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I got a 159. Same as my April score. I got a 144 my first time in Sept of 2018. This is my 3rd attempt and I seriously do not want to retest. My PTs were 166-170 consistently so I am not sure what happened. I am only looking to get into UNC, their median is 165 or higher with this cycle. I am frustrated, any advice on retaking or what my chances would be?
I feel your pain. This was my first test and I was PT’ing in the 159-163 range and got a 155. Proud of myself for taking the test, but thought I did well enough to hit the range I was practicing in. I’ve heard from others that it was helpful to talk to an AO to see what they could do to stand out/likelihood of their chances of being accepted. Either way, congratulations on your hard work!
I know. I think the real LSAT flex is actually harder than the PTs so the PTs may not truly reflect our performance. I only got one point higher this time than my January test, which is very frustrating, but I am not gonna retake it anymore. I am tired of preparing for such a test whose PTs fail to precisely estimate and predict my real scores, and I know that LSAT is NOT my thing.
My next step is to talk with my family to decide whether I should gap a year or go to a law school and then get transferred. I took this shit for three times (and got the same score twice) as well so I understand how disappointing it is to see that your score doesn’t improve. The score is not what I expected, but I will try to accept it because I did my best to improve it. Congratulations on your hard work btw
I got a 143 in jan 2021 and a 143 in June 2021.......... talk about being frustrated. I was PTing 150+
Just for your encouragement, I got 134 in June 2020 and June 149 2021 ( Thanks 7sage). I am not really happy but I am satisfied. Hopefully I can get in to a >100 and practice law.
UNC's median was only a 163 this cycle, and it typically is only a 161. The COVID trend probably caused it to increase. but it's certainly not a 165 (: