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Question about "Additional" Videos

dudenerdudener Member
edited December 2021 in General 36 karma

Hey guys,

so I was watching JY’s explanation videos and I was cleaning my keyboard at the same time and by happenstance clicked on something and was led to a Live Commentary video where JY shows a footage of what he purported has done during his attempt at a run with paper test materials (RC 76 in particular). How many of these—or any other kinds of—“additional” videos are there, and do they also exist for each of LR, AR, and RC? Is there a way I can know where to find them without clicking through all the video explanations and scrolling down to the comment section to see if there are additional videos that happen to turn up?

Thanks for your help.


  • Cherry - Student ServiceCherry - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    1626 karma

    Hi there,

    Yes we have more Live Commentary videos for LG, LR and RC sections of different PT's available in the Syllabus. You can view the Live Commentary videos on the Syllabus tab by typing "Live Commentary" in the Instant filter.

    Please see the screenshot below:


    I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any other questions.

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