Free Office Hours - Next Session Wednesday 4/12, 8pm Eastern

Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
edited April 2023 in Study Groups 6874 karma


We will continue to use RingCentral, though I am still not really sure what the deal is with its apparently-absent waiting room functionality. So I'll probably just put the link up ~15 minutes early and let people filter in. Feel free to chat amongst yourselves in the meantime! Face cameras are gently encouraged - it's a lot easier to have a conversation that way.


Hi everyone! I decided it would be cool to run some office hours and help some folks out. I've done a few of these in the past and it's always been fun to talk shop with people. Think of it as a drop in/drop out study group, open to all.

Limiting this to 7Sage for now because it's easier to get things done if everyone has a common basis in terms of vocabulary, how you learn the theory, etc. and after a decade of using 7Sage I know the curriculum like the back of my hand.

Who Am I/Why Should You Listen To Me?
I scored 175 on the September 2006 LSAT (-4 RC, -2 LR, -0 LG), graduated from Columbia Law School in 2010, spent a year on fellowship with a judge in Bronx Supreme Court Criminal Division while teaching LSAT on the side, and have been teaching the LSAT full time since September 2011. I worked with JY on PreProBono and in the early years of 7Sage, was a 7Sage "Approved Tutor" for the entire life of that categorization, and am the only person other than JY himself who has ever had an instructional video published on 7Sage's live site. I am also the lead LSAT tutor and department chair of a local NYC-based test prep boutique. Some of my writing still resides in the "Sage Advice" section of this forum, so go check it out if you're interested .

Over the past decade-plus, I have amassed over 8,000 hours of combined classroom-based and one-on-one LSAT teaching experience, working with a diverse set of students from across the USA and all around the world - Canada, Brazil, Netherlands, England, France, Qatar, Korea, and China just to name a few. The best score increase I've ever achieved with a student is +36 (136 -> 172).

If you listen to the 7Sage Podcast, you may have heard my name mentioned in episode #67 - Vanessa (138 -> 169) was my student.

How Can I Join?
I'll put up a video chat link above when the time comes, and take it down when we're done.

When Will These Be Happening?
I currently intend for this to be a weekly thing, but the timing will vary depending on the other moving pieces of my schedule. It's not likely that every time will work for everyone, but I will at least attempt to switch it up so that anyone interested can make it at least some of the time. I currently live in New York, but I am a born and raised Californian so I understand the tyranny of Eastern Time very well, so don't worry West Coasters - I'm thinking of you guys too.

What Can I Ask?
Anything is fair game for now - general theory questions, questions about individual questions, macro questions about how to study/trajectory, questions about what hair products I use, etc. Feel free to DM me questions in advance as well. I can't promise I will get to all of them (don't take it personally!), but I will certainly do my best.

I am currently unsure how to handle the whole 'spoilers' issue (for example, a student has a question on PT60 S1 Q1, which another person hasn't gotten to yet), but I think that shouldn't stop me from just getting started. We might just have to tell some folks to deafen themselves temporarily if they don't want to get spoiled for now. In the future I may limit discussion in a specific session to a specific range of PrepTests or curriculum-only, or choose a specific topic to address in depth, or whatever else comes to mind to avoid this issue, but I still have to feel that out organically. Suggestions welcome.

Will This Be Recorded/Uploaded Somewhere?
No plans for recording at this time.

What Will This Cost Me?
Nothing but your time. Happy to help.

What If I Have Another Question?
Fire away! In this thread or in DM.



  • nathalielponce-1-1nathalielponce-1-1 Free Trial Member
    73 karma

    Yayy!! Excited to join this :)

  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    Thank you for doing this!

  • Iwillwin_Iwillwin_ Member
    164 karma

    Big thanks for taking the time out to do this!

  • nathan.narangnathan.narang Core Member
    29 karma

    I'll be there! thanks again

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Reminder that this is happening tomorrow! Feel free to DM me questions or just bring them to the session.

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Core Member Sage
    8491 karma

    People, this is definitely worth your time. Jonathan is a master and one of the people who helped me conquer the test.

  • equallyyokedequallyyoked Alum Member
    474 karma

    is there a link? I do not see it above? thanks!

  • Wild StrawberryWild Strawberry Alum Member
    116 karma

    Great, thank you very much for such opportunity ! Where I can get the access to the link?

  • Alice003Alice003 Live Member
    692 karma

    Where is the link? I can not find it. Thanks!

  • equallyyokedequallyyoked Alum Member
    474 karma

    its above. refresh

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Apparently, to get people to click a link, you have to first supply a link. Who knew?

    See you guys soon!

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    edited May 2022 6874 karma

    Thanks to all that stopped by! I hope you all found something I said to be helpful, and didn't mind me yammering on too much. Next session time TBD, stay tuned.

    For those of you who weren't able to make it, I also found out today the hard way that free Google Meet is restricting group meetings to 1 hour, so if turnout for the next few of these is similar to today's I'm just going to spring for premium Zoom and make everyone's life easier. Though to be fair, it was kind of fun to set up cliffhangers to entice people to stay with me as we changed links, haha. In the meantime, know that we'll have to break this up into ~50 minute chunks, so we'll probably change links twice over the course of the session.

  • equallyyokedequallyyoked Alum Member
    474 karma

    Thank you for the time that you gave the group!

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Next session will be held on Tuesday, May 10, 3-5pm Eastern!

  • Alice003Alice003 Live Member
    692 karma

    Thank you for doing the next session Jonathan! Looking forward to joining it again!

  • skmahal510-1-1skmahal510-1-1 Live Member
    20 karma

    Super excited to check this out! Will the link be posted on this thread?

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Yes, link will be posted at the top of the thread when the time comes. Give it a minute or two if the link isn't up right at 3pm, I promise I'll post it as soon as I'm ready to go.

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Reminder that this is happening in just under 5 hours! Hope to see some of you there.

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Link is up!

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Next session scheduled for this coming Wednesday evening, 8-10pm.

  • Alice003Alice003 Live Member
    692 karma

    Thank you so much for doing this one for us again! Cannot wait to join it!

  • aysoliman1aysoliman1 Yearly Member
    64 karma

    Hi Jonathan, please send me the information to join your office hours. I would appreciate it.

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Reminder that this is happening tonight! All are welcome!

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Starting now! Link posted above. It should work directly from your browser.

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Next session scheduled for Tuesday, 5/24, 8-10pm Eastern. Mark your calendars!

  • nathalielponce-1-1nathalielponce-1-1 Free Trial Member
    73 karma

    boiii tuesday night is the powerscore crystal ball session! </3

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    edited May 2022 6874 karma

    Ugh, I had no idea! Sorry to those who were hoping to make both :(

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Bump to remind people that this is happening tonight!

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Next session date set - Monday, 5/30, 3:30pm Eastern.

  • Hnna8atlwGHnna8atlwG Alum Member
    32 karma

    Hi, Thank you in advance for doing this! Unfortunately I only learned about theses sessions a minute ago and am interested to participate on Monday. Please let me know how early the link will be posted? thanx

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Happening in 2.5 hours! See you all soon.

  • LawdreaminLawdreamin Member
    62 karma

    Very excited for this, thank you for your time!

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Link is up! See you all soon.

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Got a little crazy this week, but managed to find a small pocket of time to shimmy in a few hours for our weekly session on Friday at 3pm! Hope to see some of you there!

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    This is happening in about 15 hours! Looking forward to it.

  • babito10babito10 Core Member
    4 karma

    Help - I cannot see the link to the 6/10 session. Where is this posted?

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Link has been posted. See you all in 15 minutes.

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Next session will be on Wednesday, 6/15, from 1-3pm Eastern.

  • Member
    14 karma

    thank you for your time!

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Happening tomorrow at 1pm Eastern! About 16 hours from now. Looking forward to it.

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Link is up. See you all in ~20 minutes!

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Next session date settled. Wednesday, 6/22, 1-3pm Eastern. Hope to see some of you there!

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Happening in 12 hours.

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Today's link is up! We'll be starting at 1pm Eastern, so in ~15 minutes. See you all soon.

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    New session time fixed, Wednesday at 3pm Eastern. Hope to see some of you there!

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Happening in 15 hours or so!

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Running slightly late, but the link is up! See you guys in 10.

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    New time set: Wednesday, 7/6, 3-5pm eastern. Enjoy your long weekend and I hope to see some of you there!

  • 59 karma

    Calendar marked! Really looking forward to this :smile:

  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma

    Less than 6 hours to go! Hope to see some of you soon.

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