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Avatario43Avatario43 Core Member
in General 198 karma

I know strengths and weaknesses and the whole memo - but for drilling mode when I wanna practice various question types how many should I be doing ? 25- 30? like whats counter productive? I did 40 for lr and it seemed too much


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    edited August 2022 2245 karma

    I think it comes down to personal feel, to a large extent. There's a couple of metrics you could use: one way to do it, and perhaps most intuitively, is to drill until a question type seems easier or more natural. This typically means you've found an approach or way of thinking that "works" for attacking the question type. Another way to measure progress and know when to stop is if you're consistently answering difficult questions correctly (meaning questions that are more than two or three stars) of the question type you're studying. I'm sure you could decide when to stop by measuring progress in different ways, but these are the best methods I can think of.

    All of this is to say that I wouldn't recommend that you decide on a certain number of questions to drill before you start drilling. Rather, I think it would be more effective to let your comfort level and results determine how many questions is "enough." For some question types, you may be pleasantly surprised that you get the hang of them in ten or fifteen questions. For others, it could take north of forty or fifty. If you decide on a number of problems to drill before seeing how you're doing, however, you may greatly overestimate or underestimate the amount you need.

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