological level, it can help to try to re-frame your mind to think, "If I can get it on paper, I can get it on digital." While the difficulty is real, mentality can have a huge impact on how we approach/perform. You can try reading a few articles you enjoy in a format that mimics how LH presents RC passages before taking an actual RC section.

    I'm not sure if timing is an issue resulting from the paper-digital switch as well, but if it is, maybe consider also how you can either adapt or reduce notation and use that extra time to focus on understanding the passage and attacking questions.

    Good point regarding "If I can get it on paper, I can get it on digital". I think there is just a chunk of our comprehension, for some of us, that gets lost in virtual format.

    Regarding reading online as a lawyer, I just plan on printing vital things out and reading on paper LOL. Too bad we can't print off the RC passages on the flex :-P

  • scarnnnnscarnnnn Member
    39 karma

    One thing that helped me was the "Passage Only View" on LSAC's LawHub, which makes the entire passage fit onto a single screen.

    The key to RC passages is being able to understand the overall structure of the passage. This Passage Only View eliminates scrolling, so it is more similar to paper in the sense that everything is fixed in place. I think it's possible that having to scroll through the passage interferes with our ability to visualize the structure of the entire passage.

    This doesn't help with your notation problem, but it could be worth giving it a shot. I intend to use this view during the real exam. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be available when taking PrepTests directly on 7Sage.

  • whatsmynamewhatsmyname Member
    606 karma

    same problem, its as if i can navigate better on paper and my eyes don't get fixated the same as they do on the screen. not seeing any helpful solutions unfortunately... guess we're just gonna have to suck it up

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    One thing I was just talking with my tutor about is how to better read for comprehension on the screen and something you might want to try is using your pencil to track what you are reading (I tried the cursor, that didn't work for me but might for you). Or, try using the highlight or underline for things you might have circled or underlined on paper. One last thing, if I were you I would keep my practice exclusively to digital, as reverting back to something that is easier for you may be making the transition harder (if you are still using paper, that is... otherwise, ignore that last part).

  • tonyahardzinskitonyahardzinski Core Member
    307 karma

    @sarakimmel said:
    One thing I was just talking with my tutor about is how to better read for comprehension on the screen and something you might want to try is using your pencil to track what you are reading (I tried the cursor, that didn't work for me but might for you). Or, try using the highlight or underline for things you might have circled or underlined on paper. One last thing, if I were you I would keep my practice exclusively to digital, as reverting back to something that is easier for you may be making the transition harder (if you are still using paper, that is... otherwise, ignore that last part).

    Thank you so much for the tip about using our pencil to track the words vs the cursor- it’s really helped! 🤩

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    @tonyahardzinski I'm so glad! You never know which little things will make life easier!

  • yang9999yang9999 Core Member
    419 karma

    @sarakimmel said:
    One thing I was just talking with my tutor about is how to better read for comprehension on the screen and something you might want to try is using your pencil to track what you are reading (I tried the cursor, that didn't work for me but might for you). Or, try using the highlight or underline for things you might have circled or underlined on paper. One last thing, if I were you I would keep my practice exclusively to digital, as reverting back to something that is easier for you may be making the transition harder (if you are still using paper, that is... otherwise, ignore that last part).

    oooh yes I have found that keeping the highlighter option on my cursor as I read down helps me scan the lines faster and more accurately when reading in a digital format! (at the very least it prevents me from getting lost)

  • rmmccoy94rmmccoy94 Core Member
    53 karma

    You also are allowed to use scrap paper for this! While it's not something I employ often, if I do need visual notes to understand the structure I'll use a corner of the paper and just mark down kind of what each paragraph is doing, like I would have on a paper exam. Yeah it's not next to the paragraph, but it can be helpful on more difficult passages. Also, this may sound dumb try adjusting the brightness of your screen. The light coming from the screen may be impacting how you're reading as well.

  • tonyahardzinskitonyahardzinski Core Member
    307 karma

    @rmmccoy94 said:
    You also are allowed to use scrap paper for this! While it's not something I employ often, if I do need visual notes to understand the structure I'll use a corner of the paper and just mark down kind of what each paragraph is doing, like I would have on a paper exam. Yeah it's not next to the paragraph, but it can be helpful on more difficult passages. Also, this may sound dumb try adjusting the brightness of your screen. The light coming from the screen may be impacting how you're reading as well.

    I’ll try anything lol

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