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disappointed and would like some advice

After 6 long months of studying I took the august lsat and did significantly worse than I was PTing. I was averaging in the mid 160s consistently on every pt I took. After the august test I didn't feel great about how I did but I figured I just got in the 150s. unfortunately I only scored a 149. I don't know what to do I feel so discouraged that I paid a fortune for tutoring and spent so much time and effort into studying to only score my original diagnostic. How is it possible to average mid 160s and almost break 170 on my final PT before the test to only score a 149 and what do I do moving forward?


  • BaharNurBaharNur Core Member
    59 karma

    I'm in the exact same position, I was averaging in the mid-160s as well and had even broken 170 a few times. When I got my score back I was shocked because I didn't imagine ever scoring ten points below my average. It's really frustrating because I had been studying since mid-December and wanted to put this exam behind myself. I'm taking the October test and even though there isn't much time left, I'm trying to drill LG and RC passages as much as possible because I think I severely underperformed in those two sections. Are there any sections that threw you off during the exam? If so, try focusing on those before your next test. Also, did you experience any test anxiety? Because I definitely did and that may have also impacted your score. While taking the lsat one or two more times may seem daunting, you've already invested so much time/effort into this test. I know this is discouraging but do not let one exam determine the course of your legal career!

  • jjjkk222jjjkk222 Member
    48 karma

    I found RC to be unreasonably hard on my test and LR to just be so weird which really threw me off. My LR was so weird I was convinced It was the experimental until I got a second RC. I know everyone is saying that the August test was a difficult one but it seems that most people still scored what they were expecting to.

  • BaharNurBaharNur Core Member
    59 karma

    Yeah, I agree! Getting those two RC sections threw me off for the rest of my test. Realllllly am hoping that I don't get two RCs next time around!

  • lsatpatternslsatpatterns Alum Member
    153 karma

    There was some discussion about this on Reddit, so you're definitely not alone! It may just be that the PTs you studied tested different question types/content than what was on the test. I would definitely hit up that tutor for their advice too. Don't fret, it's only been 6 months and others have studied for years to get their goal score!

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