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When am I allowed to wear my ear plugs?

Hi everyone! I'm taking the November LSAT and am starting to think about all the little test-day details and how to deal with ProctorU.

Does anyone know at what point we're allowed to wear ear plugs? I'm panicking because if I have to do it during test time, it would take up precious seconds!


  • 124 karma

    You can put them on before the test starts and keep them on until the second security check before Section 3 (they just make sure you aren't recording anything and your desk is still clear). Then you can pop them back on before section 3 starts.

  • lsat_muselsat_muse Member
    64 karma


  • Lime Green DotLime Green Dot Member
    1384 karma

    I let my proctor know that I didn't need my earplugs at the outset, but that I'd keep them on my desk and would put them in if/when needed. She seemed cool with that and saw them during the desk scan before the exam as well.

  • lsat_muselsat_muse Member
    64 karma

    Good to know you can talk to them about it, thanks!

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