Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Any August LSAT Takers Re-testing in October 2021? - 7Sage Forum

Any August LSAT Takers Re-testing in October 2021?

Hi Everybody,

Like many of you, I took the August 2021 LSAT yesterday. I already anticipated that I was going to struggle a bit, as I know I haven't fully grasped all of the material (My most recent PT score was 158). However, by the time I had came to that realization it was too late to reschedule my test so I took it in August anyway. I do not think I did well yesterday and I am fully expecting to cancel that score. I am already scheduled to take the test again in October and would like to surround myself with people in a similar situation. I am looking to form or join a study group with anyone in the same boat as me or that can offer guidance/support. I tend to struggle with LR and RC.

If you are interested in joining or already belong to a study group, please share what platform you find works best!



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