Problem Set Changes Going Live Tonight (Wednesday night / Thursday morning)

Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
edited July 2015 in General 3128 karma
Good news, we finished the problem set changes! The problem set overhaul is going live tonight (Wednesday night / Thursday morning) at:

12am midnight Pacific time
4am Eastern time

The change requires a lot of manual changes to the course, so it will take at least a couple of hours for me to complete the change. During that time the site will still be completely available, but there will be temporary weirdness with the arrangement of problem sets in the course.

As we mentioned earlier, if you are in the middle of a group of problem sets, please try to finish the problem sets before the change over and delay further problem sets until after the change happens.

Once the change is done, you will see only the new problem sets. You will be able switch between the old problem sets and the new problem sets from the Account page.

We will be adding this option so that students who signed up before April 24th 2015 and have copies of the old PDFs. If you signed up with 7Sage after April 24th, we recommend using the new problem sets and ignoring the old problem sets.


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    @"Alan Cheuk" said:
    there will be temporary weirdness
    Let's get weird! Let's get weird!
  • selenaa.c.59selenaa.c.59 Member
    14 karma
    Hey Alan,

    I was just wondering what do you mean by problem sets? Will the example problem sets also be changing or is it just our practice problem sets? I just started the course and I've just gotten to "Main Point & Main Conclusion Questions Problem Set 1", should I just wait for the update to go through and do the new ones then?
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    @selenaa.c.59 said:
    I was just wondering what do you mean by problem sets?
    You can see more info here, Selena:
  • But just to be clear (because I read the full link above + this recent post) the *new* members (those that signed-up after April 24) will still have access to the "Old Set Problems", right? At least the rest of the year even though it's not recommended that we use them. I only ask b/c I would like to use the Old Set Problems for extra practice...and I'm wondering if I should go in and physically save them now, for myself if it's not the case >.<
  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    edited July 2015 3128 karma
    @StandingOnTheSun180 said:
    the *new* members (those that signed-up after April 24) will still have access to the "Old Set Problems", right?
    Yup, people who signed up between April 24 and next week will have access to the Old Problem Sets. In other words, if you already signed up you will have access to the Old Problem Sets.

    We're deprecating those problem sets and will eventually phase them out completely. They complicate the system, but we're keeping them available for people who have the old PDFs. Students who sign up after next week won't have access to the Old Problem Sets option.
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    Wow, really liking the new problem set and videos in case you don't have the questions.

    Good job guys, worth the wait.
  • DrackedaryDrackedary Member
    239 karma
    I'm really glad you guys set up the new problem sets with a video option. This is very convenient! Thanks!
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Retro functionality works great @"Alan Cheuk" thanks so much for adding this, now my syllabus is looking good again!
  • Samcandoit!Samcandoit! Alum Member
    71 karma
    @"Alan Cheuk" , My issue is that I was using the old problem sets and finish some of them. I downloaded all the pdfs. I want to use the new problem set. Do you think I should dismiss the changes for those problem set I have finished or come back and finish those have been added?
  • ljb262ljb262 Member
    5 karma
    Hey sorry about this. You said we could find the old problem sets if we went to Account? Maybe I'm just missing it, but I don't see an option for the old problem sets. Could someone help me out please?

    Thank you!

    PS - And thank you for the hard work in updating them!
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    There is a tiny little check box on the top left on your settings page. Make sure to save changes!
  • ljb262ljb262 Member
    5 karma
    Oh I see! Thank you! If we check that box, are we locked into the old problem sets, or can we toggle between the two?

    Thank you again for your help!
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Toggle away!
  • shermankrsshermankrs Alum Member
    80 karma
    Thank you for leaving the option of the old problem sets. Makes it simpler for those of us who did get the opportunity to download the PDFs before LSAC made everyone take them down.
  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma
    @Matt1234567, @Drackedary, @Pacifico, @ljb262, @shermankrs Thank you for the encouragement! I was pretty nervous about putting out so many changes at once - we normally like to roll out changes incrementally in the background. So I'm really happy it went smoothly!
  • mc_meattmc_meatt Alum Member
    123 karma
    the videos of the new sets ~ not working. no sound
  • allison.gill.sanfordallison.gill.sanford Alum Inactive Sage
    1128 karma
    @"Alan Cheuk" just a heads up at lease some of the new problem sets for LG have dropped the game designation; it specifies which PT and section, but not which specific game. I didn't check all of them, but I noticed this with a couple sections for the grouping game intro sets. Can this be fixed soon?
    Thanks! Know you all are working hard and the change is a lot to roll out at once.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    @mc_meatt are you referring to the question videos or the explanation videos? I know when they first posted the new sets they put up videos of the questions simply to time yourself and not to explain the question.
  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma
    @allison.gill.sanford said:
    some of the new problem sets for LG have dropped the game designation; it specifies which PT and section, but not which specific game.
    I knew the smooth rollout was too good to be true >_< Thanks!

    This bug affected the RC problem sets too. I pushed out the fix a minute ago, and it should work properly now (you might need to do a force refresh).
  • SDRose11SDRose11 Member
    30 karma
    Thank you for maintaining this constant/open communication with the 7sage user base!

    Wanted to make sure my syllabus is reflecting the correct time for the Necessary Assumptions section? Mine jumped from the originally allotted 7.5 hours to 35 hours. Didn't realize how much happy motivation my progress tracker gave me, until i opened up my dashboard today and saw that i am now at 75% complete (vs 87% complete) T_T

  • mc_meattmc_meatt Alum Member
    123 karma
    @Alan so there's no explanation videos for the new prob sets?
  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma
    @SDRose11 said:
    Wanted to make sure my syllabus is reflecting the correct time for the Necessary Assumptions section?
    Thanks for letting me know about this issue! There was a mistake that was overestimating the time required for those problem sets by a LOT. It's fixed now!
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14289 karma
    @"mc_meatt" said:
    so there's no explanation videos for the new prob sets?
    Hmmm... the LG explanations are 100% there. The RC explanations will be 100% there within 2 days. The LR explanations are not close to 100% there. I'm working on the LR explanations.
  • allison.gill.sanfordallison.gill.sanford Alum Inactive Sage
    1128 karma
    @"Alan Cheuk" thank you for the fix!!
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