[Free LR Tutoring] - PT86.1.Q-Evens Tuesday 9pm CST.

lsat_suslsat_sus Core Member
edited August 2021 in Logical Reasoning 1417 karma

What's up 7Sagers, it's your cringe-master, Strong-Independent-Man-of-Passion, i-think-the-lsat-is-a-cunt, lsat_sus.

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag? Drifting through the wind? One blow from caving in? Do you know that there's still a chance for a piece of shit like you (and me)? - Katy Perry ft. lsat_sus

This Tuesday, 9pm CST (aka not PST, not EST), I'm holding a free LR tutoring session on PT 86 Section 1 EVENS. Try to have it done ready with your BR if you plan to attend. This is necessary if you want to benefit from our sessions (imo).

  1. Goals - prove to you why I think the LSAT is a lil cyka blyat, appendix-fetishizing, incestuous uncle fucker.

  2. Plan - a. parse stimuli b. note whether or not the Q yielded a predictable pre-phrase c. discuss pre-phrase formulation, or how that particular question did not yield a pre-phrase and what I did in that situation d. Note the predictable wrong answer choices e. Explain the correct AC and note any predictable patterns. f. Review the main "extrapolations" g. Open up the floor for questions.

  3. Structure - Clock-in 9pm sharp. Say what's up. Mute. Start the 2-3 hour grind. Record the session. Please feel free to mute your cam. I will be uploading this "unlisted" on Youtube and share link. I'm not taking mula so LSAC and YT can gtfo, stfu and smd.

Let's effing do this. The LSAT is not only learnable but also beatable. It's not Nadal on Clay nor is it the USA Water Polo team. See y'alls in a bit.


  • kareem1.rosskareem1.ross Member
    85 karma

    Hey whats the link to the meeting

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    Would love to join, will you be sending/posting the meeting link? Thanks!

  • yanetrvaldesyanetrvaldes Member
    38 karma

    Hi, I would love to join the meeting. Link?

  • lsat_suslsat_sus Core Member
    edited August 2021 1417 karma

    Topic: bruh

    Join Zoom Meeting

    **Disclaimer - Zoom = 40 minute meetings. I'll be starting and restarting meetings at least 2 or 3 times. The same link will work for every reset. Your boy will not be paying for that subscription. If you have a solution, please let me know!!

  • sarakimmelsarakimmel Member
    1488 karma

    MS Teams lets you do 60 minute meetings on their free service, not exactly a solution, but could be helpful?

  • Alice003Alice003 Live Member
    692 karma

    Sorry. I am not able to attend your session tonight. I am looking forward to watching it on YouTube. Would you send the link of YouTube here? Thanks!

  • lsat_suslsat_sus Core Member
    1417 karma

    @sarakimmel I'll definitely look into that. Thank you :)

  • kaylabmisakaylabmisa Alum Member
    6 karma

    i won't be able to attend, but i'd loved to watch the recorded lesson on youtube! will you be sharing it? thank you!

  • Yes youtube link would be appreciated smile:

  • DK123456DK123456 Member
    130 karma

    Great session...I hope you host another one soon.

  • DK123456DK123456 Member
    edited September 2021 130 karma

    I was wrong on the Warhol question ... i misread the AC.

  • LuckyfightingeverydayLuckyfightingeveryday Core Member
    82 karma

    I would like to have YouTube link too. Thanks!

  • abbyseq16abbyseq16 Member
    6 karma

    Please send me a youtube link too!!

  • Me as well!

  • lsat_suslsat_sus Core Member
    1417 karma

    Fam! I’m the most disappointing millennial. I’m barely figuring out how to combine videos. “Windows movie maker” dafuq 🧐. Will upload and post link on this post in the pm. At work rn FYCK.

  • CashhhyyyCashhhyyy Core Member
    583 karma

    Thank you for this! I will be joining :D

  • JusticeLawJusticeLaw Member
    194 karma

    Please send me the youtube link too. I've been ill these past few days and just getting into studying.

  • fatimahbajaha23fatimahbajaha23 Core Member
    117 karma

    I'll be there. this Tuesday right ?

  • ssambhi11ssambhi11 Core Member
    74 karma

    Please send me the YouTube link. I need help on LR.

  • M.L. BearM.L. Bear Member
    28 karma

    Shucks! I missed this...I'd like the YouTube link please, thank you.

  • lsat_suslsat_sus Core Member
    edited September 2021 1417 karma

    Fam - I haven’t had time to get on my laptop - i will make vid and post link on this disc as soon as I get the chance and figure out all this technology business.

    Until then - baby you’re a god damn firework 🔥😈

    @fatimahbajaha23 this was last Tuesday! Sorri.

  • Sailor Moon LSATSailor Moon LSAT Member
    205 karma

    @lsat_sus if you do any other sessions I can always help with Zoom! I have an account through my job. DM me if you want.

  • IndydelMarIndydelMar Core Member
    edited September 2021 25 karma

    Definitely interested in any other sessions that you have! Also, looking for Russian conversational partners ( provided that you know more words than " Cyka" and "Blyat")

  • lsat_suslsat_sus Core Member
    edited September 2021 1417 karma

    Here's a link. It may or may not work omg.
    Disclaimer - there's errors - refer to video description pls.

  • LuckyfightingeverydayLuckyfightingeveryday Core Member
    82 karma

    This works! Thanks!

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