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I took the November LSAT, did well, but not well enough considering my gpa (f in the chat) so I'm taking it again in January...but it's been a whole month and I haven't started studying again, and have literally zero motivation, and it feels like there's not enough time left to increase my score by 3 points. Helpppp
Wow this is literally me. My week vacation turned into two which turned into four and now I don't remember what it's like to study.. and I need a lot more than 3 points
Right there with you. My nephew was born in October and things have been a lot more hectic since then. Looking for that motivation to study again as well but we got this!
Tell yourself your going to start with just an hour today. That’s it, that is all you’ll commit to. See what happens. You got this.
Agree with Jess. Consistency is the key over cramming. Even an hour a day is better than nothing if done daily. Create rewards for yourself as well, that can give you more motivation.
Just do it! Wake up early tomorrow, eat a nice breakfast, sit down and start learning. Plan something nice in the evening to keep yourself motivated throughout the day.
I third Jess and Apollo. Even if you have to push back to another date, it would be much more beneficial going into it with a better mindset. Maybe try something different to keep your mind sharp? Then slowly work back up to your pretest routine. You got this.
Don't be too hard on yourself! You're taking the test again because you know/feel like you can do better. I am in the same boat as you..
Ask yourself what area(s) are you struggling in or could use extra study time, so that on the next test you have a better chance of earning your goal score.
DO NOT, with the few weeks left before Jan, ignore your studies, and DO NOT downplay your weaknesses. If you are struggling with RC, or say a specific type of LR stems, then every day build a problem set from the question bank.
Also understand that you don't want to become rusty in say RC by focusing soley on LR. Everyday drill the areas you need to focus on, but also make sure you spend a little time in other areas. This will help keep you sharp.
After a few days of doing this, take a PT, and then spend a lot of time on BR. Write down on a piece of paper every question you had trouble with, and watch the explanation video after your BR. This ensures you don't skip over explanations simply because you got a question right on BR.
Do this every week, and try to aim for 1-2 days per week for a PT + BR.
It's been a while since you studied but you haven't lost your skills or understanding.
You know what to do, let's get it done!
Come on, you got this! Think about the long-term benefits of one final push before January. Or, just postpone a few months, what's the rush?
I understand. I scored a 152 in the October 2021 LSATs and need 3 points to attend a part-time program near me. Because I work full-time I just started coming home and trying my hand at some of my favorite topics then slowly work my way to the undesirable ones if I feel comfortable.
Hey Allison remember you why. When things are tough remember why you want to be a lawyer in the first place.
just do one question today
My Tutor told me today that he gained a lot in the last 3 weeks of study and he got a 176 and he said that he really really focussed hard the last 3 weeks and made a huge gain. You can do it!! I'm writing Jan too, we got this!
If you can afford a private tutor I highly recommend it. Paying is a great motivator lol and the feeling of needing to study and review will also increase
I wrote in November and I'm also retaking it in January. My score was okay, but I know it could be better. I'm trying to do 1-2 PTs a week. If I'm fatigued, I'll do 1-2 sections of a PT a day just so I don't burn out. What sections do you have issues with? I need to work on timing in LG, and read some LR questions more carefully. I know we can do this if we just focus.
I am in the same boat!! 3 points is definitely doable. LETS DO THIS!!
been there, but I need more than 3 points! but you got this!!! if you have a group add me bro/sis
Pick a section you did really well on or enjoyed and do it again. Don't worry about your performance, it will probably suck and that's fine. The goal is to get the ball rolling. Once you break that inertia you'll find yourself 10x more engaged and focused.
After this I suggest doing each type of section once to refamiliarize yourself, then take a full length PT. Use this test to inform your weaknesses. Once you know them it's up to you to personalize your study plan. I don't know where you are in your progress, but I recommend completing all of LG core curriculum on 7SAGE, Loophole for LR, and 7SAGE for RC. You don't have to complete the RC curriculum, but make sure you understand the fundamentals. Once you've done that just grind PTs, do your Blind review, Foolproof games you messed up on, and use 7Sage analytics to target your weak points.
For Example: Say you've taken 5 PTs and 7SAGE analytics is telling you you're messing up on weaken. First you make sure you understand the fundamentals of weaken, then create problem sets with tons of weaken questions.
You sound overwhelmed, so realize--more does not equal better. Thirty minutes of quality study time beats 4 Hours of unfocused skimming around. You don't necessarily have to put in a huge amount of time, but you need to make sure the time you do put in counts and you're using a solid plan.
Don't worry about this yet though; just take a single section. Now get out of here and get started
Girl I'm in the same boat as you. I took October and now i'm doing January. Just submit your apps and tell schools to hold off until they get January scores. Trust me it'll take a weight off your shoulders. I think the time away from the studying will honestly help you and ease your mind. I used to go crazy before my October test and took a test every other day and studied each question in between tests. I def overworked myself and burned out. Take your time with this January test. Poooumbaa said it best, more studying doesn't mean you're doing the better. I really think a relaxed mind is they best you can give yourself. You already sound like you have a good score, so don't overwhelm yourself with overthinking and over studying. It won't help you in the end!
I scored higher on the November test than any PT I've taken simply by not giving a fuck on test day. Look at your break as a refresh, not a setback
Same here! Except I took it November of LAST YEAR
It has been about 4 months that I haven't really studied at all and I can't gain the momentum I once had to stay up all night to study. You are NOT alone! My GPA was also horrible, and I can guarantee you my GPA is worse than yours (That is how bad it is) If you need to talk send me a message! Maybe we can share experiences and hopefully will motivate us to not give up!
I took November, and did well, but about 3 points lower than I had hoped for. I started studying again around 12/3 (when we got our scores), and have been only doing 10-15 hours a week. Now ramping up to 15-20, since I have the time. I actually noticed that my scores jumped by ~3-5 points on average just from resting. So, bottom line is that time off could be a good thing. I felt like the time off gave me a lot of clarity, and distance to really synthesize the information I had learned in the months before November into a coherent whole. Sit down and take a practice test to see where your performance is at. Good luck.
Yeah, no need to lose motivation when you've come this far. Some people need more than three points.
I went from a 154 in August to a 164 in November - retaking in January as well to see if I can get into the high 160s or even 170. We. Got. This.
I've been out of undergrad for 7 years too so buckling down to study with an academic mindset has been a significant challenge for me. Also dealing with general burnout and a quarter life crisis doesn't help either haha, but we all have our own personal obstacles to overcome and this will all be more than worth it.
Take it one day at a time and grind through.