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Did anyone have a 140 Diagnostic and then improve? Please share your stories!! I need some inspo!

underdawgggunderdawggg Alum Member
edited June 2021 in General 64 karma

I want to write the August LSAT and currently freaked out because my diagnostic was a143. Was anyone else in the same boat but managed to turn it around? I would love to hear your stories and tips!!!

What was your Diagnostic score?
  1. 130's362 votes
    1. 140's
    2. 150's
    3. 160's
    4. 170+


  • h_ksfuh_ksfu Core Member
    52 karma

    I had a 138 diagnostic and am now up to 145, slowly trying to get into the 150s.

  • BubbleWrapBubbleWrap Alum Member
    48 karma

    Mine was in the lows 140s as well. I’d love to hear other people’s improvements too.

  • LawyerBarbieLawyerBarbie Member
    164 karma

    I started at 135, now PTing upper 150s looking to break the 160s you can do it!! just with patience

  • sarahblairsarahblair Core Member
    604 karma

    You can totally defy your diagnostic score! Mine was 149, and I have made improvement to the mid 160s. Good luck!

  • garrett_proctorgarrett_proctor Core Member
    72 karma

    @LawyerBarbie said:
    I started at 135, now PTing upper 150s looking to break the 160s you can do it!! just with patience

    How long have you been studying for? I started with a 143 and have been going through the curriculum for awhile now. I'm nearly done with the LR portion and then I'll move onto Games

  • LuxxTabooLuxxTaboo Core Member
    212 karma

    @LawyerBarbie said:
    I started at 135, now PTing upper 150s looking to break the 160s you can do it!! just with patience

    How long have you been studying?

  • LawyerBarbieLawyerBarbie Member
    164 karma

    @garrett_proctor to be honest, going on 2 years on and off... im not the super success story with hitting 170s after a couple years, I definitely think its still possible with a couple more months but ill be taking the the lsat in either august or October. I took a year off from studying as well. I work full time and I am a non traditional student aka I had to get back in the mindset of learning like I was in school again. the brain is like a muscle and I always have to keep that in mind so I can't force myself to a 170. I have 7sage which is a great community and resource (clearly), I also used the lsat demon... what really helped was the loophole book because I honestly didn't really know how to read the lsat LR and RC alike, fool proofing, I used one of the 7sage tutors who helped me with RC and I got a study partner from 7sage (1 person) who actually kept me consistent through my studies.

  • LawyerBarbieLawyerBarbie Member
    164 karma

    @hekatedagger check above.

  • CSieck3507CSieck3507 Member
    edited June 2021 1376 karma

    @lsatprincess Started at 136 and now I am scoring high 160's looking to break into the 170's by August or October!

  • Benx4HT_Benx4HT_ Member
    34 karma

    Yeah! My diagnostic was a 141, I'm now testing at around 159 with blind reviews at 165-167. I have been studying for the past few months and have dedicated an hour or two a day to studying (though it often ends up running past that) with one day a week off. My professor told us that increases in score are common with studying but to not get our hopes up if we have low 140s-ish scores and want high 160s or 170s, but I don't believe that. This test is learnable, and if you study enough and really dive into the material you will see an increase, don't worry!

  • sarahblairsarahblair Core Member
    604 karma

    @Benx4HT_ said:
    Yeah! My diagnostic was a 141, I'm now testing at around 159 with blind reviews at 165-167. I have been studying for the past few months and have dedicated an hour or two a day to studying (though it often ends up running past that) with one day a week off. My professor told us that increases in score are common with studying but to not get our hopes up if we have low 140s-ish scores and want high 160s or 170s, but I don't believe that. This test is learnable, and if you study enough and really dive into the material you will see an increase, don't worry!

    That is such a great mentality. I, too, don't think that anyone is limited to a certain score. With time, everything can be learned and essentially mastered! Great point.

  • emmorensemmorens Core Member
    1470 karma

    scored a 142 on my first Diag and currently practicing high 150s low 160s :) you can do it! feel free to message me if you have any Q's. It's been a long journey but worth it, I've learned so much more than I would have if I was scoring 160s off the bat!

  • vspicy23vspicy23 Member
    190 karma

    I scored somewhere in the mid 130s on my very very first PT. Then I got in the low 140s and this week I finally broke into the 150s. Now im working on breaking into the 160s. I promise you can do it. You just need to put in the effort. In order to substantially increase your score, try to focus on the logic games at first because thats the section that's the easiest to improve on. Also, one really helpful piece of advice that I got was that "You're in your own way." So try not to worry or stress yourself out. Just put in the effort, study, and most importantly LEARN from the mistakes you make on practice tests so you can avoid making them again. Good luck. You absolutely got this!!!!

  • ornela..ornela.. Member
    66 karma

    I read the LR and LG bible in Feb-Beginning of April, took a diagnostic end of April and got a 150. And after doing a bunch of PTs. My score has slowly improved consistently and I finally hit a 163 with proper test conditions yesterday :). I'm writing the June test and I know I can even get better in time for another test in Aug or Nov it’s very possible!!! You can do it 100% grind it out!!!

  • jroblesjrobles Core Member
    21 karma

    Don't remember about my Diag, but got a 143 on my first LSAT and now I'm PTing 155+ :') you can do it!!!

  • 776 karma

    Started with a 143 and have minimum made a 20+ point improvment.

  • rayastellarayastella Member
    19 karma

    I scored somewhere in the low 140's. I can't remember exactly as it was a decade ago. The Kaplan teacher I had at the time made it seem like I was supposed to be ready by the end of the course. I was not and I never took the LSAT because it felt so difficult and daunting.

    Decided to give it a go again this year. I did not take a diagnostic before learning core curriculum this time around because I didn't want to freak myself out. I got a 154 in April. I am currently PT-ing in the 157-159 range. Blind review 165-179. I feel like I am on the verge of breaking 160.

    I also am regretting not even attempting to apply for accommodations for dyslexia and anxiety. I've always thought I was dyslexic but it never created huge issues that I couldn't figure out until this exam.

    There's so many good resources out there compared to ten years ago. It seems like if you are willing to put the time and effort in, it will pay off.

  • cesar.alg8cesar.alg8 Member
    24 karma

    I started at 132. This was incredibly discouraging! Like many, I never had any practical experience with logic in my undergrad. I have been lucky enough to be able to study full-time since early February. Last Friday I scored a 156 timed on a PT. Timing is something I'm still struggling with. Some advice I will give to anyone just starting, focus on improving you Logic Games scores! In my opinion, having a solid foundation in this section is much easier to establish than LR and RC.

  • BigJay20BigJay20 Live Member
    465 karma

    While difficult, it's not impossible. 148 diagnostic. On a good day, I can score 180 untimed. I bombed my last timed so I don't even know what my average is at this point lol. It's just a time-consuming process lol

  • Glutton for the LSATGlutton for the LSAT Alum Member
    edited June 2021 551 karma

    I started with a 149 diagnostic. My PT average is in the high-160s, and low-170s now. Note: I still have not yet taken the official test.

  • ASar2021ASar2021 Live Member
    63 karma

    I started with a 140 on the diagnostic and ended up scoring a 162 on the actual test last July. While mine is not one of those 140 to a 170 on the actual test kind of a story (just yet at least), I think with consistent practice improving upon your score is not impossible. Focus on mastering games first (I went from scoring anywhere between 5-8 to missing 2-3 questions all thanks to 7 Sages's Foolproofing method). The key to LR and RC too is a lot of practice to the point where you start recognizing the patterns in all the questions.

  • LSAT NovemberLSAT November Member
    29 karma

    I have been studying it for less than a year and still score 141-151. I totally get your feelings. I don't want to give up. would you like to study together? let's help each other. I know one day we will all score 150, 160 and 170s.

  • LSATulcerLSATulcer Member
    111 karma

    146 to 165, but I studied 4 days out of the week for a year.

  • 2025FutureEsq2025FutureEsq Core Member
    102 karma

    I have been studying since April started with a diagnostic of 128 and am now at a PTing at 144, anything is possible with persistence. I compared myself to everyone, that I wasn't smart enough because my diagnostic was too low, but this is all apart of my success story! If I can do it, you can do it!

  • 123anami123anami Member
    388 karma

    Hi! I studied on and off 2 years (grinding it out the past 6 months especially). Started with 147 diagnostic and now scoring 170+. Feel free to reach out if you want to discuss. I'm taking the flex this weekend!

  • eyetee111eyetee111 Free Trial Member
    14 karma

    started at a 133, now in 150s after about 4 months of intense studying.

  • hotranchsaucehotranchsauce Member
    edited June 2021 288 karma


    I Started at 141. Just today I had my first 160 PT. I did about a year of very light, on and off again study and about half a year of moderate study, and about 3 months of pretty dedicated study. That's where I'm at now. IMO, going from 140 to a consistent 150 in less than 2 months seems like it would be difficult for most people, and hitting 160+ within that same time frame seems super unlikely. BUT I'm just a single dude on the internet, so who knows.

  • 425 karma

    Hi there!

    I had a 144 diagnostic and I recently scored a 172 on a PT! There is hope everyone. Never give up!

  • SaifAli1SaifAli1 Member
    18 karma

    I had a 147 diagnostic and made it to PTing at 170 with a 167 on my actual test. Don't worry on starting low, your diagnostic really isn't that important, it's just a starting point. Focus on learning section by section. What I found best was working hard at something like logic games, then once I got better at that I would focus one by one on the other two sections til I was at a similar skill level at all 3 then restart the process back at logic games.

  • MichaelJM1989MichaelJM1989 Core Member
    64 karma

    you just need to be relentless about your practice. Could take over a year.

  • tonyahardzinskitonyahardzinski Core Member
    307 karma

    @lsatprincess said:
    I want to write the August LSAT and currently freaked out because my diagnostic was a143. Was anyone else in the same boat but managed to turn it around? I would love to hear your stories and tips!!!

    I got a 136 last may/June. Started reading the Loophole over the summer and began studying 5-6days a week for 2-3 hrs in September. In Nov 2020 I got a 150. Then I took a break until JAN 2021, studied occasionally because covid closures messed with my kids childcare, then began studying nearly daily again in Feb. got a 153 in April and am retaking this Sunday because I was soooooo sick that week before the lsat & def didn’t perform well. My average PT is 158-161.

    My suggestion is use 7Sage! If I had started them last summer I’m sure I would be in the low 170s lol

  • dianao6512dianao6512 Member
    169 karma

    My diagnostic a few years ago was 151. Got a 148 in October 2020 LSAT (should not have taken it because i was burnt out but I was determined to not have to take an extra year off....needless to say I decided to take another year off haha). Currently scoring in the mid 160's, highest PT was a 168. Taking it this weekend and again in August. It is definitely possible! I could have achieved this much sooner if I knew the best way to study (finding the right tutor was a major key for me).

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    My diagnostic was 138 (or was it 142? I can't remember, but nothing to write home about) in June of last year. I had massive technical issues and ended up getting a 149 on my first FLEX in October, then took a month off after writing (burnt out from over studying after bombing October) in November and getting a disappointing 155. In retrospect, I just wasn't ready to take the test last year, and relate very much to what @dianao6512 said, I just didn't want to wait. Getting your best score ever under the pressure of a timed, proctored test seems totally reasonable, right? lol
    I am now scoring consistently in the mid 160s, my highest has been 168, BRing in the low 170s. Shout out to my study buddy @LawyerBarbie and tutor who really helped focus my understanding of the test material. I HIGHLY recommend working with study partners/groups, anyone who can push your understanding and keep you accountable. If you are lucky you will find someone with different strengths to yours such that you can teach each other, as I feel you can learn more by teaching and collaborating than by just running through material.
    Planning to write October, but if I feel ready before registration closes for August, I may sit for that test instead/as well? I think being flexible, knowing when to brute force and when to take your time and give yourself a break are keys to success, in addition to the great advice already given.

  • LawyerBarbieLawyerBarbie Member
    164 karma

    Yesss Saraaa!!! your amazinggg!! your gonna get that 170!!! best study partner ever @sarakimmel

  • ethandlee2001ethandlee2001 Member
    23 karma

    My first diagnostic was a 149. 2 months later I am at a 167. My goal is a 172 so I am pretty close! There is hope!

  • GoBlueFlyNavyGoBlueFlyNavy Core Member
    40 karma

    Diagnostic was a 143. Been studying for three months and routinely PTing in the low 160s. Highest PT score so far has been a 167. Undecided if I will take the August test yet.

  • emmachedwickemmachedwick Member
    8 karma

    Diagnostic was 146 around a month ago and I just took my first PT and it was a 160! Improvement is possible. It's all about recognizing patterns and, for me, trusting your gut.

  • joannamendoza6joannamendoza6 Core Member
    90 karma

    @SaifAli1 said:
    I had a 147 diagnostic and made it to PTing at 170 with a 167 on my actual test. Don't worry on starting low, your diagnostic really isn't that important, it's just a starting point. Focus on learning section by section. What I found best was working hard at something like logic games, then once I got better at that I would focus one by one on the other two sections til I was at a similar skill level at all 3 then restart the process back at logic games.

    @SaifAli1 how long did it take you? My diagnostic was 145, took the flex November of last year and scored 147 (prior to 7Sage) My goal is to increase my score by at least 20 points, which I never thought possible until I read your comment. I have not made it to the logic games part of the curriculum. Any advice on how to tackle it?

  • Ru_mp1639Ru_mp1639 Member
    56 karma

    I had a 132

  • neverondefenseneverondefense Core Member
    edited June 2021 15 karma

    Started at a 144, jumped to 166 with a 161 average. I'm hoping to jump to a 165 average by August, and break into the 170's by October (if not November)! It's just a matter of time, patience, reflection, and consistent effort - it'll come!

  • rhitt19rhitt19 Member
    34 karma

    I improved my score 20 points from my first diagnostic. Mind you, I still fluctuate in a range of about 5 points, but I believe this test is learnable. There was a great encouragement thread a couple days ago with someone who started out in the 140s and broke 170 on test day. It's doable, you just can't fall into despair and give up. This is what I tell myself anyway.

  • LattechocoLattechoco Yearly Member
    edited June 2021 57 karma

    I had a 138 diagnostic and now my best timed is 160! It can be done! Stick with it!

  • HopefullyHLSHopefullyHLS Member
    edited June 2021 445 karma

    @lsatprincess I did no cold diagnostic test, as I do not really see any value in taking a test without preparation at all...

    The LSAT is a learnable test, and I'm sure almost anyone can make it to 170+ if they invest enough effort. I wrote the sufficient condition in bold, as I strongly believe that very few people are willing to make that effort, that's why it is so important.

    Those who have a high diagnostic are certainly lucky, as they'll probably have to invest way less time to get a very high score than the vast majority of us. Though: most of us have never been involved in applying strategies for solving Logic Games in less than 8 minutes, most of us have not done anything similar to argument analysis and conditional logic before, and most of us probably spend their time more wisely than reading passages about boring topics. Therefore, it should not be surprising at all that most of us have a low cold diagnostic score!

    I have a diagnosed social anxiety disorder... and became a management consultant at a top firm. How? By making clear to myself that I would become a management consultant no matter how much effort it takes, giving a sh#t about my diagnosis, starting working on my weaknesses, and practicing. I hope this gave you at least a bit of inspiration not to give a f#ck on a stupid cold diagnostic score and, if you really want to become a lawyer, to sit down, do what J.Y. and 7sage tells you, and practice, no matter how painful it will be ;)

    Good luck, and I'm sure you'll make it!

  • There are all these stories about people making 170s and freaking out about getting less..Which is ridiculous to me. I had my diagnostic in 140s, about month and a half of prep, and broke it to 157. I feel like it is totally doable to get into 160s, and unless you are aiming for ivy league, then 160s is a very competitive score. My advise - learn how to learn for LSAT. What works for you, what does not, you need to pull from different source for theory because not everything will help you. Sometimes you will need to pick up that theory by pieces - whatever makes most sense to you! But hey, it is a learnable test, 100%

  • LunananaLunanana Member
    44 karma

    My diagnostic test was only 144 (even under untimed conditions), but I was not sad cuz 144 meant there would be lots of room for me to improve:) For LG I only used 7sage. For LR, 7 sage is great but a book called Loophole is a must-have. Loophole helped me from -12/13 to -6. For RC I also used 7sage. Of course, the most important resource is PT. I have studied for the test for a whole year all by myself, and I got 161 in April test. I will keep working on it until I get 170+. I believe I can do it and I believe you can do it!

  • shelbshelbsshelbshelbs Member
    15 karma

    @LawyerBarbie said:
    I started at 135, now PTing upper 150s looking to break the 160s you can do it!! just with patience

    How long have you been studying? What was your method where you saw the most improvement?

  • MischiefMayneMischiefMayne Core Member
    12 karma

    Two months of six hour, no-nonsense study sessions, burnt out multiple times, increased score from 140s to 160s.

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