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Retaking a 164?

Gz412326Gz412326 Alum Member
in General 92 karma
I have a 3.3 GPA (I know) and unique softs (international WE for a MNC and I teach Legal English at an international law school) but I would really like to target T14 schools. This is my 3rd time taking the LSAT (took it twice in 2013) and frankly I am feeling so frustrated because each time I took it I scored lower than practice exams. This time I was BRing in the low 170's and PTing in the high 160's. I also just received a promotion at work so I am expecting more work and travel in the near future so I don't know if I will be able to study as hard as I did for the June exam. I guess my question is this: at what point to you make peace with your LSAT score and move forward?


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    When you're actually okay with any of your options. Far too many people pick reach, target and safety schools but have no intention or desire to ever attend their safety schools. While I would love to snag a T14 admission, I chose safety schools that I would be very happy to attend for a variety of reasons and I know I'll still become a lawyer when all is said and done. You should reevaluate what would really make you happy, and find safety schools that you can be content with that you can get into with your current score. Once you do this, a lot of the pressure comes off and you can try one last retake and see how it goes from there. Worst case scenario you go to your safety school, best case you hit the T14 you want. As much as I want the T14, there is more to life than the T14 and I'll be just fine if I don't make it there.
  • NYC12345NYC12345 Alum Inactive Sage
    1654 karma
    I think you have to be very realistic here. Unless your father is Lloyd Blankfein, the CEO of Goldman Sachs, or an alumni who donated a building to the school, I don't think you should an acceptance in the T14. I'm just being brutally honest here. With your GPA you would need at least 169 to have a shot at the lower T14. As @Pacifico asserted, there is more to life than the T14. You have to figure out whether you will be content going to one of your initial safety schools. The vast majority of students go to regional schools, and plenty of them do well.
  • Chipster StudyChipster Study Yearly Member
    893 karma
    Penn, of course, is in Philly and is upper half T14. But, the entire city and legal community runs on Temple's law graduates.
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