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Going through CC taking longer than I though

oitovidasoitovidas Alum Member
in General 50 karma


After repeatedly getting diagnostics in the 130's I decided to get 7sage in January 2021. I foolishly believed that I only needed help with Logic Games and put the bulk of my focus there but I realized Logic Games was taking me a REALLY long term to get through so I decided midway through 2021 to go through the entire CC in order beginning with lesson one. I also decided I wouldn't do another PT until I have finished the CC and have a solid understanding of how this exam works. Sometimes, I would spend hours slaving over a topic until I understood it and as such my progress through the CC has been slower than I hoped for. Am I taking the right approach? Is there a better approach to this?


  • ClaudioD21ClaudioD21 Member
    414 karma

    I would recommend doing at least 1 PT per week. While PTs are a limited resource, they’re also good indicators of where you’re struggling and where you’re not. Going through the CC is good but you need to be applying and practicing what you're learning if you want the concepts to stick. I would recommend drilling LG heavily and repeat them till you’re getting -0 on the hard ones. Some games you might need to repeat 5+ times and you’ll need to do 100+ games to really get them down. It’s tedious and time consuming but it’s the only way to improve in my experience. Good luck!

  • grugthesluggrugtheslug Member
    107 karma

    I'm gonna get some hate for this and it's not the answer you're looking for but it's what I'd tell a homie. Honestly if it's been over a year and a half and you're still struggling with just the CC assuming you're putting your honest to god heart and soul into studying you might want to consider doing something else. If you're not PT'ing in your target score range over two admission cycles, maybe this shit just isn't for you man.

  • oitovidasoitovidas Alum Member
    50 karma

    @grugtheslug said:
    I'm gonna get some hate for this and it's not the answer you're looking for but it's what I'd tell a homie. Honestly if it's been over a year and a half and you're still struggling with just the CC assuming you're putting your honest to god heart and soul into studying you might want to consider doing something else. If you're not PT'ing in your target score range over two admission cycles, maybe this shit just isn't for you man.

    Thank you, I'm going to assume that this is coming from a good place but I already told myself that I will not let this test defeat me.

  • grugthesluggrugtheslug Member
    107 karma

    @nv242 said:

    Thank you, I'm going to assume that this is coming from a good place but I already told myself that I will not let this test defeat me.

    good shit. then you're gonna need to tighten up. the CC is the foundation - as I'm sure you've seen in your practice tests, the LSAC has an infinite bag of tricks and the only way through is a solid grasp of the foundation. Personally I'm revisiting the cross LR/LG relevant lawgic rules regarding advanced conditionality (bi-conditionals, the never together/never apart stuff) since I've gotten burned in my games work by not paying enough attention to the LR fundamentals.

    For LR - lawgic lawgic lawgic
    For LG - do more games and develop a journal of patterns/gameboard specific inferences
    For RC - read more - not only LSAT passages but also just general knowledge about history/sciences/economics/whatever area of interest you have - then generate a model that works for you to parse out both details and structure.

    best of luck boss

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