Applying to Law Schools - ED?

vspicy23vspicy23 Member
in General 190 karma

Hi everyone!

I'm currently studying super hard for my LSAT and plan to take it this June and it's giving me a lot of anxiety. I I'm currently not scoring where I need too & the school I want to attend has a median LSAT score of a 158. On the other hand, I just graduated college and I have a GPA of a 3.9. I also have a good amount of legal experience on my resume working as a legal assistant, paralegal, and legal intern. Do you guys think that applying either Early Decision or right when applications open in mid-late September -- will increase my chances of getting in? (Also, I know that if I apply ED it is binding so I'm not worried about that because that's where want to go). Please let me know what you guys think! All opinions are appreciated.



  • 17 karma

    Applying the earliest possible is ideal and cannot hurt you unless your application is not ready at that time. Whether to do early decision or simply an early application would be up to you. Have you hit the school's median score? If not, how far are you?

  • FindingSageFindingSage Alum Member
    2047 karma

    I would make sure to read the terms of ED early before seriously considering it. Sometimes schools offer a set scholarship or will tell you what scholarship you would get before you are bound to their contract. Others require you to sign a binding deposit and deposit before doing so which to means that essentially they can charge you full price and you can't say know.
    Also, the school you are referring to sounds like a regional law school based on the LSAT median. Before making such a commitment, make sure that it is a region you would want to practice in and also check out law school transparency so you can get an idea of where that school places graduates, average first year salary and more. With your GPA you could basically go to almost any school if you take the time and invest it into improving your LSAT score. Schools also like work experience so taking a gap year to work/improve your LSAT score may be a great idea for you.

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