Chris NguyenAlum MemberAdministratorSage⭐7Sage Tutor
edited May 20224599 karma
A sufficient assumption, if added as a premise to the argument is going to make the conclusion 100% true.
Pseudo Sufficient Assumption questions aren't asking you for a sufficient assumption, but they're asking you for something that will most justify the conclusion—so it doesn't have to make the conclusion 100% true, but usually comes really, really close to it (hence the word pseudo).
I like to think of PSAs kind of like really strong strengthen questions. The correct answer choice will make the conclusion very well supported, if not 100% supported, but it doesn't have to.
You can see the difference in validity that these questions are testing you on with this video in the core curriculum:
A sufficient assumption, if added as a premise to the argument is going to make the conclusion 100% true.
Pseudo Sufficient Assumption questions aren't asking you for a sufficient assumption, but they're asking you for something that will most justify the conclusion—so it doesn't have to make the conclusion 100% true, but usually comes really, really close to it (hence the word pseudo).
I like to think of PSAs kind of like really strong strengthen questions. The correct answer choice will make the conclusion very well supported, if not 100% supported, but it doesn't have to.
You can see the difference in validity that these questions are testing you on with this video in the core curriculum:
Hope this helps!