PT15.S2.Q8 - Toxic substances in food supply

edited May 2021 in Logical Reasoning 13 karma

The stimulus opens with a question, (Is it correct for the gov't to abandon efforts to determine toxicity levels in food supply?) and the next sentence is the answer. How is the answer to that question the MC when the following sentence begins with "however"? In this context, does "however" NOT indicate a change from context to argument? "Furthermore" in the next sentence indicates an additional premise. But, I also see a complex sentence -indicated by the semicolon. Is what follows after the semicolon the main conclusion? What am I missing or reading too deeply into?



  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    Ah, this is one of those stims where the test makers would love for you to just look for indicator words, but that can trip you up, especially with more difficult questions. What you need to ask yourself with any MP question is WHY is the author writing this? What are they trying to tell me? If you distill it down, the author is talking to us about the government determining acceptable levels of toxic substances in food. The rest is window dressing and distraction, especially the way it's worded. Best of luck!

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