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Hey 7Sagers,
Here's the official January 2022 LSAT Discussion Thread.
REMINDER: Under your Candidate Agreement, you may not discuss the details of any specific LSAT questions at any time. For the January LSAT, general discussion of what sections you had, or how difficult you found a given section, or speculation about which sections were scored or unscored, is prohibited until after 9pm ET, Wednesday, January 19th.
Posts that violate these rules will be taken down and may result in disciplinary action from LSAC. Let’s work together to ensure the test is fair to everyone, and not share information before everyone has taken the test.
Some examples of typical comments:
✅ The following comments are okay 🙆♀️
- the section on Cambodian woodworking really had me second guessing everything.
- a few of the games had me confused but think I was okay.
- overall fair test, struggled on a couple of RC passages (damn you polymorphic molecules) but think I was okay hoping for a -2 or -3
❌ The following comments are over the line 🙅♂️
- the passage on Cambodian woodworking didn’t count.
- I had Cambodian woodworking, Fireflies, and rice farming in Iowa so Lithuanian Lithograph Libraries was experimental.
- fair test but struggled on a couple RC passages (polymorphic molecules anyone? Thankfully it didn’t count). Don’t want to take again in March
- Anyone know if Polygamist Societies in the 1880s was real or experimental?
- Please tell me that polygon dice game didn’t count
Good luck to everyone taking the January LSAT!
Anyone else have problems with Proctor U?! My test started an hour and a half late. Not a great way to start!!
I had trouble on proctor U as well! Test started 45 minutes late and my proctor didn’t know how to end my intermission…. Rough
Does anyone know the policy for lost time? I disconnected three times and lost over five minutes on one section, in which I couldn't answer the last 6 questions. I was told to directly contact LSAC but I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone else.
Contact LSAC. I was also disconnected and lost about 30 seconds in Section 3. Not a significant loss by any means but I had to wait for 5-10 minutes for them to reconnect me to the exam. I lost 2-3 min during RC as well because my laptop was dying and I had to plug in the charger. After, I plugged in the laptop, the proctor made me stop and do a full pan around the room again.
Definitely seeing some inconsistencies in terms of proctor quality and their knowledge of the rules. I had to remind my proctor that an analog watch was allowed. She made me move my entire desk across the room so she could see the door to my office behind me. This kind of threw me off because my seating arrangement felt unfamiliar. Also, lost 2 min of my 10 min break waiting for the proctor to give their blessing.
Does anyone know what happens when in the writing portion your time ends your test but you didn't press summit?
So I was connected to ProctorU for an hour and a half, but couldn't start the exam because of a bad internet connection.... even though it was working fine when I ran diagnostics earlier this morning. I was told I need to reschedule my exam, has anyone had issues with this? Any advice is truly appreciated!
Shout out to my proctor Gissel. During the October test there was about an hour between when I sat down to when I actually started the first section. Gissel had me hitting the ground running in less than ten minutes. Love you girl xoxo
There's some full-fledged angel queens out there - I hope I get one tomorrow 10:50am CST - o Lord have mercy..
Are you talking about the writing sample? I'm not 100% sure, but based on a comment from PowerScore (, it seems like unless you hit Submit before the timer ends, the writing sample isn't saved and uploaded to LSAC's system. You may want to directly contact LSAC to confirm, though.
Proctor U was such a nightmare! I was also delayed for like an hour and a half and had trouble ending the test! I can still feel the stress knots this morning...
Can anyone share their honest opinion about the test?
Yo the RC was tough as nails - fuuuuk. Life can wait another cycle maybe..?
Anyone know how long we have after the test to complete the writing sample?
ProctorU acknowledged my accommodations in the beginning to read aloud, then halfway through told me I was not allowed to read my questions aloud. Then realized they messed up and I actually could. If there was a separate camera that I wasn't being monitored on to stare into I surely would have.
(P.S. not really sure how specific I can get about ProctorU so if not allowed pls delete)
I know you probably know this by now but it was difficult
the section that i usually get 100% failed me today... what am i supposed to do
Honestly RC was a coin toss. 2 LG wasn't that bad (did good in one and not so good in the other) hopefully the test uses the LG section I was able to fully complete. LR wasn't that bad if you've been practicing.
I had 2 LR and felt like I was dying lol. Seconding that I hope they use the one I felt I did better in because the first one threw me off
I had 2 RC sections. It was brutal Plus my Proctor was mean, created unnecessary stress at the beginning. The funny part was that I had 2 RC and RC is my weakest part so... speechless.
Omg SAME!!! I have been praying every day the one that was easier for me gets graded please God!
My proctor was a God sent! He was so great and super nice. Such a relieve if i am being honest. I had two LR and I thought I was ready to pass away tbh RC was HARD AS FUCK!!! my first passage I thought I was a goner. LG wasn't as bad as I thought but one game was way to fucking hard. Lets hope I did well enough to get into law school. Just celebrating its over....for now at least...maybe. Drink up guys!!!
The test was a mess for me. I was supposed to start at 5:40 PM, but I didn't start the exam until 6:35. I kept having connection issues where, for whatever reason, the internet tab with the LSAT would switch over to a different proctorU tab without my input and give me an "unstable connection" warning. Then I'd have to repeatedly switch back to the tab with the LSAT on it. It was very irritating to have to deal with this. I'd be reading a stimulus, and then the screen would switch on its own, distracting me. I also think I messed up RC since I started running out of time on the hardest passage. My family got a bit too loud during my section with LG and then I started to guess for the last 3 or 4 LG questions. Not to mention that I completely disconnected at one point during LG (my time got paused, though). I had two LRs.
Did anyone else have multiple proctors? I got 4 proctors in total on test day tonight. It probably had to do with my connection issues.
I had the same test as you. The reading comp section was horrible! but luckily I think I did well on the LG and LR. We'll see!
Let’s hope!! Taking the test that late kinda suck but oh well
Congrats on completing January 2022 everyone
I wrote on Sunday and thought that it was very straight forward. Didn't find any of the sections particularly difficult or with odd content.
The first section I had was LG and it was absolutely awful and then 1 LR and then RC and finally another LR. the two LR werent awful and neither wand the RC but i felt beyond torn down after the LG
I had two logic games, felt good about the first one and got through it easily but my second one was heavy on conditional logic and I really struggled. Does anyone remember their logic games section so I can figure out which is experimental.
I had LG-RC-LR-LG.
The first LG was bit of a struggle (trio/ quartet, and parks) the second one felt better (libraries: main or neighboring, and markets: 2 regions, 2 stores, and I believe like 4 different markets that you could choose from i.e. florist, restaurant, laundromat, I forgot the other).
Is anyone else considering not even having their test graded because they think they did so badly on it? The two Reading sections I had were an absolute nightmare. I wonder which one wasn't graded.
To international test takers, out of curiosity: how did you find the January exam?
@t___lane I had the same LGs as you did in your second LG section (I only had 1 LG with 2 LRs). The game about the market was doable, but kinda long-winded. The last game with the two libraries was my last game and the hardest. My family got loud when I was working on it, and I lost concentration so I just guessed on the last 3 questions for that game.
Did any of your RCs have a passage about astronomy and planetary cores? That was my last RC passage. I didn't even have the time to read it through completely. I relied on topic sentences to get the gist of the article.
I had that one too. Also, ran out of time. I was just guessing like an idiot towards the end. I had two RCs btw. Its bullshi*. Its my weakest section.
if you want to find out which section was experimental for the january lsat, listen the powerscore podcast that was released today on their youtube channel!
I hate that I was able to finish the experimental LG section with time left but could not finish the game section that counts towards the score..... I hate it here
@lsatprep2021 The LG with the library game was experimental? I didn't watch that Powerscore podcast. And I hate it here, too.
I'm retaking this test tomorrow. Just out of curiosity, is anyone else here retaking tomorrow?
Nope, library game (section that also had Ultra and regular stores) was real. Section with park rangers and trios/quartets was experimental.
What would need to happen in order for you to be given a re-take date?!?! This is the second LSAT in a row I had major issues with PROCTORU. I have reported them and they haven't offered me a re-test date!!!
Hey there,
When you mentioned you reported your proctor issues, was this done via email or phone? I would recommend calling LSAC directly and explaining the situation (be as precise as possible about everything). I also had testing issues for January and was granted a re-take. You can also file a complaint on the LSAC website (you might've already done that, not sure) by selecting LSAT ---> LSAT status. Best of luck!