Little less than 3 months left
I need a 5 point boost .
Suggestions please ?
I plan to review June test hard this weekend to review my errors. Most of these are in RC and LG.
I'll Begin manhatten reading comp this evening.
Master LR since this was my best section.
And increase logic game speed using 10 copy method .
Any suggestions ?
Check this out if you want a more abbreviated approach to fool proofing that still gets results and can work in a shorter amount of time:
And @ddakjiking is totally right as well. If you only need that jump from 155 to 160 or something lower, you can definitely pursue alternative strategies that rely on skipping certain questions all together in order to maximize your performance elsewhere. If you need above a 160 then this approach goes farther out the window with each additional point you need.
Thank you !
1) Have a reading strategy that focuses on reasoning structure
2) Have a notation strategy that is geared towards helping your "future self" (as in, helping yourself get to the parts of the passage you'll need to reference in the questions)
3) Timing (wow ... this tho ... )
4) Timing
5) Did I mention timing?
6) And lots of practice doing RC so that you learn its tricks. While there are fewer hard-and-fast question types in RC (compared to LR), there are definitely patterns you can and will learn by exposure to a lot of material.