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Are we allowed to talk during breaks?

vgillia1vgillia1 Member

I was taking my exam and during my 1 minute break in between my RC and LR section I told my mom to put the tv lower. 5 minutes or so later the proctor calls me (once I’ve begun my LR section) and goes “I heard you talking, you’re not allowed to talk. What did you say?” I said “I just told my mom to be quiet.” she said “You’re not allowed to speak. This is your first warning.” I thought she was done but she kept going saying something like “do you understand? No more talking.” I already have accommodations because I have to reread multiple times or else I don’t process. When she interrupted me it really threw me off as I was in the middle of a question and it made me anxious. Was I allowed to say that during my break? And why didn’t she just tell me this while I was still in my break? She for some reason waited until I began the section to say something. If I am allowed to speak during breaks can should I complain?


  • TimeIsMoneyTimeIsMoney Member
    495 karma

    I believe in the LSAT flex introduction they tell you that if someone interrupts you then you can address them and tell them to please be quiet or to leave the room. The proctors who did the flex for me were a joke. I think they have recordings of your camera/mic and since they are monitoring many students, they probably have software that tells them if someone talked or something. That might be why they didn't ask you until after the break. Numerous times my guy left his mic on and i could hear rustling and stuff in the background while trying to do my reading section... not only that i actually got kicked out of the section twice in the first 5 minutes. I'm sure that section hurt my score. I was so frustrated. I also was not able to cancel my score so i had to get through it. After the test, i felt awful even though i felt i did very well on LR and LG. I was pretty mad afterwards and said i wasn't gonna take the LSAT again until it was in person. Luckily I scored about my average and I wasn't gonna risk another horrible experience and give LSAC more $ so i just decided to stick with that and move on.

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