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Advice for people with un-ideal test times?

tahurrrrrtahurrrrr Member
in June 2021 LSAT 1106 karma

I assume those of you taking the June LSAT got the email about scheduling test times.

Just my luck, my only choice for taking the test is 5-8pm on a Friday. I'm a morning person who has never started a test later than noon, and a little salty right now. I'll get over it in a bit I'm sure, but any pro tips for taking tests at times you're typically not your sharpest? AND dinner time on top of that -_-


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    Start making that time your test time now.

  • tonyahardzinskitonyahardzinski Core Member
    307 karma

    I feel your pain. When I do PT in the morning, I score higher between 158-162, and after 3 pm?! Forget it 🤣I’m thinking of adding some Mct Oil in a cup of coffee or protein shake if I do PT in the afternoon for some extra mental clarity lol. I’m just a hardcore morning person

  • tahurrrrrtahurrrrr Member
    1106 karma

    @tonyahardzinski said:
    I feel your pain. When I do PT in the morning, I score higher between 158-162, and after 3 pm?! Forget it 🤣I’m thinking of adding some Mct Oil in a cup of coffee or protein shake if I do PT in the afternoon for some extra mental clarity lol. I’m just a hardcore morning person

    I don't even drink coffee, but I think I might have to for this test 🤣

  • ibarre98ibarre98 Member
    44 karma

    I did not get an email about test times. Was I supposed to?

  • 16 karma

    No, you can’t schedule your test until June 3rd @noon @ibarre98. OP’s information is inconsistent with what LSAC has communicated to me and my friends, at least. It doesn’t say anywhere in the email that Friday is even an option for any test taker.

  • thinklikealawyerthinklikealawyer Core Member
    284 karma

    @jeffreyshoenfelt said:
    No, you can’t schedule your test until June 3rd @noon @ibarre98. OP’s information is inconsistent with what LSAC has communicated to me and my friends, at least. It doesn’t say anywhere in the email that Friday is even an option for any test taker.

    I received an email from LSAC saying scheduling opens June 3 @ 12 PT ET. The days the test will be administered are as follows: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET on Saturday, June 12 and Sunday, June 13, and 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET on Tuesday, June 15.

  • FindingSageFindingSage Alum Member
    2047 karma

    As others are saying, the scheduling times haven't even opened yet. But I am guessing you may be looking at that time period because of your own life personal commitments. My recommendation to is look at the possible days and times and move your other commitments around. If you can't and the only possible time period you have is between those three hours I would advise moving to August. If something goes wrong with ProctorU you are setting yourself up for failure and a lot of stress by limiting yourself the way you are.

  • tahurrrrrtahurrrrr Member
    1106 karma

    @FindingSage @thinklikealawyer @jeffreyshoenfelt

    For further context to show y'all that I meant what I said, I don't live in the US. Granted, I made a time conversion mistake so I got the day slightly wrong in my original post. The option for international test takers is Thursday June 17 4am-7pm EST, which is Thursday 5pm- Friday 8am where I live. I will be taking the LSAT in the early evening at best, middle of the night at worst. August is not an option where I live either.

    I have not scheduled an official time yet, but LSAC did send an email saying that the official scheduling email would be coming soon.

  • tahurrrrrtahurrrrr Member
    1106 karma

    @FindingSage said:
    As others are saying, the scheduling times haven't even opened yet. But I am guessing you may be looking at that time period because of your own life personal commitments. My recommendation to is look at the possible days and times and move your other commitments around. If you can't and the only possible time period you have is between those three hours I would advise moving to August. If something goes wrong with ProctorU you are setting yourself up for failure and a lot of stress by limiting yourself the way you are.

    You do make great points about clearing your schedule for the day of this test! And I really appreciate you trying to help. It's just not applicable to my situation as I've already cleared my schedule. My problem is that despite this, my time options are still garbage -_-

    I did make a time conversion error in my original post. My window is actually 5pm-8am the next day.

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    You could take the test sometime before 8am on Friday, yes? Seems like that would work well for you if you're a morning person?

  • tahurrrrrtahurrrrr Member
    1106 karma

    @sarakimmel said:
    You could take the test sometime before 8am on Friday, yes? Seems like that would work well for you if you're a morning person?

    I mean, 8am start wouldn't be bad at all. But it's not like I'm just gonna roll out of bed and take the test. Even minimizing the prep I need to do before the exam starts, I'd still be getting up at an awkward time. So at this point I've gotta weigh if I prefer a slightly awkward morning time or if it's better to go ahead and get it over with Thursday evening dinner time.

  • 123anami123anami Member
    388 karma

    Honestly, if I were you I'd start eating early dinners/later lunches from now til the test so your body doesn't react uncomfortably/you don't get hungry during test time. It's a few weeks away so you have some time to create a pseudo routine and get comfortable with studying or maybe even pt-ing at that time. Alternative would be to wake up earlier than usual to get used to the early morning time if you do end up choosing to take the exam in the morning?

  • FindingSageFindingSage Alum Member
    2047 karma

    Sorry to hear you have such bad options as an International test taker. But as you are more of a morning person I would look at taking it that next morning and register for a time prior to 8 am. Since I work full time/single Mom I do sometimes study at night and honestly I make quite a bit less errors in the morning. Be ready as soon as the registration opens and try to grab one of those morning spots.

  • ravioli4ravioli4 Member
    88 karma

    Omg I'm so thankful that you posted this, I'm in asia at the moment so I'm in the literal same situation of having to pick from 5pm-8am Th-Fr (seriously so gutted we can't write it on a weekend) I work full-time and the thought of having to write the LSAT after teaching my 3rd graders all day is horrific...but then also if I do it Friday morning, I'm worried any issues with proctorU will delay the test time possibly and I won't be able to make it in time for work on Friday!
    My only option it seems at this point is writing it super early Friday morning (maybe 5 am) which is...not ideal. But hey if we start changing our schedules/habits now I'm sure it'll be ok (esp as you've said you're a morning person) Maybe it's time to start waking up at 4 ugh
    Personally, I think I'm a better performer after a sleep even if its short/awkward vs at the end of the day before sleeping.
    But yeah good luck! Just have to make the best of it and habituate towards that time going forward.

  • tahurrrrrtahurrrrr Member
    1106 karma

    @ravioli4 said:
    Omg I'm so thankful that you posted this, I'm in asia at the moment so I'm in the literal same situation of having to pick from 5pm-8am Th-Fr (seriously so gutted we can't write it on a weekend) I work full-time and the thought of having to write the LSAT after teaching my 3rd graders all day is horrific...but then also if I do it Friday morning, I'm worried any issues with proctorU will delay the test time possibly and I won't be able to make it in time for work on Friday!
    My only option it seems at this point is writing it super early Friday morning (maybe 5 am) which is...not ideal. But hey if we start changing our schedules/habits now I'm sure it'll be ok (esp as you've said you're a morning person) Maybe it's time to start waking up at 4 ugh
    Personally, I think I'm a better performer after a sleep even if its short/awkward vs at the end of the day before sleeping.
    But yeah good luck! Just have to make the best of it and habituate towards that time going forward.

    Personally if I decide to do Friday morning, I'm just going to take the day off. I don't think I have the mental energy to worry about going to work right after I finish the test.

    But yeah, let's commiserate about these horrible options LSAC is giving us and use this to focus harder and crush this test!

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