@dodo21 said:
Hello everyone, I'm putting together a study group for the June/August 2022 exams!
I've personally scored a 172 on the official February exam, and now I'm shooting for 175+! People from all levels and scores are welcome though.
I am thinking of going through a PT a weeek, and reviewing it together. We could of course do more than that, for example, individual sections and more.
I want to have a server with a sense of community, where it isn't just about doing that one PT a week. We will also have channels for help in different sections of the LSAT, and for just chatting. I personally enjoy explaining things to others, which helps me solidify my own understanding.
As mentioned in the title, a good friend of mine, who is a tutor with an official 178 will be on the server. He'll be available for advice and to answer LSAT questions.
Drop a comment if you're interested, and I'll send you the invite link!!
Edit: Wow this got a lot more attention than I expected! Thanks a lot to everyone who joined or showed interest! We're now at 75 people, and the server is full. More than 75 would have been an unmanageable number, since we want to meet every week (though probably not everyone will participate). My apologies to anyone who wanted to join, but couldn't. We'll invite more people after the June test, since many will leave after that. Thanks again everyone, and I wish you the very best in your LSAT journey!
Hey! I'm also planning to take my LSAT in June. I would love to join to fina community to help motivate me
Interested! I want like to join
Hi my name is Tia! I'm interested in joining your group!
i am interested
I'm interested in joining this. Please, let me in.
Sent an invite to you!
I've sent invites to everyone who has posted recently! There's still room for more
> @Laurynwell said:
Hi! Interested to join - unsure if there are any spots available? Planning on taking the test in August or September.
There are still spots available, sent an invite to you!
Hi Im interested in joining
Sent you an invite!
I've sent invites to everyone who said they were interested recently. We still have many spots open!
im interested too !!
Now that the June test has passed, if there are any open slots, I'd love to join!
hi! i'd love to join
I'm interested! Hoping to take Aug LSAT
Delighted to join if there is vacant for the August test
Hi, i'm interested in joining. I will be taking the LSAT for the first time and I'm currently struggling with raising my score. I need help.
Hi if any slots are open I'd love to join!
Hello, I would love to join this group!
also interested, if there's room left!!
Yeah there's room left! Sent you (and everyone before you) an invite
Would love to join for October
Hello, I’m interested in joining.
Would love to join when spots open up!
Hello hello, just sharing that I would love to join.
Hey @dodo21 I'm interested! Can you please pull me in too? I'm Iti from Toronto, Canada
Oh nice, same city here!!
Hey! I'm also planning to take my LSAT in June. I would love to join to fina community to help motivate me
Do you mean June 2023? Because the June LSAT for this year has passed
Sent you an invite though!
I am interested if you are still accepting people. I am taking the August LSAT.