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Feeling a little cheated

jing3939jing3939 Alum Member
in General 88 karma
So, I understand why we can't download PDFs containing actual LSAC exam materials, but I can't help but feel a little cheated. I signed up after the whole download period ended. I know someone wants to reply and tell me about licensing fees and how 7Sage still has to pay all these fees for actual questions. I do understand.

My suggestion is to change the exams and PS that come with the the bundles to PTs that are available in the 10 Actuals books. Although not ideal, they are definitely a cost effective option. Having to pay full price for individual exams that are not available in those books or high prices for books that include 6 of the 10 exams that are included in the starter course just feels like a slap in the face and certainly does not make me want to invest even more money to upgrade my course.

I am not trying to come off angry, because I am not, but I do feel like I paid full price for half the product that other people received. It's a good product, but it used to be much better and I missed out.


  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    Just my .02, but I can understand your frustration. I guess the first question I would ask is did you know the deal with the PDFs when you signed up? If you haven't been working the course long, you will soon realize that the true value and strength of the course lies not in the PDF material that was available, but in the knowledge and expertise that the guys put on display with the core curriculum and the explanations. I understand feeling the way you do regarding having to spend the extra money that some didn't have to, but you'll soon realize that you still put yourself in the best position to succeed thanks to this product.
  • mes08mes08 Alum Member
    edited June 2015 578 karma
    1) There's nothing 7sage can do about it. While it's very unfortunate for everyone involved, all test-takers are in the same boat as you, since PDFs of the PTs are unavailable to anyone anymore.
    2) You shouldn't feel cheated; as @GSUHopeful mentioned, you're paying for the 7sage curriculum, explanation videos, and guidance on how to approach the LSAT.
    3) This may come off as harsh, but is this discussion forum the best outlet to complain about this? Maybe you should take it up with the 7sage student/customer services instead. There's nothing fellow 7sagers/LSAT students can do about it for you.
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    When I signed up for 7sage, the pts were the last thing on my mind. What I was excited about was the core curriculum and the fantastic reviews about the program from previous students. Sure, it was convenient to download the prep tests, but there's literally nothing 7 sagd can do. They have full disclaimers before you pay telling you about the pt predicament. The advantage is that you still have pt explanations which are invaluable.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @Matt1234567 said:
    What I was excited about was the core curriculum and the fantastic reviews about the program from previous students.
    This was exactly my interest in the course: getting in-depth curriculum not available in the same concentration or quality in other prep books.

    So ... Think of the course as being $179 and anything above and beyond that as being bonuses. Big, lovely, otherwise unavailable bonuses.
  • jing3939jing3939 Alum Member
    88 karma
    Thanks everyone for your comments, but I guess my post was not clear. Everyone coming to 7Sage's defense is reassuring and reinforces my decision to use 7Sage.

    Like I said, I understand there are things out of 7Sage's control. I think it's a good product and I'm still using it as a tool to prepare for the LSAT. I wrote this as a suggestion to 7Sage to change the tests offered in the starter bundle (PT 36-44 + June07) to make it more cost effective for those of us who don't have PDF access to all the PTs that come in our course.

    I could have researched it further before I purchased the course, but 6 out of the 10 PTs I have 7Sage explanations for are not found in the 10 actuals books. Would that have affected my decision to use 7Sage? I don't know, but I find the PT explanations helpful.

    To break it down, the 10 Actuals books cost about $25 each and have 10 exams in each one. For some reason they do not have exams 39-50. To get the PTs that I have 7Sage explanations for, I would need to pay $65-100 for a book that has 4 of them and get the others as individual tests for about $8 each.

    I was simply suggesting that since 7Sage cannot provide the PDFs, they shift the exams they offer in the starter course to exams that are available with a cheaper option.

    @mes08: I posted this comment in the suggestions for 7Sage section of the discussion board, which I think is the right place to make this comment and I do believe my suggestion is still valid.
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    There's a list of affordable PTs here:

    We don't have any plans to change the PTs in the courses right now, sorry.
  • jing3939jing3939 Alum Member
    88 karma
    Thanks, @"Dillon A. Wright" I had seen this list and it was what I was referring to when I talked about the high prices.
    @"Dillon A. Wright" said:
    I cannot find 39-51 for a low price on Amazon, sorry! Here is 41-50, but it is VERY expensive: http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/1453820698/ref=olp_tab_all
    I'd much rather put my money toward 7Sage than to the keepers of the exams, but I understand. Thanks, again.
  • wlamontwlamont Member
    120 karma
    I got all the practice tests on Half.com for about 4 bucks a piece. I only couldn't find like one, and I got it on Amazon. Hope this helps!!
  • jing3939jing3939 Alum Member
    88 karma
    Thanks, @wlamont
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