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Batman Proctor Voice

KimberlyKKimberlyK Alum Member
in General 217 karma
I am new to 7Sage and just this morning downloaded the proctor app to my phone. I was working through my first timed section with the batman voice. I was so focused that the five minute warning startled me. Yikes!! It didn't help that I was alone in a quiet room. Oh the joys of interactive study aids!


  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    Haha it's my favourite voice. It's so intense that it gets you really wanting to kick the crap out of the PT.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    HAH. Had never listened to this one before (I've always gone straight to @"J.Y. Ping" for the sweet sweet soothing sounds) but I think I gotta use it now. Can't get TOO serious about this beloved crap. For real tho.
  • KimberlyKKimberlyK Alum Member
    217 karma
    I am reminded of those internet videos that used to float around where you are watching some soothing video, then some image pops up to shock you. You know.....That wouldn't be all that bad for say adding stress while you are practicing, if say the batman voice would at some unexpected time say "I'm Batman!" And remember you are trying to create the most real environment, so no laughing.....:D
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    @nicole.hopkins Haha I've always used Gayle! I have to switch it up now.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I accidentally switched voices once during the 15 minute break to check out all the different ones to kill some time and it started new timers multiple times while the first one kept going, it was a disaster. hahah
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