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LSAT Flex vs New LSAT (4 Sections)

halfastromyeveninghalfastromyevening Core Member
edited April 2021 in General 25 karma

I know that the LSAT will be changing after June and making it a 4 section test with a break in between. Do you think the people taking the 4 sections will have a disadvantage compared to the LSAT Flex? I am wondering whether the break we get in between outweighs the cons of adding another section to the test. What do you think? I want someone to convince me that the 4-sections LSAT is not all that bad!


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    There will definitely be an effect, but I don't think it's that big of a deal. You know it's coming so just train accordingly. There's an argument to be made that catching the experimental section early on could even work to your advantage. Remember this was originally designed to be a 5 section test, and we used to do 6 to work on stamina!

  • nbergelsnbergels Member
    22 karma

    @canihazJD said:
    There will definitely be an effect, but I don't think it's that big of a deal. You know it's coming so just train accordingly. There's an argument to be made that catching the experimental section early on could even work to your advantage. Remember this was originally designed to be a 5 section test, and we used to do 6 to work on stamina!

    what do you mean when you mention catching the experimental section early on could be advantageous?

  • 424 karma

    I also suspect the 4 sections could work to your advantage ... say you “bombed” a section - this way, it’s possibly an experimental section, so you can give yourself that comfort and not let it impact your performance for the rest of the test.

  • emmorensemmorens Core Member
    1470 karma

    @"Hal Incandenza" I totally agree with this! In January one of my first sections didn't go as planned and it totally got to me.

  • emmorensemmorens Core Member
    1470 karma

    I am actually registered for June but am thinking of postponing to August because of the four section format.

    It only requires enough stamina to do 2 sections back-to-back which is really appealing to me personally, rather than 3 sections straight through!

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