Recent LR Sections vs. Older -- What am I missing?

I am preparing for the October test (been studying for a year and a half) and I took PT 92 this past weekend, scored 169 (170 if the experimental LG had been the real one). RC is harder than previous PTs (I missed -5) but something even stranger is the LR section. I can't put my finger on it but the recent LR sections are more difficult and a bit scary during timed sessions even during the first 10-15 questions which in previous tests were lighter and practice for the difficult questions later in the section.

How should I prepare for October? Has anyone noticed the difference and what exactly is different? For me, it feels like the language is the issue in that not only is it more abstract but also unnecessarily convoluted, whereas previous PTs were worded fairly legibly and focused more on the formal logic behind the questions.

I am aiming for 173+ and I just need some help in figuring out my LR strategy. I think if I can conquer this new LR format and control RC a bit (even go to -3 from -5) my score would improve tremendously.


  • miknivek911miknivek911 Member
    23 karma

    Agree with this sentiment, would appreciate some answers. I've also been regressing as I use more recent tests

  • ClaudioD21ClaudioD21 Member
    414 karma

    @miknivek911 said:
    Agree with this sentiment, would appreciate some answers. I've also been regressing as I use more recent tests

    Happened to me too. Literally went -15 my first ever LR section after starting the 80s. I found that revisiting some of the fundamentals from the CC helped me. It seems like I was overthinking most questions due to the presumption that the 80s PTs are harder. I went back to basics and the root of the questions and went back to scoring how I previously was. New LR seems to be just more cluttered and abstract to cause panic/confusion when the structure actually isn’t all that different.

  • mfelix31mfelix31 Live Member
    16 karma
  • @ClaudioD21 said:
    I found that revisiting some of the fundamentals from the CC helped me. It seems like I was overthinking most questions due to the presumption that the 80s PTs are harder. I went back to basics and the root of the questions and went back to scoring how I previously was.

    What did you go back to in the fundamentals for this to click? The lessons for each question type or a particular overarching lesson? How long did it take before you started scoring as you previously were?

  • ClaudioD21ClaudioD21 Member
    414 karma

    @LawschoolhereIcome said:

    @ClaudioD21 said:
    I found that revisiting some of the fundamentals from the CC helped me. It seems like I was overthinking most questions due to the presumption that the 80s PTs are harder. I went back to basics and the root of the questions and went back to scoring how I previously was.

    What did you go back to in the fundamentals for this to click? The lessons for each question type or a particular overarching lesson? How long did it take before you started scoring as you previously were?

    Yeah I basically went and rewatched a lot of the videos from the CC. The ones that specifically focused on how to approach the different question types and that seems to have helped. In terms of how long I’d say pretty quickly as in like the same week. I took PT83 and that’s where I got destroyed with the -15 in LR and the same week (after reviewing CC) I went to PT84 and got a -6 which is more in line with what I was previously scoring. For context, PT84 LR is rated 1 star higher in difficulty by 7Sage so I don’t think I did better on 84 simply because the LR section was actually easier. Not sure if PT83 is an outlier but hope this helps nonetheless.

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