PTF97.S3.Q25 - The Venetian Rennaissance painter...

erica.barraerica.barra Core Member
edited June 2022 in Logical Reasoning 46 karma

Can someone please help me understand why AC D is correct and why the 4 other answer choices are incorrect?

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  • paulyou77paulyou77 Core Member
    edited June 2022 74 karma

    So first of all, I am not good in LR myself so I might be wrong. (feel free to correct me if I am wrong because I am also curious on how to approach this)

    I thought the question goes like this.
    VITC ㅡmost> SRED
    conclusion: SREDㅡ>VITC
    What was wrong with this is that there is no contrapositive with for most statements (even if there was a negation, but there isn't) Just because some guy used this Red in most of his paintings, it does not necessarily mean that all this Red color paintings are painted by this guy.

    D: EFㅡmost> T (most Early Florentine paintings were in Tempera)
    conclusion: Tㅡ>EF (... probably an EF "since" it is in Tempera)
    so a similar pattern in D

    A: RPㅡmost> T or O
    conclusion: Oㅡ>O

    B:IRㅡ>Virgin and Child
    conclusion: Western Artㅡ>Virgin and Child.

    I am a little confused with this one.
    C: RAㅡmost> Patrons (Most Renaissance Art by patrons)
    (Dances of T is a Renaissance Art so)
    conclusion: Dances of Tㅡ> Renaissance Artㅡmost>Patrons
    However I am not so sure if Probably means Most here... I thought it had to go like
    Dances of Tㅡ>Patrons (someone please help)

    Also here. Is probably Most?
    E: LRㅡmost> O
    conclusion: Arnoldiㅡ>LRㅡmost>O

    Is probably MOST? how do I diagram Probably...? (if if is even possible)

  • Aastha SAastha S Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited June 2022 416 karma

    When looking at the argument, we can water down the logic by saying most of A (VC's paintings) was B (red), something is B, therefore it is probably also A. Sometimes, having a simple translation like this can be helpful to quickly filter through answer choices!

    A: This answer choice starts off by saying most of A (Renaissance painters) is either B (tempera) or C (oil). We already know that this doesn't match our original argument because the original doesn't take a two pronged approach.
    B: This answer choice says most of A (IR painting) is B (virgin and child), therefore most of C (western art) is B (virgin and child). Because it introduces a third group (western art) we know it doesn't match our original argument.
    C: This answer choice begins by saying most of A (Renaissance art) is B (patron). If this were the right answer choice, the conclusion should have said something is B (patron) and therefore it is also A (Renaissance art). Instead, the conclusion says something A (Renaissance art) therefore B (patron). This answer choice is almost right, but the conclusion is in the wrong order.
    D : This answer choice mirrors our original argument perfectly. The support says most of A (Florentine paintings) was B (Tempera). The conclusion then says because this thing is B (Tempera) it is therefore A (Florentine painting).
    E: This answer choice is wrong for the same reason C is wrong. While the support does say most of A (late-renaissance paintings) were B (oil), the conclusion says something was A and therefore it was also B. To be correct, the conclusion should be the other way around.

    I hope this was helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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