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weakening questions

ninaaaa15ninaaaa15 Alum Member

Hello, everyone, I have been studying for the LSAT for about two weeks now, and I'm having a very, very hard time understanding weakening questions, and the highest score I've received on the drills is a 3/5. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to get better at weakening questions? I have a very hard time picking out the wrong answer choices.


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    Weakening and strengthening questions are common question types you hear people struggling with. I think this is largely because you not only have to identify the assumptions made by an argument, but you have to also choose an answer choice that properly weakens (or strengthens for strengthening questions) that assumption. With flaw questions, for instance, you mostly just have to spot the assumption. The good news is that weakening questions, like all other question types, can be learned.

    If you’re truly only two weeks into studying, I’d recommend something that may sound a bit counterintuitive: do some more problems sets them move on in the curriculum. Don’t get hung up on weakening questions. I say this because progressing through the curriculum and engaging with other question types will naturally help you with weakening questions. Most questions in LR require you to spot assumptions. That’s just the nature of the section. By engaging with other question types and seeing how they attack or support assumptions, it will likely help you to have a more intuitive feel for weakening questions. If you’re still struggling when you revisit the question type later, then you may want to create a drill set with, say, all two star questions, then once you get accurate with them start making three star sets, then four, etc. Just remember that with repetition and proper review, where you highly scrutinize each answer choice, you can and will get better!

  • ninaaaa15ninaaaa15 Alum Member
    124 karma

    @"Matt Sorr" thank you so much for the advice I’m really new to this and any advice is greatly appreciated thank you I will try out your method!!!

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