Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Study Buddies/Group for October LSAT - Avg. PT Score 170 - 7Sage Forum

Study Buddies/Group for October LSAT - Avg. PT Score 170

edited August 2021 in Study Groups 78 karma

Hi everyone,

Looking for current buddies and/or a group to keep accountability/prep for October LSAT (and possibly November). My average over the 7 PT's I've taken is around 170 (163 on the first and 179 on most recent). My blind scores have consistently been high 170s-180, and starting next week will be taking two tests a week from PT's 70-90 and conducting in-depth reviews. Goal is to score at least 170 on October exam. Would love to find some people (preferably with test averages of 165+) willing to do group Blind Reviews or section reviews of those tests + share insights and tips for performing under time pressure!


Hey everyone! I've gone ahead and created a groupme link for people to join. Feel like this group chat can act as a general Q/A for general and specific questions about the test, as well as a place for us to coordinate (for example, I'll let the group know when I'm taking PT's and available to BR, and others can do the same!) I'll post the link below! Happy to hear that people are interested!



  • Barbie BlondeBarbie Blonde Member
    152 karma

    hey there! I would love to join but I am not aiming so high but if you'll take me id love to be a part of it. I am currently scoring 158-161

  • TayyabaRTayyabaR Member
    19 karma

    Can you please share your study routine? How many Pt did you take to help you get into the 160-170 range?

  • 78 karma

    @TayyabaR said:
    Can you please share your study routine? How many Pt did you take to help you get into the 160-170 range?

    I studied for 8 weeks Summer of 2020 to get through the CC (and took a couple PT's back then that were all in the 160's range), and just picked it up again in July taking one PT per week. I've only taken 7 this time around but my scores have improved a good amount from the first one to my most recent. I do logic games (proofing) almost every day, and do a lot of untimed RC/LR work as well as in-depth reviews of my tests. Definitely need to take more PT's to see where my actual average is with a larger sample size! Lmk if I can be any more help!

  • lsatprepper2lsatprepper2 Member
    68 karma

    I'd like to join. My goal score is a 175.

  • majilatmajilat Member
    99 karma

    Would love to join! I have the same target score, test average, and timeline.

  • bwang321bwang321 Member
    42 karma

    I'm interested, I'm a little lower on the test average but want to get up to the 170s soon.

  • rachel.yentrapatirachel.yentrapati Core Member
    16 karma

    Hi, I am taking the October LSAT, and would love to join your study group. I have only taken about 5 timed practice tests so far, my average is 168. I am consistently scoring above 170 on untimed tests. I am really hoping to score above 170 on test day. I am working on timing and ironing out my high-priority question types. I think group section reviews would be helpful.


  • KAF13SageKAF13Sage Core Member
    19 karma

    I'd love to join too. I'm averaging mid to high 160's looking to solidly be in the 170's range

  • mesposito886mesposito886 Member
    254 karma

    Interested. Scores are between 170 and 174 right now (more scores in the 170/171s though lol).

  • Guy_FawkesGuy_Fawkes Core Member
    124 karma


  • Juan Carlos-1Juan Carlos-1 Member
    69 karma

    I would love to join! My goal score is a 165 or higher and this will be my first LSAT in October and possibly November as well! I believe reviewing with you will help open my ability to be able to break this score or possibly score higher! Thank you

  • Jahn.SnowJahn.Snow Member
    316 karma

    I'd also love to join! I scored in the high 160s on my first administration, and shooting for 170+ in oct/nov.

  • edited August 2021 78 karma

    Hey everyone! I've gone ahead and created a groupme link for people to join. Feel like this group chat can act as a general Q/A for general and specific questions about the test, as well as a place for us to coordinate (for example, I'll let the group know when I'm taking PT's and available to BR, and others can do the same!) I'll post the link below! Happy to hear that people are interested!


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