Evening/Part Law School Applications

Does anyone know if the evening/part time applications are separate for schools or is that something that's done post acceptance? I'm looking at Depaul, Loyola Chicago and Kent-Chicago


  • LivinLaVidaLSATLivinLaVidaLSAT Alum Member
    720 karma

    Yes, it is separate. When you apply, you will have to indicate if you're applying for full or part time. There are a certain number of seats available for each program and part-time usually has slightly lower admissions criteria for LSAT score and GPA.

  • BlueRiceCakeBlueRiceCake Member
    302 karma

    Wait I thought we weren't allowed to work while at Law School. Can we work and attend law school part time?

  • phosita_phoeatahphosita_phoeatah Yearly Member
    238 karma

    Only at certain law schools. Not all offer this option.

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