@mharmontennis said:
Hello everyone! I just started studying Jan 2022. In the mid 150s now. I haven't heard back from the other discords/study groups so far in the forum so might as well create a new one. I promise to add everyone who responds to this message. Please check your inbox.
Also, I am down to merge or join with anyone if there is already a solid group running.
The intention for this group:
Study strategies
Memes to stay sane
Good vibes/no trolls
Also open to if there are any better services other than discord? Maybe facebook page? What are the kids using these days?
@mharmontennis said:
Hello everyone! I just started studying Jan 2022. In the mid 150s now. I haven't heard back from the other discords/study groups so far in the forum so might as well create a new one. I promise to add everyone who responds to this message. Please check your inbox.
Also, I am down to merge or join with anyone if there is already a solid group running.
The intention for this group:
Study strategies
Memes to stay sane
Good vibes/no trolls
Also open to if there are any better services other than discord? Maybe facebook page? What are the kids using these days?
I'd like to join as well! thanks
Invites sent!
I am interested! Thank you!
I would be interested as well!
I would love to join! Please send an invite
May not be the best LSAT taker, but I can provide memes!
Please send me an invite! TY
would love an invite!
I'm interested!
Hiii, i'm interested if you're still inviting people
I'm interested in joining as well! Would you mind sending me the invite too?
Just started studying for the LSAT. Would love to join for some accountability!
Invite please!
I would love to join!
interested, dm me
I'd like to join! Thank you!
I would like to join
I would love to be added
I would like to join
I would love to join!
Interested if this is still open or a Facebook group! I feel lonely in my endeavours to get to 170+
Taking the June LSAT
Hi there! I know this is super late but i'd love to join!
Oh I'd love to join. It's been a very lonely journey.
definitely interested
For anyone still interested and haven’t heard back join the one I/we just made. For April/June LSAT takers: https://discord.gg/urgCSmsc
hi, i would like to join!!
I would love to join!
id like to join!
I'd love to join!
i'd like to join
interested please!
I'm interested, please send an invite
I'd love to join!
would love to join
I'm interested!
Id love to join please
I'd love to join, please hit me with an invite
im intersted!!