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Well it’s taken about 3 weeks for me to finally sit down and type this post. Now that the time has come I’d like to share my experience with the test and what I’ve learned along the way with the hope that it will help others.
My first thought: It’s weird being done the LSAT. I’m sure an abrupt stop to just about anything would garner this sort of feeling, but yeah, it’s a strange feeling.
I started studying for the LSAT around August/September of 2019 and I really did not anticipate it taking me this long to achieve a score I’d be content with. I remember seeing the lesson in the CC where J.Y says you should give yourself at least one year to maximize your LSAT score. This really blew my mind as at the time all I was acquainted with was the typical “3 month fallacy”. In any case, when I made the decision to fully immerse myself in this test, I made it knowing full well that I could invest all this time and still not end up with the score I sought. In other words, sunk costs would be sunk. I bring this up solely because it’s easy to get caught up with all the success stories we see of people studying for long periods of time and getting their dream score. What you don’t see is those who invest their time and then fall short. This is in no way meant to be discouraging but rather to shine a light on a perhaps overlooked reality. Personally, I was okay with that possibility as I knew I’d regret it even more if I didn’t try.
Side note: even if you don’t ultimately land on the exact score you want, odds are you’ll still make solid improvements if you’re putting in the effort and studying correctly.
As many people have said before me, this test is definitely learnable and you can make significant improvements. So try to find solace in that whenever you’re feeling discouraged, frustrated, or straight up fed up with the test. Something I kept telling myself along the way is that if I can’t endure the process of studying for the LSAT, riding the highs and lows, well then maybe i’m picking the wrong profession. I’m sure there will be mixed opinions about that, and yes, it’s not literal but i’m assuming it holds true to some extent (or so i tell myself). Regardless, I treated the LSAT as something that I had to systematically chip away at, much like learning a new language or instrument. Treating the test like a job and trying to approach my process as an objective observer was a skill I had to acquire.
Approach to studying
I think one of the most beneficial things i did for myself early on was go through the CC slowly and thoroughly. It took me 4-5 months, but I came out with very strong fundamentals, and fundamentals are everything; you can’t build a sturdy house without a good foundation. Once I finished the CC I started working on untimed sections. If you can’t score what you want untimed, I would wager its close to impossible to score it timed. Once I was scoring where I wanted untimed, I began to introduce time and incrementally reduce it.
LG: I foolproofed games non-stop and still could not get to -0 to -1 consistently until I changed my strategy- you don’t know what you don’t know (this is where a fresh set of eyes can be very valuable). LG is in my opinion the most learnable section of the test and is a section that everyone should try to capitalize on.
LR: I think for most people, this section requires rethinking the framework of an argument. most of us are so used to our bad, everyday colloquial arguments that we don’t know how to truly criticize or pick apart an argument. Don’t worry, this test will teach you. Put on your skeptic lens and begin questioning the arguments being thrown at you, 90% if not more of the arguments on the LSAT are BAD ARGUMENTS, they’re just dressed up. Meaning the premises do not support the conclusion, often times its not even close but it just appears that way because the questions are playing on your preconceived notions and/or biases.
RC: This sections was the hardest to improve. once again i’m going to echo what many have said before me: focus on the structure. you don’t have time to look for every detail or reference the passage for every question. The key to avoiding this is looking at the big picture. try your best to construct a cohesive narrative or framework from which to view the passage while you read: what does the author think, what is the point he/she is trying to convey, their attitude/tone? how does he/she go about constructing their argument? how many perspectives are there? you’d be surprised how far a general outline/structure of a passage can guide you.
Study groups/partners
Study groups and partners can be a complete game changer. Others will find holes in your reasoning and help you pinpoint your weaknesses. Don’t be scared to verbalize your reasoning. Everyone is learning and working towards their goal, if someone belittles you or makes you feel dumb... well I feel sorry for them. Leave and keep going until you find the right group/study partner. Personally I found big groups to be less productive. I think 1-3 people is the sweet spot for maximum productivity.
Focus on the process not the results
Instead of focusing on your PT scores (which can become irrelevant to a certain extent come test day) focus on your test taking/studying process. Don’t look for instant gratification by skipping your BR, I cannot stress how important BR is. Make notes of the questions you miss, be relentless. Find your strategy and ingrain it in your mind. Your process and strategy are some of the few things you can control on the LSAT, so take advantage of that and make them a priority.
Find a reprieve from studying
For me this was spending time with my girlfriend, playing music or watching a movie/show. Again, I can’t stress how important this part is. This test will chew you up and spit you back out, so do not let it consume you, ITS A TEST FOR CHRIST SAKE (sorry to any religious people reading). Take AT LEAST one day off per week where you don’t even think about the LSAT. Often times overcoming a plateau can be the result of Rest and Rehab. Again, you don’t know what you don’t know - this sometimes includes being burnt out.
Don’t listen to anyones negative bull****, it’s your life.
Throughout my studies I had various people, friends and family members, hit me with the “YOU’RE STILL STUDYING??” or the “JUST TAKE IT AND APPLY ALREADY” - Tune it out. This is your journey and everyone’s will be different. don’t worry about the road you take, just focus on your destination. it may take some people 1 month, some 3, some 8, some 15, some 30. fight the urge to compare yourself to others- it will only hurt you in the end.
Lastly, thanks to everyone who helped me along the way, and to J.Y for hating the lawyer life and creating the amazing resource and community that is 7sage.
Now go get yours. Happy studying everyone and good luck!
P.S. if anyone has any questions or wants more specific information, don’t be afraid to ask.
Omg CONGRATULATIONS @Logician !!! I always breathe a sigh of relief when I see your comments on 7sage videos :') Best of luck with applications and with law school in the near future !!!
great to see a familiar person from the comments/ message board win.
well deserved
Congrats ! I am so happy for you. I also had a long AF journey
Thank you for taking the time to share your journey and congratulations!! You're an inspiration to us out here still grinding away :,)
That's amazing!! congratulations, may all your dreams come true
Congratulations!! I appreciate hearing this so much. Best of luck !!
@WoodsCommaElle that’s so nice to hear! Thank you for the kind message and I’m glad all those comments served some purpose haha
@learn2skipQs @thinkorswim thank you! And congrats to you as well @thinkorswim
@kvitka22 @ledkarly @LegallyBrunette21 thank you! And keep grinding guys!
Congratulations! That is quite a feat!
Awesome! The negativity of "you're still studying?" or "Maybe it isn't for you" are some of those things I've been hearing reaching that 5-6 month mark.
You touch on some great points when it comes to the process and finding time away. You wouldn't continuously hammer out reps in the weight room to find gains; that would actually hamper results! So I find comfort in knowing there's someone who's made massive improvements while taking these things in mind for self care. I've found the strategy approaching the test is actually a holistic undertaking through your daily routine. Embracing this is better than going for that "3 month fallacy" both mentally and emotionally lol
Congrats man!!!!!
Stories like this make me feel so much better. I started studying in January, with the intention of taking the test in April. Well, it's 8 months later and I'm probably postponing August to October. I feel like a fool most of the time, and I also worry I'll have wasted 10 months studying for very little gain, but you give me hope, so thank you.
so proud of u buddy!
This is just what I needed man.
@teechj117 i’m glad you found it relatable, good luck!
@"Lucas Carter" thanks brother, and for everything else!
@Trusttheprocess thanks buddy! Hope all is well
@"giulia.pines" nothing wrong with postponing, I postponed an entire cycle. I’m glad it helped, keep it going and good luck!’
Congrats! How many times did you end up taking the test, if you don't mind me asking?
Congrats and thank for taking the time to share some wisdom @Logician. What was it you did to change your LG approach?
Congratulations!! That is amazing! Appreciate all your comments. Getting to the end of the dark tunnel that is the LSAT seems so, so far away right now. Good to hear this.
Thank you so much for sharing it is really appreciate to hear advice from a successful 7Sager!
@Twix-LSAT thanks, and three times!
@oliver_ocean my pleasure! So personally I struggled a lot with being too careful/meticulous; trying to check all the answer choices, drawing out all possible worlds etc. Upon reflection and feedback from others I realized I had to be a lot more aggressive. This means sometimes picking answer choices that you’re 70-80% sure are right, flagging it and moving on (you can always come back if you have time at the end). Another massive time saver for me was the rule substitution questions. I used to fall into the trap of spending 2, sometimes even 3 minutes only to either pick the answer I was originally drawn to or blank. Most people will be better off skipping this question and coming back to it if they have time. But, Ideally you want to get to the point where you can reliably narrow it down to just 2-3 answers based on a quick pass of the answers (sometimes even finding the correct one right away). Another time saver was utilizing my old work, I think everyone is aware of this strategy, however often times they are still not fully maximizing its use.
@whatlikeitshard thank you and I’m glad it helped!
@figsandcheese you’re welcome!
this is just what i needed to hear today, thank you so much for posting.
First of all CONGRATS on the 171! Your comments were so valuable to me while studying!
I've been writing a similar post between work meetings in the last few weeks and I have the same note. Those comments are such a nuisance - best to tune them out. Congrats again - you deserve it
amazing! congrats!!
Congrats! I appreciate all the help you've provided in the forums. Best of luck with your cycle!
@"Burt Reynolds" thank you 😊 I’m so glad to hear they helped! Look forward to reading the post.
@miriaml7 thanks Miriam! I hope your studying is going well (if you’re still studying), otherwise good luck to you too!
Congratulations!!! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us! Would you mind of telling me how you manage your study time during the week and weekend? I guess you might work full time and study part time. I am working full time during the week so I only have limited time for study in the morning and study in the weekend. You recommend us to take one day off. So if you take one day off on the weekend, you only have one day for study on the weekend? Thanks!
Sure thing! @Alice003
I did not have a traditional 9-5 throughout the entirety of my studying, but when I did I would usually study in the evenings during the weekdays and then use the entire weekend to take a PT and BR. It definitely required a lot of discipline and time management. But I also know of others who carried a similar schedule throughout the entirety of their studying and have been successful- so it can be done, however difficult. Lastly in regards to the day off, I still stand by this even with a 9-5. But rather than taking a full weekend day off, you can take off two days during the week. It’s essential (for both your mental health and LSAT success) that you find time where you can completely put the LSAT aside and spend some time doing something relaxing and/or something you love or something that will relieve stress.
@Logician, thank you for responding my questions and sharing your studying schedule with me! Yes, it is so true that studying LSAT needs us more discipline -especially for us who are fulltime working and part time studying. I am usually tired on Saturday but I still do not want to take one day off. You are right now I might consider to take some time off on Saturday!
Plus, I agree with you what you said -treating the job like a job!
Thank you again for your post! It really motivates us keep going..
@Alice003 no problem! And I’m glad it helped, best of luck!!
Congrats on the awesome score and best of luck! Thank you for your contributions. I've always kept an eye out for your comments.
Thank you and you’re welcome 😊 Good luck to you too!
I started October the same year, been off an on and found 7sage this past March. I take it this October with the urge to apply, this helped me a lot! Thank you!