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I tend to get Headaches when taking PTs.

TokhajaanTokhajaan Member
in General 130 karma

When I take PTs, I always get headaches. Is it something normal for others too? That's why I feel like I perform better in timed sections rather than in PTs. Any suggestions on how to not get headaches when taking PTs?


  • chocolatesprinkles-1chocolatesprinkles-1 Alum Member
    22 karma

    Hey! Are you usually stressed when taking a PT? Or like put pressure on yourself or afraid of a bad score? Don't quote me on it, but I think the headache might be stress-induced! I get very sleepy during mine and thats stress induced too I think. Try taking a nap before attempting a PT and make sure you are drinking a lot of water that helps too! Do you get a PT every single time? Maybe try changing the time you take it and see if that helps!!

    Hope your headaches go away soon :)

  • Thy RainThy Rain Core Member
    99 karma

    Me personally, I don't always get a headache during a PT. But when I do, I take an Advil. I also try meditating a few minutes before my exam! Also to warm up your brain, try doing past easy LG games just by drawing the game board and inferences! This will help in warming up your brain!

    Best of luck!

  • TokhajaanTokhajaan Member
    130 karma

    Thank you guys

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