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Early Decision Question

Confidence150Confidence150 Alum Member
edited July 2021 in Law School Admissions 1417 karma

Should we apply to a target or reach school for early decision? Does anyone know what is considered as a target and reach schools according to 7 Sage Admissions Predictor?


  • future lawyerfuture lawyer Core Member
    44 karma

    Target schools are where your GPA and LSAT are basically at both medians. Reach schools are either where you are a splitter or below both medians. The advice I have seen is only to do early decision if you are absolutely certain that particular law school is your #1 choice

  • Confidence150Confidence150 Alum Member
    1417 karma

    @cmk21 Thanks for your help. What would you say is considered as a splitter?

  • future lawyerfuture lawyer Core Member
    44 karma

    @Confidence123 said:
    @cmk21 Thanks for your help. What would you say is considered as a splitter?

    If one of your numbers (LSAT score or GPA) is above the median and the other is below

  • Confidence150Confidence150 Alum Member
    1417 karma

    Thank you @cmk21

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