Extra Section for Upcoming Test - Any Guesses??

csharm002csharm002 Member
edited August 2021 in August 2021 LSAT 352 karma

With the test quickly approaching, there's pretty much nothing I can do at this point but make jokes about my deepest worries surrounding the test. So, does anyone feel like they have a strong feeling as to what the extra section will be? My heart is hoping for LG, but my brain is saying (and fearing) an extra RC. I think by telling myself I'll be retaking in October no matter what, my anxiety has been greatly reduced. However, I can't shake the feeling that I'll be doomed to proctor issues. What's everyone else doing this week to relax?


  • erpfistererpfister Core Member
    11 karma

    I'm registered for next Tuesday. At this point, it's a daily PT and a drink quickly after for me. Goodluck lol

  • josephbraun99josephbraun99 Member
    66 karma

    I'm feeling pretty confident now. I just want to do it. I hope it's an extra RC or LR but I feel prepared for an extra AR if i have to. I actually sometimes do better on a second AR section. I'm just dreading having to do all the summer work for my honours theses between the 17th and the start of September

  • daltoniandaltonian Member
    12 karma

    I'm in the same boat. My test scores are all over the place - sometimes 10 points gap from high 150s to high 160s (my goal) and I know 100% it's because of anxiety and panic, which I realize is more likely than ever to happen on test day. I'm reassured by the fact that I'm taking October no matter what too because this can be my opportunity to give it my first shot. Personally, I'm praying the extra section isn't LG because that's my weakest section... Either way, good luck.

  • csharm002csharm002 Member
    352 karma

    @daltonian said:
    I'm in the same boat. My test scores are all over the place - sometimes 10 points gap from high 150s to high 160s (my goal) and I know 100% it's because of anxiety and panic, which I realize is more likely than ever to happen on test day. I'm reassured by the fact that I'm taking October no matter what too because this can be my opportunity to give it my first shot. Personally, I'm praying the extra section isn't LG because that's my weakest section... Either way, good luck.

    I totally feel the score dip due to anxiety. Ironically, LG is my best section and I can usually go -1 or -0 just in a random timed section, but when I'm taking a PT my brain freezes for the first 5 minutes and I can never get through the first game without taking a massive amount of time and end up with -5 or -6. I think its actually a good thing LG is your worst section though! With a lot of practice, you're bound to get better at it. I used to suck at it and go anywhere from -7 to -12. To get better, I did around 2 timed sections a day or 8 to 10 games. Eventually, everything started to click. I'm not perfect, but I have confidence knowing I can go -0 if I keep my anxiety in check.

    As for RC and LR, I feel like my improvement is extremely slow, but steady. How did you get either of them to become your best section? For LR I range from -6 to -12, and I'm always under confident about the section. RC is my nemesis...but I've slowly started to figure it out. Timing is my main issue, as I can get 14/14 for the first two passages and then get all but 5 incorrect in the second half due to time.

  • Frenchy555Frenchy555 Live Member
    393 karma

    I feel like double stacking your most feared section consistently should be a priority for practice tests, but that just sounds so awful

  • csharm002csharm002 Member
    352 karma

    @Frenchy said:
    I feel like double stacking your most feared section consistently should be a priority for practice tests, but that just sounds so awful

    you’re right on both…lol

  • LSAT LizardLSAT Lizard Alum Member
    331 karma

    @Frenchy said:
    I feel like double stacking your most feared section consistently should be a priority for practice tests, but that just sounds so awful

    I've been doing this and it does feel very effective. My endurance for RC is much better since I started forcing myself to do two of those sections every PT (and not knowing which one is the real one).

    It really does feel awful though. Every PT is maximally exhausting this way. I'm glad that on the real test, there's a 2/3 chance that it'll be less fatiguing.

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